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Posts posted by hhboots

  1. I are wearin hosery and cud apply at acktiveskin.

    Mobile device?

    I am thinking more likely sarcasm in relation to this comment:

    wearing hosiery would be a real plus in getting the job! All this assumes that the candidate has all the other necessary qualifications for the job, like reading, writing, and arithmetic

    :) Or I hope so anyway... lol
  2. Very cool mlroseplant. I only have a couple pairs of men's jeans left in my closet, the rest (about 20+ pairs) have all been replaced over the years with women's low rise Levi's 518 and 524 bootcut jeans, and Pacsun Bullhead Laguna bootcut jeans. Women's jeans fit me so much better than any men's jeans I have ever owned, and they were of course made to be worn with heels. :)

  3. Still remember playing a drum set with my girlfriend and we both had on Thigh high heeled boots on while we were playing . The heel height was 5 inch. She and I broke up after a year. Loved those moments in those boots. Got married and have not played drums since. Would love to do it again.

    Playing drums in heels is rather fun. For some reason, I seem to have better muscle control of the pedal timing for bass & hi-hat. There is a woman on youtube that is very good at it in fact (she is sort of my inspiration for doing it more often), she is rather impressive to watch.

  4. As some others have said, the sound is rather appealing when it comes from a woman wearing heels. However, I prefer my own shoes make less noise to be honest. I don't mind so much anymore if someone notices my heels, but I don't want to draw unnecessary attention to it. So when I click clack, I do start to feel much more self-consious, and have therefore replaced the tips on some of my loudest pairs. A bit of noise is fine, but some shoes do sound like a hammer is banging as I walk by ;) heh

  5. I like wedges just fine. In fact, they are the most practical for longer wear in any conditions and quite often are more comfortable than other heels. Also, as Rockpup stated, they are great for discretion when you feel less daring. However, all other things being equal, in terms of just beauty and sex appeal, stilettos are by far the winner there. Even thick/chunky heels come out ahead of wedges, in my opinion. That's probably where a lot of the disapproving comments come from for some of the folks here. But again, wedges are a great utility shoe when you just gotta wear heels, and some styles do manage to be quite attractive, too.

  6. Agree with Dr Shoes and FoxyHeels... While I am sure it feels like a major setback with the wife, try looking at things from her perspective. Her co-workers might have been totally cordial and pretend they are cool with it on the surface, but they can be brutal with the rumor mill, and in the inner social circles. She has to work with these people day in and out, and she could find herself in uncomfortable surroundings with her co-workers later on.

    As for church, not sure what happened there. especially if you had already been wearing them to church in the past, but maybe she has had some negative/hurtful comment from a friend, coworker, or other peer recently and this is making her feel very self concious about it. Maybe ask her if there has been a recent incident that has caused her a problem. But you totally don't want to make this turn into a dividing issue between you and your wife.

    Finding a woman that is cool with it, even if only partially or part of the time, is a fairly hard thing to do. Some of us got really lucky in that regard. My wife is cool with it most of the time, but there are occasions where she definitely shows some unease about me doing it, and I have totally respect her wishes and back down. I mean some of us heelers can be very selfish in how we think things should be compared to the reality for all of the social aspects.

    Just because we can go shopping, walk around downtown or at the mall, go to concerts, etc, in heels with little notice or comments is not the exactly the same thing as total acceptance. Anyway, my best advice is to sit down and talk about it, but pick the right time and place to discuss it, not at time when you are trying to go out someplace and she is saying no, but at a time when you are both sitting around and enjoying each other's company, and she is in comfortable surroundings, ask her if there is something bothering her about it or if something changed, but definitely don't pressure her or make her feel bad about it, you really have to be open to seeing it from her side.

    Well, good luck. Cheers.

  7. Note that the linked article above was written by a guy that admitted he had not even touched or seen Win8 in action yet. :penitent: I think Windows 7 was the best OS they ever put out, but Windows 8 is really not too bad, especially after I put the Start Button and standard desktop back, its actually better. I gave the new Metro UI a good try for a few weeks, but that interface is really designed with the intent to be used on tablets and phones in my opinion. Anyway, there are some very lightweight downloads you can look up (I think mine was called 'classic shell') that will make Windows 8 look just like Windows 7, and honestly, the OS does start up really fast, it takes about 12 seconds for me to cold boot into Win8, and if I use suspend (which I do about 95% of the time), it is ready to use after just about 4 seconds. So yes, I think most people will hate the new panel interface and that may in fact really hurt Microsoft that they chose to eliminate the old UI by default, but with a little effort, it can be modified into a really fast Windows 7 looking box, and I can still easily flip back to the new panel UI if I want to with just a click. I am betting there will be enough of an outcry, that Microsoft will give back an option to turn on the old UI when they release service pack 1 or something, so that you won't need to download any 3rd party stuff if you arent comfortable doing that.

  8. I've had a few minor unpleasant experiences over the years, one of them I did let it get me down way more than I should have. I eventually got over myself and got back out there... But as some others have said or implied, its all about your confidence and the way you present yourself. If you look really uncomfortable or awkward in how you're walking in them, or you keep looking around nervously, then chances are you will probably have some negative experiences. Its really hard to get those demon's out of your mind, and just like another recent thread says, get "them" out of your head and you will be much better off, because almost no one you pass by randomly really cares what you wear to be honest. I know it is very hard to get to the point to be completely at ease doing something considered so different from the norm. I am about 2/3 of the way there, but there is still a ways for me to go, even after more than 5 years going out in heels and usually some other feminine clothing/accessories, I still have not reached the point many others here are at.

