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Posts posted by hhboots

  1. I voted older than 19, as I didnt streetheel until my 30's. I'm pretty happy with the way this part of my life has worked out, I wouldn't change a thing. I will say that if society had been completely different and this activity was fully acceptable to do without any risk or concern, then ok, I would change my answer and would have been doing this much earlier.

  2. this guy came driving from across the street and was laughing and asked me "what the f@#$!" So I told him that I was breaking them in for a halloween party. Then he laughed and said awesome cuz those are going to be a real scare!!! I wasn't really sure how to take that. How do you think that statement would have been taken if you were in my position??

    Those are some bold boots (for a guy or gal), but I agree with newfie in a way, some better fitting jeans (stretch / boot cut are my preference) to go with those heels would help pull off the look.

    Anyway, I have not had a such negative reaction yet, and not sure I would handle it as smoothly as you did, but you did well on that response. :winkiss:

    The guy was probably some idiot redneck with a narrow mind and nothing better to do than harass people.

  3. Very nice, but sadly the frugal part of me will never let me understand all the hubbub about Christian Louboutin. I know they are the pinnacle of high heels, with very fine detail, and extremely well made. They look great, but paying about 10x more than a comperable pair of heels? I guess if I was bleeding money from wallet, or if I let name brands alone dominate my fashion sense, I might see things differently, but I just don't get it. Sorry, and please be gentle if this starts a flame war :winkiss:

  4. Yes women's jeans, just like women's shoes are just all around better than the crap they design for men. Lighter materials, more snug and trim fitting, better designs, a lot more choices available, and they just feel great.

    I think they of course both go together very well, but when I do wear both women's jeans and shoes together, the very discreet streetheeling I was doing earlier this year, is becoming a bit more obvious. I get a bit more second glances now than I did before.

    It is taking some getting used to, almost feels like when I started doing the heeling in public a year ago now. They feel and look so good together though, and still no negative reactions in anyway occur, so this is just taking another step forward I guess.

  5. Quite a few sites do arbitrarily use the 3" mark as their guage for what is a high heel. That is generally what the average woman would probably agree with and anything much beyond 4" would be most people's upper limit. We are of course pretty unique here such that 3" is not a high heel for a good number of people here. :smile:

  6. I think quite a few people got confused on this thread. By reading several of the replies, I can tell many were talking about their favorite shoes and probably made your poll choice in that manner. The original question was:

    What's the style of heels you really CAN'T look at?

  7. Yes, the economic disaster here is very troubling. I have most of my adult life considered myself a moderate, I usually vote for what and who makes sense (often very challenging) and have voted for both sides. As of late, I have been leaning a lot more to the left, mainly because the current administration has been a complete disaster for this country. Yes, we cannot blame all of this on GW, but one thing that I did see recently that was alarming, was the national debt clock, it has had its significantly fastest periods of growth, in fact most of its growth has occured during two administrations: Reagan and GW. This is from a party that claims to be against big government and big spending. But alas, I really don't like to get into politics, and I really don't like to play the blame game. I think the two party system in this country is a joke, both parties are too far into the extremes and rarely meet in the middle, and that along with greed and corruption (not blaming one party) I think is the root of 90% of our current issues. So no, I don't blame anyone, even GW (as hard as that is for me to say). Hoping that doesn't start a flame war, I have always tried to stay in the middle, but had to make a bit of a left sounding post there. :smile:

  8. I just read bubba's well thought out message on this, and as many have said he absolutely nailed it. For my case, it probably took me about 4 months into the relationship to tell my wife that I have this and similar interests in my life, and it was just a few months before proposing to her. I wouldn't say the way I did it was perfect, or the timing was ideal, but it was absolutely required before we did commit to being married. I made sure to carefully probe her interests in different areas of intimacy and things in general that are not the norm. As others have said, there is no perfect timetable, and no perfect equation for each guy, every woman will have different reactions to this, and your own personality will factor into the situation as well. My suggestion would be if you are pretty confident in yourself, and if you are confident in heels, then you presenting the heels to her very early on, will probably not impact you that much and will work better for you most likely. On the other hand, if you have a bit more challenge getting to a comfortable point with women, and your confidence is not as strong, I would wait at least several dates, perhaps even a few weeks into the relationship, until you are pretty sure that she really likes your personality and then work it in very gradually with some probing light hearted statements to get a sense of her feelings on the matter before bringing it fully out in the open. Just some thoughts, again, nobody has the perfect answer, but I think bubba came pretty damn close :smile:

  9. I have only been around a few months, but I read that at the time, the board was wide open, the much higher number of men here had swarmed the women's forum and pretty much started dominating that side too. Apparently many of the women started to flee the website, so they felt it was needed to give the women a small safe haven to post here. Lets face it the men out number the women on this board about 5 to 1 (probably much more than that actually). That and men have a lot more to talk about in this forum as well. The reason, is that women can talk pretty openly about shoes to anyone in the open, we have only places like this to be so open about heels, so we do a lot more talking here than the women do. I actually agree with the decision, and don't think you should look at it like its descrimination. There is the "for everyone" section and a good number of other forum sections, that many good discussions occur with both men and women. While women can come post into the men's forum, they dont do it that often really.

  10. Ahh glad you have found and resurrected this old thread. I too have in the last couple months started wearing women's jeans (Levis 515 stretch boot cut), and i am hooked, they fit so nice and I feel great in them. I cant stand the trend in baggier mens jeans, and these new jeans work so well with my boots. However, they do make it more obvious that I am heeling though. My older jeans that I wore with hh boots was mens Levis 550 boot cut which almost completely made my hh boots disappear. With the women's jeans, I am not so discreet anymore, but I feel this is the right way to go and am getting more comfortable doing this stuff, so heck with it, I now have 5 pairs and wear them as much or more than my mens jeans. :smile:

  11. My only concern with shoes like any of those that have a chunky heel and whatnot is the noise that it will probably make. Does that still count, or is there a way to combat that? :thumbsup:

    For most of my block heels (as well as wedges), I have stuck with those having either a rubber base, or the entire heel is rubber. They can be a bit harder to find, though wedges with rubber heels can be easier to get a hold of.

    I have a pair of solid wood block heels, that I really like a lot, I modified them by gluing a 1/8" thick patch of rubber to the bottom of the heel, that did the trick on those.

    While, I do like the sound of high heels on a woman, and even when I wear them on occasion, just not when I am wearing them in large public setting, the less attention drawn to me the better. :smile:

  12. Only my wife knows, my kids I am pretty discreet about it in front of them, but they probably can tell that dad often wears shoes are different from most other men. As for the rest of my family, no, they don't know, and I will probably never tell them (they all live in other cities).

  13. Awesome feeling isn't it? Nice going. :smile: As Dave mentioned, nobody cares really, about 1 in 20 will even notice you wearing something unique, and out of those it is extremely rare that anyone of them will do anything more than do a 2nd glance. Out of the hundreds of male members here that do it publicly, I think only a few have had any negative reactions from the public.

  14. Casual attire at my workplace is standard, almost everyone is in jeans. So, mine will be about the same each day, kinda dull, but with a touch of HHP flare. Today I wear... Men's Polo type shirt, Women's Levi's 515 Stretch Bootcut Jeans, and 3" block heel round toe boots underneath (very close to my avatar, with minimal variation day to day). :smile: Nothing to get thrilled about, and is about the same 90% or more of the time, so this will probably be my only post on this thread unfortunately... :thumbsup:

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