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Posts posted by hhboots

  1. My first couple pairs were long term "borrowed" from a GF and from my sis. :smile: (not too proud of that, but I had no spare shoe hobbie money in my early teens and the urge was just too strong to see the wrong in that) My first bought pair was from Payless when I was about 17 and I was nervous as hell. I planned it when I knew it was a slow time for them and had to take a pre-purchase quick scanning trip there to find what I wanted exactly and then when I finally commited to buying them I was in and out like the wind. :thumbsup: These days, the internet is my primary shoe store, but I have ventured in a few stores recently to shop for heels. Not as nervous about it anymore, still some hesitancy lingers all these years later though.

  2. The only problem with them is that the heel is maybe 10mm too long, making walking very difficult, as the heel tip catches the floor when my leg is in mid swing :thumbsup: So, after a little bit of investigation, I have decided to take the excess 10mm off the length of the heel, to see if that makes walking any more graceful :thumbsup:

    Ahh yes, must be the Devious brand ballets. I do not understand why they do that. I had to do some modifications to mine as well, and have heard of a number of others that needed to do the same.

    Nice boots otherwise, and after the boot surgery, they are not bad to walk in at all. Just someone please tell Devious to shorten their damn ballet heel length. Its completely wrong! :smile:

  3. For the men's shoes, I have about 6 pairs... sneakers, hiking boots, dress shoes, and other casual shoes. I used to have about equal numbers of men's and women's shoes. As of this year though my street heeling has become pretty common, and I've gone crazy on the heel buying. My women's collection is now about 20 or so.

  4. The lace up boots are rather time consuming to put on each time, but they are great for getting that perfect tight fit that you need for ballet boots. I think my ballets are badly designed, because they have lacing hooks rather than holes, and they have a zipper too. The problem with this arrangement is the laces almost always come undone from the hooks when you unzip them to put on them on and you have to relace completely from scratch when I was hoping to just zip them up in a snap (since they have a zipper). So keep those points in mind if you get lace ups: Avoid the lacing hooks + zipper scenario, unless you dont mind wasting 5+ minutes to put them on every time.. The ankle boots are the cheapest, but if money is not the major concern, I really like the knee high heels myself for more ankle support, and I think they are the hottest looking. I know many here prefer the thigh highs, not my bag, but its all your preference really that matters.

  5. I have to agree with comments that Saturn and Aussieheels made on the addiction of buying heels. Up until this year, when i had mainly done heeling at home only, I had only about four pairs of heels. Since I started street heeling this year, I have bought around 15-20 pairs of shoes. Mostly I am trying to find that perfect pair of discreet heels, at least that is the excuse I keep telling myself, but I believe I am strongly addicted to buying heels at this time. :smile: Anyway, almost all that I bought were from using the internet, and just a few pairs I bought from actual walk-in stores, and those were uncrowded stores with all the sizes there for you to help yourself and only once did I try them on, but no one was around at the time.

  6. I think I live in a more conservative city, but I rarely see anyone in heels very much over 4", and then maybe 5" once a blue moon out on the streets here. :-? Of course, I am limiting this to the normal outdoor public sightings, there are particular establishments where you can see much higher no matter what city you are in. :o

  7. The heels posted by fastfreddy are exactly the types of shoes I do in public, I have about 4 pairs of shoes very similar specifically for street heeling. I also have 3 more pairs of chunky block heeled pairs for streetheeling as well, but still are easy to hide under boot cut jeans. I also make sure they are rubber heels or at least covered with rubber on the base of the heel (to avoid the sound).

  8. Great heels and I am sure it was a very nice experience. My way of streetheeling in large crowds is to wear more discreet looking heels. If I was wearing the heels you have on, I too would be very nervous, no offense intended. I am just saying that I have become very comfortable with round toe and chunky/wedge 4" heels in public, almost no one ever knows the difference, so I can do it almost any time I want. It would be nice if I could wear heels like the ones you have on in crowds, but I don't think i ever could be comfortable doing so unless I was sure I would by unnoticed. Some members here do go into crowds with heels like yours, and I applaud them for it, perhaps it is the part of the US that I am located, but I just don't think I ever could pull it off comfortably.

