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Posts posted by hhboots

  1. Age should have much less to do with wearing leather than body shape. If an older person has the body for it, I say go for it, by all means. But a person that is significantly overweight, sorry, but you should rethink your outfit (well, if you do it in private thats fine, but in public, just say no...) :smile: OK, that probably sounded terribly shallow, sorry about that.

  2. I've been shaving again for nearly 5 months, having decided that having legs hairer than your average monkey didn't look/feel right with heels. Tried one of these a couple of weeks ago, and haven'y been near a razor since.

    First go was not very pleasant, but top-ups are significantly easier, and significantly less frequent than shaving. Comes highly recommended, especially if you need to shave daily, as I did.

    :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

    Had to follow up on this one... I finally got an epilator a few weeks after I saw freddy's post (I was previously shaving and was excited at the concept of not shaving). So ya, the first round is pretty tough, I actually had to break it down into sections, as some parts of the body are much easier to epilate than others, but over the span of about 3-4 days (in short sessions), I got everything done.

    I really love the results, I am pretty excited about not having to worry about body hair for a month, and I am thinking the next cycle on this will go much easier and the hair will be much finer when it finally comes back too. Should be able to do follow ups in a single shot now.:smile:

  3. Recently redid my avatar, and that is me. I know, they are not exciting shoes or anything, but I wanted to show my common street-heeling attire. From the angle of the shot, they really look like nothing, but those are actually 4.25". I have about 12 or so very similar looking street heel boots, attached are a few of my most recent ebay purchases. Again, nothing exciting really, but its what i use in public anyway...





  4. I'll assume the poster probably had good intentions, so I will try to answer this in that respect. I have a daughter, and until she is done growing and to make sure her achilles tendon, bones, etc are done developing properly, we will probably not let her wear anything above 1-1.5 inches until at the earliest 14 years of age. After that, we'll see.

  5. I really like the replies from Jamie and Saturn on this thread, very well thought out guys.

    I agree, it may not seem fair to us guys that are trying to blur the lines of fashion and be accepted for wanting to wear items of clothing that are less than masculine, but you are right that men have had a huge advantage over women in so many areas for countless centuries. Only in the last 100 years have women had the coming of equality, and of course it is not all there yet, there is still some balancing to go on there, but they do have the right to enjoy advantages in certain things that we may not think is fair.

    I have been on the other side of this discussion before saying, it really sucks that women get to enjoy whatever they want in fashion, and that their fashion selections are virtually limitless, while we men get the selection of looking like boring clones of each other. I really like that things are very gradually coming to a balance for us men in fashion, there is a long way to go there, but we have to fight the right to blur the fashion lines one step at a time and do it tastefully and gradually, or in my opinion it takes us a step backward (as in those out there that just see a pervert rather than what might be really a fashion conscious guy).

    Anyway, wanted to say I liked the points made by both of you in those posts, very nicely done.

  6. Umm, is it just me or anyone else notice this...

    I am just wondering why about 90% of Maninkirt's replies are with he and his boyfriend having a conversation with each other. I mean look at his profile and look at EVERY one of his replies. He starts his message often saying his boyfriend just called, and then continues his reply in the form of a dialog with him and his boyfriend to complete the message. :smile:

  7. I agree with Bubba. Lying and deceiving your dad to get them is not the answer. Plus, even if you did manage to do all of this without him asking, your dad will get the credit card statement afterward and it says the vendor name for each line item. Anyway, I know you probably have a very strong urge to do something that pushes the rules of morality to get something you want this strongly. Save up some cash, and I have an idea for you: Ebay. There are a variety of ballet boots there all the time, and you can setup the the PayPal account to use your checking account. This leaves your dad's credit card out of the picture and keeps you from doing something you may regret later. It may take you a bit more time to get them, but just be patient. Often, heat of the moment decisions are the worst ones when it comes to passions/urges, just be mindful of that...

  8. Leather of course is higher quality and looks great, but something about stretch material such as many of the PU knee boots has a very nice feel, that and it usually is about 1/2 the cost (and well, 1/2 the durability of leather too). My collection is about 60% leather boots, 40% synthetic boots, but none are the shiny type of patent leather (not my style).

  9. The only time I ever had any blackouts that bad and doing things I didn't remember the next day was when I was in my late teens to early 20's and was either drinking 3x more than I should or was experimenting with things I shouldn't have. :smile: Sounds like you need to stay far away from that Ambien if thats what it does to you.

  10. :smile: Great looking boots... Very nicely told story of your first outing and congrats on doing it. It sounds like you are well on your way. :thumbsup: After nearly a year of doing street heeling, I am much more comfortable about it, but still have some hesitation taking that first step out of the car and still get quite a bit of adreneline surge every time I do it. There is nothing like it.
  11. I am just now catching up on this thread. You have had some very nice stories and inspiring words throughout this thread HF. I am very glad you have been enjoying your summer outing experiences and shared them so well. :smile: Also, I redid my avatar a few days ago, and I didn't realize I seem to have inadvertantly taken inspiration from HF's avatar, as it has a similar theme it looks like. I plan to redo mine next week with a better camera, that was a blurry cell phone shot, poor lighting conditions, then touched up (basically removed color) to try to help the picture not look so crappy. :thumbsup: Anyway, I'll try to not make the new avatar I make next week not look like a HF ripoff if at all possible. :thumbsup:

  12. ...I have found that the ouch pads wern't enough padding so that's why I got these Leo's soft rubber gel pads they are similar to other brands pads. These have made walking in my boots almost a brease.

    Hey Thanks, I'll have to try the Leo pads! I had tried Ouch Pouches before, and I agree they are pretty thin padding, not really helping me that much in the boots. So, reading up on some reviews... it seems ballerina's really prefer the Ouch Pouches more the Leo's because they WANT to feel the floor, but of course I am not a ballerina and DO NOT want to feel the floor. :smile: So Leo's L4 pads I will try for sure (the Leo's L5 has less padding similar to the Ouch Pouches).

  13. You won't make some friends by ragging on bikers. I will personally call you DUH until you earn the respect due when you refer to BIKERS in any form. GOT IT???

    It would probably be the very angry post above that started this old thread up again. It was apparently a cross reference from this thread started by edmondsean who appears to be the same guy as Misazeno. I see the admins deleted the post by Super Heels on the other thread.

    Hope that clears it up. :smile:

  14. Its awesome that you can do this and are even getting complimented. :smile:

    I'm still working on the confidence/courage to do this at work, I do wear them virtually everywhere else now, but just can't make that final leap at work for whatever reason.

    Maybe I feel I have too much to lose when I have established a long standing, very comfortable and well paying job, that I need to support my family, etc, and I don't want anything to jeopardize that just for my desire to wear heels. I’m sure it would be fine, just like your situation if I ever did make the leap here, but just so hard to do. :thumbsup:

  15. A shame about the heels fog, perhaps you can eventually return to some more moderate heels on occasion, but your health is of course most important. I hope I dont ever have to give up heels. I am sure I'll have to eventually, but will enjoy the heck out of them while I can. I have bunions which seem to run in my family. Although I know my condition preceded my heel wearing (noticed having them since before the age of 10), I realize that my heel wearing is not helping this at all. I do my best to avoid very narrow or overly pointy heels, so perhaps the damage I am causing is slower, but it is still there.

  16. Black and brown for me, but mainly because I am not advertising my street heels. I also make sure to get heels that don't clack on the floor, same reason. Otherwise, I do like white, perhaps red as well, and a few other earthy/darker colors.

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