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Posts posted by hhboots

  1. I used to own a pair of those that I had worn to work in the past, years ago. I agree, they are pretty much just modified ugly men's shoes. I now wear some rather plain looking 2.5"-3" wedges to work, they are nothing exciting, but it is what I feel comfortable wearing at work, and they sure look nicer than those lift shoes. An example of typical shoes I wear to work are below


  2. I like Dr Shoe's reply, and I know I have gone through cycles, where I really want to go that much higher. My logical side usually kicks in and says wear the ~4" range, because I can be comfortable in them all day and can walk very well in them. Anyway, I do the same thing every few months. I get the urge to wear 5"+ out in public and it just makes no logical sense that I should want to, because I know I don't look all that comfortable in them and am certainly not as graceful walking in them. But who says logic is really at play here, it is just like a drug to me at times. :)

  3. I agree with HappyinHeels. Just take good care of your feet, moisturize, get rid of any hair on your feet you might have, toe polish / pedicure, etc. My feet used to be quite masculine and rough looking, and now look just as nice as any woman's. However, if your question is in regards to changing the size of the foot, well, I think that would be silly to even consider, but then, I am fortunate to wear a size 10 woman's shoe, which is still a pretty common size for most shoe makers.

  4. I am really amazed how my feet fit into high heel shoes. When I look at my foot compared to the shoe, it is about 1/4 to 1/2 inch wider than the shoe. So I know the shoe is pressing the bones together in my feet. However, this is really comfortable, the arch and side support on my feet is just perfect, and my foot doesn't look like its bulging out of the shoe or anything like that. As I have said in other threads, I don't like the fit of most men's shoes, my feet feel like I am sloshing around inside a man's shoe, and is really uncomfortable. I even buy women's sneakers/trainers now for this same reason.

  5. I have never been a platform shoe fan. Although, I have really grown to like small/mini platforms (as long as they are an inch or less and are done tastefully or hidden). However, directly to your question, a choice of a 4" vs 6" with 2" platform, I'll take the 4" first... but a 5" with a 1" platform would be ok too. :)

  6. Thin socks or tights with boots, and tights/hosiery with pumps, and I also have very low cut socks I sometimes wear with pumps that are the "no show" type, which I wear when I dont feel like wearing hosiery or its a hotter day.

    Personally I find nothing shreds hosiery faster than mens's shoes.

    I agree with Shafted, I have ruined a few pairs of hosiery while wearing normal men's shoes. They just don't work together... at all.

  7. I have some heels that are actually more comfortable than my traditional men's shoes. Yes, a lot of people out there would say rubbish to that, but you can't knock what you don't know about, and so many people either don't know or don't try hard enough to find heels that really are comfortable. Anyway, I think men's shoes are bulky, oversized, usually have poor arch support, they are plain ugly and utilitarian. I really like shoe designs, and I want so much more from my shoes that what is available from the men's side of the store.

  8. While I do appreciate the sight of beautiful heel on an attractive woman, a guy checking out a woman can be borderline creepy, especially when done to excess (staring / gawking), and I feel taking candid photos of others in public goes even further into the creepy category. So I agree with some others comments and I think whether you ask or not, it just doesn't feel appropriate to take public photos of women's feet.

  9. ... Even without any official policy against 'being different,' you have to admit that people will judge you differently in many cases. You can be passed over for promotions and even have your credibility questioned over things that really have nothing to do with your abilities or performance. ... Like it or not, most people are not 'live and let live' but want to put people into neat little boxes. Step outside the box, or get placed in the wrong box, and your career can stagnate or end.

    Totally agree with your words and I think this is exactly why I keep this part of me completely seperate from my workplace. I could probably get away with it and not have any immediate impact to my position, but I feel pretty certain it would cause some negative effects in the long run as positions and managers change around my office every couple of years, it could put a serious cloud around my chances to move up.

  10. I'm currently level 31 (being a gamer I consider age experience not years, and I level over the same period of time) when I made the decision life was too short and I wanted to fully be myself I was 24. My friends were cool with the heel thing but they wondered if I worried about finding someone. This is where my doubts came in. I live in a relatively small town, not known for being open minded and I did struggle with the thought that I may never find someone to accept this part of me. But after a good hard look at myself I figured it was better to put all of me out there than to try to explain things later, I've heard and seen how that can be disastrous. And just a couple years later I met my soul mate, in my home town I might add, and we're getting married later this month. That's pretty much squashed any doubts.

    Very cool Newfie, and congrats to you!

  11. As much as I really enjoy my time spent out in heels, I do indeed have moments when I reflect on all this and ask myself why. For me public heeling is somewhat invigorating as well as comforting, but I sometimes feel this like has become rather an addiction, too. Like could I really quit doing this if I wanted to? I am not sure that I could and in reading many other posts on this forum over the years, I think so many have tried, only to eventually return to it. I also get the urge to mass purge (including more than just the shoes) at least a few times each year. Fortunately, in the end, it just ends up being a necessary consolidation / downsizing each time and I feel better afterward :)

  12. cost quite a bit but they are very nice looking

    Agreed... cute shoe, but the $430 is well out of my league, but if you love them, go for it :)

    Too pointy for me

    Pointy? Are we looking at the same shoe? The shoe is has a rounded almond toe, well except the sole looks like the tip of the shoe was chopped off, maybe those are the points you are talking about?
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