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Posts posted by hhboots

  1. Hi blackpatent, perhaps the criticism is a bit harsh sounding and overwhelming... but the point was that you started a brand new thread with a very short sentence, then followed up with a very low res single picture (sorry but I know of camera phones from 10 years ago that could take better pictures than that). You would have gotten much more supportive feedback if you just said a few more words about your outfit or your time "out about", or in place of that just a couple of pictures to show your outfit that were larger than a post-it note.

  2. I think you are doing the right thing. You've already taken the biggest step, so they may not really accept it, but that will get better in time, just be patient. Also, you are right, your strong feelings about heels will probably never go away, most people here will attest to that. Anyway, I wouldn't push things with your parents too fast, that could backfire, and you probably should do as they wish and keep it from your sister, for now. Not sure how young she is compared to you, but maybe wait until she at least somewhat closer to your current age to tell her about it, unless something happens to make it happen sooner.

  3. I go through cycles, sometimes I post several times per week, other times I go several weeks without a single post. I guess it depends heavily on things going on in my life.

    I know another factor is that I usually feel that I just don't have that many interesting stories to tell compared with those that talk about their adventures out with such passion. I have only started a handful of threads in my 5 years here, but I do at least try to add my two cents to threads from time to time, and hopefully at least a portion of those are adding some value to the discussion. :)

    Anyway, I agree at times, it just gets boring after a while... it starts to sound like the same machine turning over and over, but there are still some very valuable posts to read here and I still enjoy coming here even after 5 years, so I'll be here for the forseeable future.

  4. Well.. the question is: How far is too far?

    Let's go back 11 years...

    ...I always fear that this feminine monster inside of me will take over again, and that I am not keeping the right balance between a more "freestyle" type of fashion and already going too far. The only thing I know is that it will always be a part of me, and that it needs to be controlled, as you can get lost quite easily in it.

    Excellent post freestyle and thank you for sharing so much about this private matter. It certainly gives me a lot to think about as I have often debated about how far should I go with the feminine aspects in my life. In fact, in one thread I posted here a while back I remember saying that I sometimes wish I looked more feminine so that I could enjoy a lot more feminine fashions, and that I would probably get very carried away if I could get away with it. i think it was member ILikeKicks who reminded me "be careful what you wish for", which is probably very true.

    Anyway, thanks for the thought provoking post.

    Oh and as for the picture... wow! :) If that isn't too wierd and you don't mind me saying so. haha

  5. Unfortunately I'm not from the UK. I can't seem to find US retailers that have a wide selection of these. Then challenge #2 would be finding the right size...

    I apparently skipped over the part of your first post where you sort of hinted about looking for suggestions on where to find them in the US... I see someone replied with a good Nordstrom's link, there are also some decent lower cost choices here: 6pm, amazon, and zappos. You can sometimes get lucky on ebay too if you look hard enough :) Not sure about the sizes on any of these sites going much above 10 for many of these styles however, I am fortunate to wear size 10.
  6. Ya, actually I have roughly around 65-70 pairs total. I have not counted recently and I try to keep that number from growing much beyond that because it just feels like it gets out of hand. So for every few pairs I purchase, I let the wife donate a few older pairs for me. I try to not completely overtake the entire closet with my collection and also am a bit embarassed to have a collection that is about double my wife's collection :) oh, and the boots above are about a 4" heel.

  7. ...The point that I am ultimately attempting to communicate is that there are some parents out there that will make a kids life hell if they are not following their ideal image for their children. It would be wise to use caution when suggesting either to hide heels or to simply be one's self before parents. In my reply I simply shared how I hid my heels without attempting to indicate if one should or should not be open with their heels

    ... Is it better to have wished that you were open than to be wishing that you hadn't been open?

    I fully agree with AZshoenut. Telling parents about something like this for some teens is a fine suggestion, but is not a very realistic or practical option for many other teens. Not all parents will respond in the same understanding way, you would like to think so, but reality is reality unfortunately.

  8. About 1/4 of my collection (~12-15 pair) consists of high heel wedge 'booties', wedge hiking boots, and wedge sneakers that are similar to the ones you have pictured. Anyway, I can tell you, that they are all (except one pair I got rid of) very comfortable for long walks and are perfect for being stealthy. I wear heels just about every day, while many days I don't bother hiding my heels anymore, I still have plenty of days when I just feel like keeping a lower profile. Such as times when I go out with the wife and kids, or on casual walks, etc, and I don't want to even think about what are on my feet, and shoes like these are perfect for that. My kids are already used to me going out with these types of heels and don't even flinch about it. In fact, I just got the heels pictured below last week and I already love them (I know these are a bit more like boots, but I do have some sneakers buried at home somewhere that are very close to those in your picture, and those are cool too) :)