  9. I would agree with the last few posts on you doing this at school. You might want to keep this aspect of your life away from the mainstream part of your life, at least for now. I find especially with younger people in groups, they can be very harsh to those considered outside the norm. You do have to co-exist with these people for the rest of the school year, and a bad outing in this can be very damaging to you and your reputation. This is why I keep my streetheeling and my workplace, on completely seperate sides of my life. I won't even go into the matter of doing something like this at a catholic school to boot, that could be umm, interesting to say the least. :-? On the other side, you are very impressive with your street heeling experiences thus far. I applaud you for doing this so boldly, at your age I would never have even though of doing this, so very nicely done. :o

  10. I think unless you are willing to risk destroying those boots, you probably should leave them as is. As many have said, especially since those seem to be a solid one piece platform and heel, and since they are clear plastic on top of that, your options would be very limited. The epoxy resin sounds somewhat doable, but very risky to have you end up with a disastrous result unless you know exactly what you are doing.

  11. I have a pair, and wore them around the house for a few months, and actually was able to walk in them reasonably well for short periods before they started to really hurt (even with toe pads). I think my body overall is just too large for them, that and the heel is starting to split. It would take some serious repair work to fix them, and I have not bothered to do it. So they sit in the bottom of my closet collecting dust. Perhaps if I ever get my weight back down to a nice slender form again (need to lose about 50lbs), I will reward myself with a nice new pair, but for now, I am afraid I will not put them on again. :o

  12. I've only bought a few in the store after seeing a pair that were so perfect I couldn't pass them up. Only once did I try them on first, and that was in a dead store. Almost all my shoes have come from online. I am too shy and nervous to be comfortable sitting there around larger crowds trying on women's shoes :o

  13. Sorry to see things turn kind of sour between FF and KH. You both offer such interesting stories and well thought out contributions to the forum and I hear you two have worked together to coordinate events and such. Hopefully, its just a temporary spat, I have not been around here long, but hate to see that happen due to a few poorly chosen words on the spur of the moment.

  14. Very daring and great that you can do this in your job. :-?

    Unfortunately, I agree that the gents in your story could have been doing this intentionally, perhaps even unconsiously doing so. Either as sport to test your limits as thighbootguy suggested, or maybe there was at least some discomfort on their part. Trying not to be detracting from the event, but think about it some from an average man's perspective. :o

  15. I just noticed this thread... that is so cool Scott. Congrats! :o

    Well, I am not sure you said its final yet, but that could be very fun for you to work there. Not the ideal job for many, but I think some of us here, even with the jobs we got trained/educated in for many years to be where we are, have at least a bit of envy for you. :-?

  16. One technique I use to get shoes to fit me is to wear them in the bath or shower (careful not to slip!) some morning and give them a really good soaking (5-10 minutes). Then wear them all day and by the time they dry, they will have conformed to the shape of your foot rather well. Wear nylon stockings (knee highs or pantyhose) so that the moisture in the leather and the moisture from your foot's natural perspiration can escape. One thorough soaking and dry cycle like this will probably not damage the shoes at all (after all, the leather got wet quite often when it was on the cow)...

    Hehe, interesting idea gwl1 - I might have to try that sometime. I have a couple pairs of boots I bought online that where the right length and were the same width that I get all my other shoes, but these two pairs of boots were both very tight over the middle of my foot on top. One eventually stretched out over time and is not bad to wear these days for a couple of hours, but the other is I think a very thick leather and it never did stretch out, so I never get to wear them out, only can put them on for 15 minutes before my feet ache and feel like they are about to explode out of the boot. Guess I was too cheap to get a stretcher, but I see they are actually cheaper than I thought. That or the shower idea sounds intriguing to try once anyway :o

  17. I feel like I have gone a bit backward in progression on my recent shoe purchases. So many of you are posting pictures of exciting new pumps, sandals, and boots. I do have many of those in my older collection. However, since I am somewhat new to streetheeling and I am rather discreet about it, I've been only focused on buying more androgynous looking shoes in the past year. So unfortunately, I have nothing exciting enough and worthy to add pictures to this thread, but I am enjoying seeing all of your new shoes :o - nice stuff.

  18. Great that you were able to share it with your mom. I feel I'd never be able to talk to mine about it, although I might be surprised. I am pretty sure she knew about my secret stash as a teenager. Mom's tend to know all that goes on in the house... but that was many years ago, so it would be difficult to bring something like that up again after all this time.

  19. My feet are nice enough with a good grooming, but I don't like the look of my toes enough, maybe with some pedicure visits or such I might be able to pull it off. But I will probably leave the peep toes to the ladies (or even some of you guys), with the nice toes to pull it off properly. I'll have to still stick with the closed toe shoes.

  20. Same as Raymond and Johnie, I might occasionally trim some excess hair in the eyebrow area. I don't think I will ever wax there, other areas of the body maybe... but you didn't ask that did you? :o

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