  9. My son is pre-teen, and he doesn't seem to care what I wear as far as I can tell. I should ask him directly, but I did make a comment to him recently that I usually try not to embarass him in front of his friends, and he made a comment that basically his mom embarasses him much more than I do. :) That made me laugh, but I doubt my wife would think that's so funny lol

  10. 1100 pairs. I have about 200 pairs which I wear regularly enough.

    Oh my, that is just... wow!


    As for me, I have around 75 pairs +/- ... Whenever I add a few pairs, I try pretty hard to make myself donate a few. I've set a hard limit of 100 for myself. Not sure exactly why, but maybe it is just my way to keep them from taking over my life completely :) As of the last several years, I've had more shoes than my wife, which is a little bit embarrassing I think.

    Anyway, I rotate through about 30 pairs fairly often, most of the others tend to be kind of flashy or too extreme for my comfort level to wear in public routinely.

  11. Yeah, I just emailed Lolla yesterday with a query about it, but have not heard back yet. I had a prior email exchange with Lolla Pope earlier in 2012 that was very pleasant, she (I think) seemed really open to comments and suggestions and really enjoyed maintaining the blog and put a lot of work into keeping it updated nearly every day. The blog will definitely be missed.

  12. Nice boots and sounds like you had a good time out in them. I have bought several pairs from Kohl's myself, and they do have really nice prices on good shoes. In fact I just looked up the ones you bought and they are really nicely priced. Looks like I'll be making a trip there myself in the next few days. :)
  13. Congrats on the weight loss SandalFan and I really like your taste in boots. I would wear any of the boots you had linked, and in fact own a couple of pairs that are pretty similar. But, I might have to add a pair of those Xelement boots to my collection :)

  14. Slightly off topic, but is it normal for stiletto heels to flex backwards when you stand or walk, especially on a linoleum floor? Am I right in thinking I need better quality heels? Or am I just to heavy for stiletttos? I am 20 stone and 5'9" and the heels are 5.5" with 1.1" platform.

    Mine are size 16 (US)/47 Eu. Btw anyone know a shop in the UK that sells hh ankle boots in that size, where I could take these along for size comparison?

    Leyland, I think weight can certainly be a factor, but shoe quality and the type of heel is important as well. For example, I weigh about 5 stone less than you, while I have some pairs that flex somewhat as you describe, most of mine don't flex much and feel solid as I walk.

    I would just suggest that you compare and try some other heels, maybe also try some slightly thicker heels too, and see if you notice a difference. My thicker heels seem to consistently feel the most solid to me, so perhaps for your weight, you may want to check into thicker heels.

  15. Good question (I think its been asked previously, might have been worded differently though). Anyway, I would say for me, similar to you - I like being a man and I am in love with women. If I really think about it, i am not sure I would necessarily want to be a woman, but I wouldn't mind looking a bit more gender neutral in the face and having a nice slender body that would allow me to really enjoy more women's fashion. If I had the body for it, I would probably be wearing a lot more women's clothing than I do now. Right now, I wear a somewhat subtle blend of both, but overall, still present a mostly masculine appearance mainly because I really can't pull off a more feminine look. If I could, I think I would be having a lot more fun pushing the limits of what I could and couldn't wear in public comfortably.

  16. I would love to do the skinny jeans and knee high boots look, however, until I drop a bit of weight, I would look too top heavy. I have a really slender body from the belt down, but I have just too much going on in the waist area right now, unfortunately. I am sure I would not get too many negative comments, but I would just feel too self concious to be comfortable in that look.

  17. Well, if they're comfortable to wear and hopefully they were cheap for you too, then no big deal right? Those do look like a strap was removed.. So anyway, if you are not happy with them, try to work it out with the seller. Most of the time, you can get ebay involved if the seller is not helpful, they will often get a refund on your behalf. Good luck. I have had very few issues as a buyer on Ebay after more than 300 purchases over the last 10 years. I normally ask for more pictures from a seller if they only provided one low res picture, etc, and if the seller won't help or won't reply with more information when you have questions, that usually is a good indicator you should just walk away.

  18. Yes Gudilitooo, that is the right video... I am not really a fan of hers, at all, but I do have to say that through most of her career she has always been rather supportive of people that don't fit the ideal mold, such as larger people, lesbian, gay, bisexual, trangendered, etc. I am sure there is some ironic meaning to the guys wearing these black bags with names on them which on the surface doesn't make sense. But you can see throughout the video she has all sorts of different people that don't fit the mold of normal society, so I think this is just her way to support it, even if that doesn't appear to be that way at first glance.

  19. When this started for me way back in my early teens, I would say for sure yes. I don't feel like that is such a strong part of it anymore after wearing them out for hours each day for so many years now, but I would be lying if I said there no connection anymore. The turn on aspect is still there to a lesser degree and it comes and goes depending on the situation.

  20. I went ahead and bought the Payless Fioni Jax shoes Barney posted at the very start of the thread because they were so darn cheap, I figured if I didn't like them, its no big loss. Well, I just got them in the mail today and they fit great. They are actually very comfortable and totally easy to walk in. I am absolutely pleased with this purchase (I even got free shipping for them by searching for a discount code online, so $30 total was all I paid).

  21. It can be either as others have said, depending on the overall appearance and attitude of the woman. However, I think for most women it does give them confidence, and a woman usually wears them knowing she will be getting more attention and that it will bring her entire outfit (professional or otherwise) up to the next level than if she just wore flats. So, I would go with empowerment (in most cases).

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