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Posts posted by hhboots

  1. Good point Scott... after reading stories and seeing pictures of your outings in higher heels right from the start, you are a clear example of one that can pull it off from day one. There were just several recent posts of guys trying to go out in 5-6" heels for their first outing and they sounded like they were kind of tough going, and I can only imagine the awkwardness of them trying to appear confident and non-chalant in those shoes. But you are correct, my message perhaps does not apply to all, no biggie :w00t2:

  2. I am done here on this thread, this all got blown way out of proportion. My initial message was just to add clarity to what I answered and that I initially interpretted the poll another way. Of course, someone made it painfully clear how 'obtuse' I was and which I should have picked. Moving on, this is not worth my time. :w00t2:

  3. This thread starter didn't want to know where you were on the male~female dress-code continuum. You and anyone else reading the thread were asked a simple question, but it would seem you (and others) want to complicate the answer?

    And then start a bickering session because it was either "too deep" or "didn't have enough categories for a precise answer"?


    Excuse me, but you started the bickering in this thread, no one else. I had only pointed out that you were correct in that I misinterpretted the original intent of the poll/question. You were the one that started out by calling people obtuse.

  4. Great post Jeff, I fully agree with you. Good tips for many that are taking their first steps out. I want to add for those newer to street heeling, especially those that are very nervous about it... I read time and time again in many of the posts here of guys going out their first time, wearing blatantly obvious and extreme heels. Well, unfortunately, you probably look and feel like a sore thumb in public. You want to appear confident in your walk, and walking out in those types of shoes, you will end up spending a great deal of time concentrating on your steps, and less time looking comfortable and natural in your shoes. You may feel great about yourself at home in those super sexy shoes, but honestly, if you want to go out in public with heels, wear what a typical woman (even a woman that loves heels) would wear. Stick with 3-4" heels at least initially until your confidence and skill increase, then perhaps you can go for the gold and wear exactly what you want I suppose (while still falling within Jeff's suggestions in his post). Don't want to set anybody off, but please be realistic about your first public outings. :w00t2:

  5. Has the original question changed, or are many here being obtuse?

    The question is simply enough. Are you a man that wears heels, or are you a man who wears heels and more?


    Hmm, I suppose I was obtuse when taking the poll, Freddy. :w00t2: I'm not sure why you are taking such an interest in how we all classify ourselves as I have seen several recent posts from you in a similar manner. Maybe you just want us to be more honest with ourselves? *shrug*

    I guess I originally thought the two choices were too limiting, I chose "man in heels" because in my mind I identified closer to that, and felt "other" was more for regular CD's. But, as you stated, Johnie is asking are you a guy in heels or do you do anything more than that. So for that matter this would include at least 80% of the guys in this forum to be honest.

    My overall appearance still leans toward more masculine than not, but my public attire includes women's cut jeans (other than being tighter than most mens jeans, they are not obvious as being so) and for a smoother look with tighter fitting jeans, I sometimes wear tights underneath, too.

    So that (plus my recent more photos posted here) puts me well into the "other" category. Thanks for pointing out my obtuseness freddy. :lmao:


    Another thing to add, I felt the poll in this other thread covered the spectrum a bit more clearly (to me anyway), and I notice that in that thread which I had answered several months ago, I answered it more accurately.

  6. I am pretty happy with my size, I wear a 9.5 - 10 US Women's which most varieties come in standard. My only issue is I have wider feet than most women's shoes are made, unless I explicitly buy a "wide" which does seem a bit harder to find. I can wear most medium width women's shoes, but do get a bit sore after a few hours in many of them with some fortunate exceptions that are made a bit wider in medium. In the comperable men's shoe size, the width of my feet was never an issue.

  7. Great telling of your outing there HHlover, the first times out can be nerve racking and at the same time incredible once you do it. Getting out of the car can be the biggest struggle in your mind. Even after a year of street heeling, I still get the hesitation, especially if I am wearing something more daring than usual. Once you do it though, you will realize, 99% of the people either won't notice or won't react at all (although I have not done 6" heels in public, so that might change the percentage a bit :w00t2: ) . Have fun with it, there is nothing like this in the world. I think as was mentioned in another thread, the taboo part of doing this in public is half the fun, but I still would wear them just as often even if some how they magically were accepted as normal for men.

  8. Pretty similar to how secondtake20 stated, 95% just a man in heels, 5% crossdresser roughly. Its fun to do from time to time, I even share it with the wife on some occasions, but I rarely get the time to do it or have the desire to spend more time as a CD. Honestly, the pictures i have posted here in the last month or two is more CD than I have done in a long time. But the fun of it still exists, so there is no way I could deny being an occasional, at home CD.

  9. Hello guys,

    I have to wonder where all the pictures of male heel wearers are who are proud to be males?

    So far it helps to confirm my theory about guys needing to create their own idealized a female image. An image that you yourself are in control of.


    Well, I partially agree with that. I don't normally go to this extreme in dressing up, but when I think leg contest, I wouldn't think someone is going to win with hair on the legs and more butch looking legs while wearing high heels, but I may be wrong. I mean, I am sure you as a female would probably rather see a picture of very masculine looking legs, but it wouldn't work well in a pair of high heels (the core of this forum) would it?

    On the other hand, it is indeed fun to be able to create an image of women that I love, and it isn't even sexual, it just feels good to (be able to) do on that rare occasion.

  10. For some of my very first streetheels, I had a hard time finding the more discreet looking heels that I liked and ones that looked how I wanted. So yes, when I found the ones that were very close to the look I wanted, I bought two identical pairs of a couple types that I have since I felt they were so hard to find in the first place, I didnt want to chance it :winkiss: I haven't done that in a while since I have become somewhat more relaxed about streetheeling over time and have expanded my choices for what I will wear out.

  11. I'm with spikes and trevor, I am not a platform fan, I just don't get why 95% of exotic dancers feel it is a requirement to wear them. I usually find the 5% that wear the very high heels with mini or no platform to be much more sexy IMO. I think you should stick with the catwalk shoes you mentioned or with hidden plats like spiker mentioned. I have shoes similar to both and many others with platforms up to about 1.25", but anything more just doesn't do it for me.

  12. Wow......

    Last night (about two hours ago), as I was soaking in the bath, after shaving my face I did the most incredible thing :)

    I went for it, I shaved my legs and oh my god, it was the most amazing feeling in the world. It did not stop there either, I even did my chest too.


    I only pray that the wife doesn't find it repulsive.


    Patentheel :winkiss:

    Wow Patent, with some of the earlier shots of your legs, I never would have guessed that you didn't shave your legs. I guess you were just wearing some thick skin color tights in those photos? Well, still they look great anyway, and shoot if you are now shaving, those photos are only going to get better... :nervous:

    For me, it has been a hard pill for the wife to swallow, but she now accepts it, still seems a bit uneasy about it at times, but she isn't freaking out about it anymore. Well, if your wife initially does freak out, give it time, she may come around. Hopefully... :sad:

  13. i am sort of confused by the categories...i dont try to pass as fem at all(shaved head,goatee,etc) i wear my boots with full fetish leather usually. i guess the boots and my opera to shoulder length gloves could be consider fem..but not the rest. i suppose i defy categorization...lol...i love it.

    :winkiss: hehe ... I would guess there are many here that don't fit neatly into one category. However, if I was to classify your description, I would call that almost a "show off" perhaps. :nervous: Just my 2 cents though

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