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Posts posted by hhboots

  1. Have been giving this one some consideration actually at one time I had thought that this was the only way I could get out and about in high heels but now it is easy then too I support their cause. From what I heard at one time rape was a capitol offense and they got hung along with the horse thief.

    Mike, you're on a roll... Looks like you've resurrected several really old threads in the last 24 hours. Sometimes thats cool, but often the people you're replying to don't log in here anymore. Just saying, kinda wierd... lol

  2. I appreciate my wife who has definitely increased her interest in wearing heels most likely to please me, although I have never asked her to wear them nor do I expect anything from her when it comes to heels. So, no to your question, considering her idea of high heels before she met me many years ago, was about a 2" heel. Now she has a pretty good collection with about 20 or so pairs of 4"+ heels (though her collection is no where as large as mine :wavey: ). Anyway, even if she didn't get into heels I would still be very happy to be with her, it wouldn't be quite as fun to share my heels with her, but it wouldn't change my feelings for her.

  3. My most uncomfortable moment was about a year or so back when a group of teens (guys and girls) at the mall were making a nuisance and causing a scene. They laughed, called out obscenities / name calling, and hooted. I did my best to ignore them and kept on walking, they backed down after what was probably only 10-15 seconds, but felt like minutes to me. They apparently got their fill of laughs and perhaps saw that it wasn't bothering me that much, but that was pretty intimidating for me and got my heart going pretty fast. I think it helped that I was at the mall and there was plenty of people around so they couldn't get too carried away with their harrassment. It got me thinking about what I am doing, and actually caused me to take a month or so off from public heeling to try to figure out why do I even do this... not really sure I ever resolved that part, but realized that I was happier doing it than not, so I finally got over it I suppose. I am still nervous around teens, as they seem to be the worst for causing havoc, but so far, that is the worst I have had.

  4. I have a daughter a few years behind your daughter in age plasmaboy. So far not much interest in heels and my wife will probably do everything she can to not let it happen until she gets to at least 12-13, maybe even older than that. :wavey:

    My wife feels rather strongly that girls with feet and bodies still developing should not be in heels. I agree with her mostly, though I am betting she will take that strictness a lot further than I will be willing to. Right around the time daughters start to rebel, lets say 12 (+/-), I am betting there will be some conflict about it around my house. I would probably be ok with my daughter wearing moderate heels (3"-3.5"), similar to what plasma's daughter is wearing now, when she does get to about 12-13, and we'll have to see how that plays out with my wife. Should be interesting :)

  5. what a waste of web space.

    Ouch :wavey: that's a bit harsh... Yes, this is sort of a silly discussion, and I like the way that Steve put it back on page one. This is not a quiz, everyone should wear what you want. Some of us like plats, some don't, and I like only mini platforms myself (less than an inch). Everyone has their own tastes, and who really cares what anyone else thinks, we shouldn't.

  6. I have to say im a bit shocked at some of the suttle judgement that is comming off from some of these posts, with the whole "I guess thats okay but I mean why would you want to femanise yourself?" kind of thing. I mean really guys?

    No offense was intended with my reply and I was not trying to pass judgement to others. There is a difference between freestyling and full on crossdressing. I want to say right now there is nothing wrong with crossdressing or fully feminizing your look. I sometimes think I might want to go out in more feminine looking outfits, if I could pull off a more complete feminine look from head to toe, but I cannot, so I don't.

    So, back to the picture provided by Pumps a few pages back where this discussion began. He is essentially blending heels in with his normal clothing, which on the balance is primarily a masculine looking outfit. It is a very good look overall and I commend him on his look. I saw nothing in his outfit that screamed out to me, he should be carrying a clutch with that outfit. I wear very similar clothing to the outfit he has on, and I just feel I would not ever want to carry a purse or clutch with my outfits. That is really all I was trying to say, and I apologize if I came off sounding judgemental or if I used a poor choice of words to make my point.

  7. Lots of talk about a clutch, handbag, shoulderbag, etc, in the last two pages. As much as I love many of the fashion choices women have and quite often more than 50% of the outfit I am wearing at any given moment would be considered feminine. I am not sure I would ever find the desire or need for clutch or shoulder bag. That's just carrying things a bit too far for me. Even if what I am wearing has no pockets or tiny inadequate pockets that will not carry anything, I would find a way to carry what I need by using a jacket, or I would carry as little as possible and find a way to make it work. Otherwise, I just don't ever see why I would ever in my life want carry a clutch or purse. I guess to each his own. :wavey:

  8. I question your second sentence. Please tell me what retailers are marketing to men? The only one in the US that I'm aware of was one hosiery company, Berkshire...

    Well, I don't have personal experience with these online retailers, but a few I have heard about are Comfilon.com, Luxelegwear.com, activskin / glieberman.com, and as you mentioned legwear4men.com, and there are sites like e-mancipate.net that give a bunch of resources to find good tights/hose for men (http://www.e-mancipate.net/where-to-buy-pantyhose-for-men-mantyhose). Additionally, there are many korean and chinese brands that sell on ebay as well that are aimed at men.

    To your question, I am not really sure that larger mainstream US brands have openly started to market their brands to men, especially in stores, so perhaps I was a bit optimistic / ambitious in my statement there.

