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Posts posted by benno

  1. Benno

    This story shows even experienced heel wears have problem walking all day in heels! I wonder how occasional wearers got on? Although I have never been I get the impression that heels are almost 'de-rigour' at Royal Ascot.

    What heels did your GF wear the next day and would she wear the cone heels or a simialr height next year to Ascot?

    Cheers Fred

    I think like most girls she would 'forget' the pain and do it all again.

  2. Mary Poppins chic is all the rage at the moment. Lace up brogues with heels are everywhere. They were in all the top fashion magazines around a year and a half ago and are now the shoe of the high street. p.s. It's no problem sharing shoes. We have hundreds of the little blighters littering our flat. Shoes everywhere. On shelves, on the floor, in the office, in the bedroom, in the loft (which is the bedroom) and in my old loft where old flatmates still live! We love shoes!

  3. Can anyone explain what's so good about the mules? To me they look like they were designed by a forest dwelling, clog loving pixie (with a Playboy bunny fetish) on mushrooms. I'd say they would cost around $10 from a sex shop. Not £220 from a custom shoe company. The wedges have a classic timeless feel to them. The pixie designed ones look thrown together with little regard to the overall styling of the shoe. Its as if the designer just had a tick list of things to fit into one shoe. To me the whole is worth less than the sum of it's parts.

  4. Love the pattern on the material...

    You need to get a corset that you can lace so the laces are an even width apart all the way down the back otherwise you will put uneven strain on the garment and it will quickly become weakened and break.

  5. The BEST resource for all things corset related is staylace.com. They have a great medical FAQ written by a corset wearing doctor.

    It's a wonderful website.

    From personal experience don't expect too much too quickly. A 4" reduction feels surprisingly tight. I can get my waist to just over 24" (from a natural waist of 30") measured over the corset, but not for long as it is almost unbearable and feels like it's doing harm.

    Best wishes,


  6. Scot. If you're gonna wear some heels you're gonna get looked at. It's harder as a man so you must make sure the shoes stand up to harsh scrutiny. I'm a man and I'm on high heel place so I am really cool with men in heels. You are an ambassador for a wonderful, new emerging trend. So give them something great to look at and you know you might just get away with it!

    I found all the attached in 5 mins. As you have the wonderful resource of zappos.com over there in the US, I would say you have no excuse.

    Best wishes,



  7. The biggest cities are Philly and Pittsburgh. both of which are on either side of the site and im pretty much dead center in the south.

    its mostly conservative people around here. the only differences are in those two cities.

    That's the problem then. In London and where I live in Brighton (60 miles south of London on the coast) there are thousands of women wearing ridiculously high heels everywhere you care to look. They wear them to work, to the supermarket, on nights out and even to the beach on the pebbles. There are even quite a few men that regularly wear heels.

  8. I just bought the attached for £20 from Faith. Size 8 uk, really comfortable and perfect for wearing with skinny jeans. And my girlfriend gets to borrow them too. They had them in a size 9 uk too just incase anyone here wants some. Funny how the much talked about 'Sarkozy heels' are higher but these will get lots of looks/comments from people (hopefully positive) Cheers, Ben


  9. The attached pair are wonderful. I want some but with gold buckles. The other pair you posted are horrible in my opinion. They are Gucci knockoffs and look like they belong on the feet of a Playboy bunny lounging by the pool. Which in my shoe gamut is as bad as it gets.


  10. There does seem to be a good amount of females who wear tall heels, leather outfits, corsets, sexy outfits and so on alot or daily but all you females who do are extremely hard to find outside the net. I'm lucky if I see a female wearing 3 inch heels once a week in my county. Even in the cities, its more or less a night time deal if you want any luck seeing a female dressed up and/or wearing her heels.

    As for seeing one wearing heels 5" or higher. Lol thats a super rare thing. maybe twice a year.

    Now meeting one who dressed like this often is hard enough but finding one who dresses like this and wears tall heels every day is the hardest thing in the world.

    I was lucky to find a girlfriend who wore them a good amount but that relationship has passed sadly.

    So come on ladies. Make yourselves known and easier to find.

    Where in the USA do you live?

  11. I was browsing the Baker's Shoes site, and saw a most unusual pair. Kind of a cross between a sandal and boot. I couldn't resist! Okay, some folks may get a laugh or "Ew" out of them, so they may only get worn around the house. The funny thing was, they only had a size 9 left in black, so you know they have sold some pairs. The sales girl at the store and the other shoppers didn't seem to bat an eye when I tried them on there, but I changed into them before I drove home (sorry, I changed in the car; I wasn't daring enough to wear them out of the store :smile:). Surprisingly enough, they are very comfortable and I could walk for hours in them :thumbsup: .


    Are you about to embark on some fashion freestyle rock climbing? :wink1:

  12. Re: 'i think i would cry, that happen to me the other day. The women i meet up with was stunning with a great sexy dress on, but when i looked at her feet she had on flip-flops i was gutted!!!' Were the flip flops innapropriate or did you just think she needed heels to satisfy you?

  13. As an update to my view on this subject. I find it far more of a crime if shoes are worn that don't compliment the outfit. The height of the heels is irrelevant. I have seen thousands of drop dead looks where flat shoes are totally appropriate. The worst mistake is when women wear high heels that they have chosen simply because they are high with no real regard for the outfit. For example yesterday I saw a woman wearing a really nice strappy summer top, she had perfect makeup and hair and looked like she knew what she was doing. As she walked past the parked car that obscured my view of her lower half I gasped in shock when I saw she was wearing a lovely pencil skirt but really cheap blocky yet really high fake wood monsters on her feet. Maybe the complaints in this thread relate more to the complaining men being 'stuck' in flat mens shoes. Wear whatever you want and I bet other people's heels or lack of them will quickly fade into the distance.

  14. All,

    I have two pairs of Leatherworks court shoes - 51/2" black patent long point toes and 7" black patent with red heels, and i have to say they are the absolute best. The 51/2" are a dream and by far the most comfortable of my cleection that i wear out. The 7", well look great but still practicing!

    I can recommend them to you all - boys and girls. Saving up for a pair of their extreme platforms!

    What are the arches like on the 7" in terms of support? Presuming they don't have a platform. I can't imagine they are easy to walk in even if they are custom made.

  15. Hi Roz, You should change your avatar to show your wonderful Tributes off. Not a great fan of the wooden things you currently have, they look a bit Playboy bunny by the pool :thumbsup: I have seen before that you don't have a digital camera. Why not sell 1 or 2 pairs of your least favourite heels and buy one. I'm sure some of the sadder guys here would probably pay you good money for some of your 'used' heels. Cheers, Ben

  16. They look like they have no arch support. Compare the attached as a comparison. In very high heels it's all about the arch support. Otherwise the balls of your feet and your heels take all the punishment (it's a bit like lying down only supported by your head and your feet). We have some 6" heels that are more comfy than many pairs of 4" as a result of the lower ones being poorly designed. You can make an arch support by experimenting with some foam insoles cut to shape, layered up and stuck inside the shoes under the arch area, but it's always better if the shoe follows the shape of your foot in the 1st place. Cheers, Ben



  17. I left out the Tributes that have been posted here lots before. The ankle area on the Giambattista Valli shoes are exactly the part that I love about them! I guess that's what makes the world go round.

  18. I found all these. I think it covers almost all the highest shoe variants. Don't think any of the attached are knockoffs. I love them all except the pony skin old lady beige ones. Also loving the attached Giambattista Valli heels. Retro modern and sexy. Ben



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