  9. I typically purge a certain portion of my collection out of feeling guilty that I am taking over the closet and have far too many pairs already. Usually after I add a few new pairs, I get rid of a matching number of pairs of heels that I don't wear or like very much. There have a few occasions that I have actually considered throwing them all out, but I can never bring myself to do it and I know it would never last anyway. It would just end up being a huge waste of my money :)

  10. I think there are some very attractive high heel options that arent necessarily bad for the feet. I specifically prefer rounded or almond toe boxes for comfort and mostly own that style as to not damage my feet. However, I think it is still possible to find some pointed-toe shoes that won't destroy your feet if you get a proper fit and they aren't overly narrow or pointed. In the long run, I am sure that high heels of any variation are just not good for you, but then what fun is it to only do things that are good for you? ;)

  11. I agree, not all that attractive really. I much prefer boots that are very form fitting to the leg, those ones look like they were made for women with very large ankles (or 'cankles' as they are sometimes referred to) :) edit: Same comment for the dresses she is wearing in both videos, especially the silver dress, they would look much more attractive on her if they had some shape to match her body, but they are rather plain and unflattering on her. OK, I'm done being a sour-puss now :) She is clearly a very beautiful woman though.

  12. Haha, I just saw this graph, freestyle75 (it was linked from another thread). I love it, its absolutely brilliant. I am very lucky to be somewhere near the "Insanely Great" group with my wife. She sometimes asks me to back down a little bit, but in general, she pretty much lets me get away with far too much already, so I love and respect her for that :)

    I've only just seen the graph - nice one! But isn't there an important category missing after 'Low', namely 'Outside the house by yourself'? I'm sure that many wives who are uncomfortable with seeing hubby in heels can just about accept him doing so away from home and out of sight.

    Regarding the add another category comment, you can easily fix it to match both scenarios you describe by dropping a few words on the existing category - "Low - Wear heels? OK, only when I am not around."

  13. Those are nice boots for stealthy heeling, but the price tag... ouch! If $600 is no issue to you, then its cool to be you, but you can find boots pretty similar at zappos, amazon, or other places for a fraction of the price.

    In fact, here is a knee high, same exact brand (Camilla Skovgaard), and nearly identical below the ankle. It looks like this boot has a cool convertible feature so you can wear it as an ankle boot or knee high. edit: nevermind that last link, it looks like they only have one left and its a size 7.5

    Anyway, if money is no object, then you posted a very nice boot, so go for it. Otherwise, I would search around a bit more: ( some similar Nine West knee high leather boots for $135 ) :) But then I am a cheap-o I guess.

  14. There are way to many people posting on this thread that are over thinking this subject. It doesn't matter how much you study, read, or analyze it, the key is simply to place your total trust in the Lord and let him lead you from that point forward. It's really that simple. So, for you that aren't convinced or feel that I am purely a simpleton, I feel sorry for you. But, I really don't care. It's there for you whenever you finally figure it out. Until then, keep on denying it.

    This is the exact sort of thinking I am referring to in my post. The "I am a believer so I am better than you and therefore pity you."... or worse. So, I don't believe exactly what you do, so I am not a good person apparently. :suspicious: Whatever, moving on.

  15. I was raised to go to church every week, and I attended Catholic school for about half of my early education. However, at this point in my life, I just don't buy all of it. Religious conflicts have been the cause of so many wars and so much wrong doing throughout human history. Do people honestly believe their religion is the only right way, and the hundreds of other religions in the world are wrong, so everyone outside your own religion is evil? I mean seriously, why do we have more than 20 major religions in the world and hundreds of other religious variations. They can't all be right :) The bible is archaic, it was pieced together out of dozens of manuscripts and scrolls each written by many authors of that time period. It was written very vaguely with far too much room for interpretation and with endless self-contradictions, and had been re-translated and re-analyzed so many times during the dark/middle ages to end up with what we finally see today. So many of the 'rules' in Deuteronomy and Leviticus contain statements in that only a handful of orthodox or hardcore religious types would be able to follow completely. I don't know about you, but I find many of the hardcore religious types to be almost fanatical and rather scary to listen to. Anyway, not to fuel a potentially hot or divisive topic... I just think the most important things in life are to treat others as you wish to be treated yourself, don't steal, don't lie, don't hurt others, be respectful, polite, and basically just maintain an overall high level of morality and ethical behavior. The bible is a great guideline for morality, but not all of it should be taken too literally.

  16. Whatever the reason, strippers do typically wear heels with platforms significantly higher than 2", which I don't find sexy at all (they look pretty darn silly actually). Along those lines, I used to not like any platforms what-so-ever, but since shoes with 0.5 - 1.5" platforms have become very popular and are found on a majority of heels being sold today, I eventually grew to like them and actually find them to be more comfortable than non-platforms. So I have been converted I guess. ;-)

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