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Posts posted by benno

  1. If you want to move into another job I would advise that you go to an area with a laid back attitude and hit town wearing heels. Go to all your job interviews wearing heels and eventually you will find somewhere that is cool with it. How about alternative clothing shops and cafes somewhere like SanFrancisco? Go and check them out before you decide what to do. You'll be happier in the long run if you make the jump with both feet. Regards, Ben

  2. Day two, and no celebrities spotted in great heels today, so today I've raided the archive!

    4th July 2008

    Stacey 'Fergie' Ferguson in red high heeled sandals

    Pictures from the Sex and the City premiere on 27th July 2008, Fergie is spotted wearing red high heeled sandals - can anyone ID these shoes? One full length portrait, and the others are closeups.

    Jimmy Choo Ode sandals. Available on sale here.




  3. They are badly copied knockoffs by Steve Madden, the king of all things sly. Isn't he in prison anyway? The originals by Balenciaga were nasty enough. Surely you can find some nicer heels to start your new addiction.


  4. From the little I have seen of her I can only come to the conclusion that she is truly repellent. A classic case of a vacuous brain saying nothing very loudly. I'd love to lock her in a room with Germaine Greer for two weeks.

  5. My friends and my girlfriend. All the people in the list would be completely up their own bottoms. Have you ever heard an interview with Blahnik? He is a sad old fashioned dinosaur. I still have a wish that one day I'll be rich enough to buy all the shoes Manolo has made and put them in those big metal 'Shoes for Charity' boxes that are all around the UK. Just to annoy him. Regards, Ben

  6. What a fun question!

    If you can understand the words they are using, you are better than me. (I picked a video that wouldn't be deleted by the You Tube moderators).

    and http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_wPGMe4eRxg. Covenant is from Sweden. You think if I tell all the Swedish girls I meet that I like Covenant, that I'll then attract into my life the Swedish Super Model I someday hope to meet? :thumbsup:

    Kneehighs my dearest. How about The Ubiquitous Mr Lovegrove? Love it so much. Reminds me of being 21 and in Berlin.

    Warmest regards,


  7. I love a Brazillian band called CSS (CSS is an acronym for Cansei de Ser Sexy which translates as 'I got tired of being sexy'). Got to love anyone that's makes a track called 'Let's Make Love and Listen to Death From Above'. Check them out on myspace.

    Lots of modern electro rock like New Young Pony Club (listen to 'The Get Go') and The Sounds too.

    Playgroup were the stand out electro band of the last few years especially tracks like Overflow and Number One. I liked a review of their 1st album that simply said 'Madonna, are you listening?'

    Check out Discodust. lots of free tracks. Some golden ones in there. Love this remix by Fred Falke of Erlend Oye's new band called The Whitest Boy Alive



  8. I have been spammed to death with fake 'Happy 4th of July' emails offering replica Rolex watches and Viagra. What has the world come to? Happy 4th of July to our American members! Regards, Ben

  9. Office always makes well constructed shoes.

    They are not a bad price though I prefer Aldo's 'Tabera' shoe. Aldo's colours are better and the soles look like real leather, which for an extra fiver is a bargain. And they go up to UK size 9 which maybe good for you.

    Cheap shoes are a false economy. Do you think that will impress a future wife?



  10. Hi Bubba, 9 dollars is not a fortune. Watch it and If you agree with me then sell it on ebay and you don't lose much. It's worth watching to pass the time if you are stuck on a flight or in prison. It's more of a TV (the telly not tranny) comedy/drama that's half an hour too long. Cheers, Ben

  11. Can't remember if I've answered this one yet. So I'll answer here. I see myself as a man wearing clothes and shoes. I do wear female clothes when I feel like it, but never ever pretend to be anything other than a man. I feel that if you wear heels then they need to be part of an outfit that goes with them. I have not seen any photos anywhere on this forum of a man in traditional mens clothing paired with heels that didn't look ridiculous. Cheers, Ben

  12. Shoe size conversion table linked below.

    I recommend finding out your size in Euro size and then using that when getting US womens sized shoes. If not you have to go back and forth between UK to US mens and womens and it can cause a mess.


  13. Hi Roz,

    Here's some more Louboutins.

    The fetish ones are from a collaboration between Louboutin and David Lynch (Twin Peaks creator). They are all totally out there and will never be made again. I love the really exaggerated arch black patent ones.

    I liked the shoe shaped montage that I found.

    How about the Anemone version of the Pigalle? I like it but can see that it's very OTT.

    Also found a good photo of the knotted Lady Gres you asked about.

    How sweet are the Moonbows!? I love them.

    If you want 500+ pages of Louboutin forum go here.








  14. I think the real tragedy is the state of the mainstream British Film industry. I was waiting for Billy Elliot to come dancing onto the screen and do a tap dance medley with the cast of the Full Monty and East is East. Why are all mainstream English films the same old feelgood rubbish with sub East Enders plot lines and actors? If I had paid £7 to go and see Kinky Boots at the cinema I would have felt robbed. Oh and there was not one pair of attractive heels in the whole film. I want my hour and a half back.

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