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Posts posted by hhboots

  1. what does your wife says about your legs so well shaved? does she knows about your hobbie? thanks for sharing

    She knows I street heel, and almost everything I do in this realm. I have been a bit more secret about posting these recent pictures of me however.

    She doesnt mind me shaving (actually I use an epilator), but she prefers that I leave at least some short hair on my calves. I agree especially for wearing shorts in the summer, but I just recently did the full leg hair removal for a change of pace and since I can cover it easily this time of year. I probably will only keep it for a few weeks though then go back to my usual look with a little bit more leg hair.

  2. I had been out of town, and just now had a chance to take some shots with better shoes. Hope these look a bit more appropriate. Our good camera stays with the wife and I don't want ask her to use it for this, so using a crappy cell phone for the shots, sorry the photos are a bit blurry.




  3. Ahh nothing wrong with that... I pretty much only do heels in public (ok, with women's jeans too).

    I have the same issue as you. My legs are good enough, but from the neck up, nope, cant pull it off. :winkiss: I have a thread with some similar photos of me, but in ankle boots, not the best shot of me to be honest. Well, I have been out of town, but will update the thread in the next couple of days when I get the chance with pictures in some much better shoes.

  4. Mae, I agree with Bubba, your pictured shoes are very mild and discreet. I would say they just look like a really nice pair of mens shoes but with 2 inch heels, so I doubt anyone would give you any grief over those shoes. There is nothing wrong with that. I like the shoes in fact. :winkiss:

  5. I am going to a halloween party that is being thrown by a co-worker buddy. My wife suggested I go fully dressed en femme, but I just can't bring myself to do it. What if I do it too well, or whatever, I just would be afraid to give my other co-workers any ideas, since I already do womens jeans and occasional do some discreet heels at work, I am not quite ready to go to that level. However, I will go out to another unrelated halloween party that same weekend in full female attire. I know I should just get over it and do the work party, especially with my wife suggesting I do it, ahh well maybe next year.

  6. Once again, very nice photos. :winkiss: From the neck down, very presentable and passable (only since we don't see the face). Have you ever ventured out en femme or just having fun with it at home?

  7. Read the girls only forum. You will get your answer.

    What Johnie said, the topic has come up before.

    Also, you probably wont get too many replies from the females (see my reply to another post of yours in this thread as to why).

  8. I know there are several couples that have his/her accounts here, but no I don't think anyone has established a relationship through this site. If you are hoping to meet a female from this site, not very likely to occur. Mainly its because lately the active male members outnumber the women by a pretty significant ratio, and you want to be cautious to not scare off the limited number of women that are active here.

  9. hhboots, what type of shoes do you typically wear (pumps, boots, etc.)? Are they just on in the airport, or do you wear them on the plane as well?

    Also, they don't bother to open the bag, do they? I'd be curious to see what my boots look going thru the xray machine!

    I wear boots, and I wear them everywhere (including on the plane). I only wear the regular mens shoes through the security checkpoint as to not be so blatantly obvious about what I am doing. I do envy Dr Shoe for being able to do them through security without any concern though. :winkiss: Maybe someday soon I will be there.

    Anyway, no the bag with the boots is not opened, its xray'd on a conveyer belt, and as marhil mentioned, the guy watching the scans doesn't know who the bag belongs to, it can belong to any of the dozens of people in line for all they care.

  10. ...My thought was maybe a small travel bag, with the heels...

    This is exactly how I have done it several times now. I wear regular men's shoes up through the security checkpoint and have heels in my carry on bag. Once through security, I am off to the restroom and on with the heels. Works very well in fact.:winkiss:

  11. i am going to try and wear some heels for a few hous over the weekend around the house. i will try to wear them outside later. did anyone like my choice of heels? any advice?

    Looked up what you described, you must be referring to this video. I think they are quite sexy. As I stated (and a few others did as well), you may want to start more sensibly with 4" or less your first few times. However, if you feel comfortable going out your first time in more extreme heels, and you seem pretty determined to do so, then more power to you, go for it I suppose. :winkiss:

  12. I agree with Roniheels... just today in the store in fact, I saw a woman in just 2" heels that looked like a disaster in progress, ankles tilting with each step. I strutted past her in my 4" block heels gliding along smoothly. Not sure she noticed me since I pretty much hide my heels under jeans, but if she did notice, I hope it made a point. So yes, I don't always think it is women vs men, it depends on the individual, on how much care they put into their steps. Women tend to want to swing their hips more when in heels, and I don't know about other men, but I try to walk just like I would in men's shoes, and try my best to keep that look in heels, and my wife says I do it very well. :winkiss:

  13. I agree with Johnie. The very first step out can be nerve racking, but I promise once you get out there, just keep on going and it fades over time. Try your best to feel confident and not looking over your shoulder. Also, doing this I think has boosted my overall confidence in every aspect of life. I have always been kind of shy and hated getting up and making presentations in front of people. But heck, now that I have been street heeling for a year (and wearing women's jeans for a few months now), I feel like the next time I have to give a presentation or such, that it will be so much easier. Some suggestions, try less obvious heels at first (non-pointy, non-stiletto, non-5"+ heel, non-shiny, non-clacky, etc). Those are harder to find, but do exist, I own many pairs. Also, do your first several times out in a nearby town/suburb, where you are pretty sure you won't see people you know. Do this until your confidence builds up. After a while, you won't feel so afraid to do it. Don't get me wrong, even a year later, I still sometimes say, what the heck am I doing, but once I get out of the car and am in public, it all tends to go away. Just keep with it, if you really want to do it, it is well worth it.:winkiss:

  14. As admirer said, the surfaces you walk on can make a big difference, but two other factors can apply.

    Primarily, it has a lot to do with your walk. Pay attention to your step, if you can step cleanly without scraping your heel, then you are doing fine, if you can feel that your heel is scraping as you step, then you are probably dragging your feet a bit and/or putting too much of your weight on the heel. Try to put more of your weight at each step to the front of the foot. The heel is mainly for balance and stability (especially in stiletto heels), not supporting the bulk of your weight.

    The other factor is the shoes, others have stated it, and I tend to agree, that men probably should not be in stiletto heels, unless they are thinner and/or can pull it off gracefully. I always wear a thicker heel, and never have a problem with the heel wearing down at all. I think a block or chunk heel just looks better on a man. Don't get me wrong and I hope I don't offend anyone, because many of the men here can and DO pull off a stiletto just fine. I have a few pairs of stiletto heels, and I can walk in them fine, but don't wear them out.

    Anyway, if you are not an advanced heeler, or might be a larger male, stick with the thicker heels. Just my 2 cents. :winkiss:

  15. Yes, it always seems "Man in high heels" is in the headline when something like this occurs. Very annoying... Had the guy just broken in and was stealing stuff in men's clothing, no news. But since he was dressed up and in heels, makes the news every single damned time. Pisses me off. :winkiss:

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