    However, I honestly don't give a darn about what marketing tells me is ok for men to wear (obviously). I have bought many many different brands of tights and hose designed 'for women', and guess what, they work just fine for me. :wavey:

  9. I agree the look and feel of nylons is so wonderful on my legs and of course they go perfect with heels. I often wear nylons under my jeans when its colder as they help keep my legs warm and they just make my legs feel really nice. I've also worn them in warmer weather under shorts without too much attention, but I am not as comfortable doing this all that often, both mentally (the social aspect) and physically (just too much coverage for a hot day). Sadly, there are so many women that now refuse to wear pantyhose daily and they compain about them being so uncomfortable, which I don't understand. Anyway, many hosiery retailers are now specifically marketing to men to make up for a large decline in sales to women. I guess thats fine by me.

  10. Just a quick thanks to all the early members and founders for this site, and to those that maintain it currently. Also, thanks for the excellent question... it's nice to learn about the background of this site. It really is a very cool forum for some of us guys that don't quite fit into the mainstream of life :wavey:

  11. I really appreciate the women that do participate in the forum discussions for a different perspective. I know there is a significant imbalance in the number of guys vs girls in this forum, and that a subset of the guys here apparently have a hard time containing their excitement about heels (and women). So I am sure it can be rather intimidating for some women to participate here, but for those that do... thank you very much :smile:

  12. Both... A majority have been from the web, but I have to admit the ones I have bought from the store, although potentialy more nerve wracking for me with others watching, have turned out to be much more enjoyable, and it ensures I get the correct fit. Its still not easy for me to go out and do it in the store though.

  13. I also noticed you need to make the toe box smaller for a tighter fit on the foot.

    This can be done with some packaging padding material cut in the shape of the inside of the bottom of the toe box.

    Before I did the fiberglass insert this is what I used to tighten up the fit on my feet I just added thin layers until I had a good tight fit...

    I used a similar approach using some highly compressed packing paper so that it is nearly solid in the toe box and fits pretty nicely around my toes.

    However, I've been wanting to make a long term modification similar to what you have described that would create a sort of bridged platform support that is molded to the shape of the end of my foot, just below where the ball of the feet are and under the toes. This would make the toe box fit really snug around the toes and keep your foot resting somewhat on the bridge and would help distribute the weight more to the toe/foot joints and away from from the toes.

    However, I am not sure I have the know-how to do this and would be afraid to ruin the boots... I guess I'll have to do some side experiments with fiberglass cloth / poly resin before trying this in the shoe itself.

    I also described a few years ago on this forum about having to cut down the heel about 1/2" on Devious ballet boots. Seems to be a pretty common issue, and strange that after all these years, they still make them this way and have not addressed it.

  14. To me that's very impractical - the best footwear to wear to a pedicure is a pair of sandals... It takes several hours for the polish to fully cure and it doesn't take much to scuff it up...

    Fully agree with you there... I've totally ruined a few nice toe nail polish jobs after waiting 30-40 mins to put on shoes, and learned the hard way that is still not long enough.

  15. I had never worn them myself, but your post Mike piqued my interest. I did a quick check on ebay and found a store there that had them for cheap. I figured i'd just try them out for kicks before recommending them to you.

    Well, I just got them today, tried them on, and these things are incredibly firm, I mean seriously... I just got the minimum 10-20mm/Hg, I could not even imagine going higher than that like you have Mike, but whatever works for you...

    This store has a variety of different compression levels, they were really inexpensive, they do not require prescription, and seem to be well made. I would not recommend these for just anyone to play around with these are definitely not a toy, you might just cause yourself issues if you get carried away wearing these.

    Anyway, the link here is where you can check them out, even if you dont like them, the cost is so low that it is not really much of a loss in my opinion. http://stores.ebay.com/LeeCo

  16. I just like the height and the feel of walking in heels. I'm not that interested in wearing them for the feminine look. In fact, 90% of my heels are black, non-shiny, rounded/almond toe, and with chunky heels. Also, I try to get shoes with rubber grip material on the bottom, or I sometimes modify them and add rubber to the heels if they are too loud when I walk. Attached are some of the 5" ankle boots I usually wear out. Yes, they are not ultra sexy or anything, but again, they are for me to wear, very comfortable, I can walk for hours in them, and I like them. But I do love the look of a sexy, very feminine looking dainty stiletto on a woman, just they are not for me to wear daily in public, so I choose boots like these instead.




  17. That is a pretty informative link indeed, thanks. I have only occasionally had mild issues with ingrown toe nails in my life, but the point on that page that I found interesting is that you can alter the growth pattern of your nails (concave/upward or convex/downward) over time with how you cut them. This is good to know as I like to have some slight length to my toe nails (but no more than 0.25" beyond trim). I have a couple of toenails that curve slightly downward and don't match the other foot where they grow straight out. I'll have to try the straight across cut to see if that fixes this for me.

  18. Wait.. I thought back pain from wearing heels was normal, since it forces your back to arch. Isn't that the case? All the chiropractors say so. :wave:

    I wouldn't say that is completely the case, but wearing heels can certainly exacerbate an existing back issue, and can cause new back issues if care is not taken.

    Make sure you wear well fitted, cushioned, and stable shoes (to minimize the direct floor impact pressure, shoe wobbling, balance issues, or slipping around inside the shoe). Don't overexert yourself in heels and don't wear higher heels than you are accustomed to or conditioned for.

    Just use common sense, if it hurts to do it, then don't do it, or at the very least - wear heels less frequently or wear lower heels until your condition improves, and hopefully you can eventually work your way back to a level of heeling that you would like.

    Heels definitely change your posture and cause you to arch your back more, but if care is taken, it doesn't necessarily have to be the cause for back issues. If you continue to have these issues, there may be underlying issues that need to be addressed? There are plenty of people that wear heels most of their adult life and don't run into those issues, and there are others that will have issues with heels no matter what, so take that for what it is. Just my two cents anyway. :smile: Good luck

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