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Posts posted by benno

  1. Ninanoora, Is it because of my vomitous outfit or the danger of death? I don't think you'd need any sort of GPS. Just look for the trail of burnt out petrol stations and run in the other direction. Judging from your avatar photo you are ready to run off anyway.

  2. My favourites are in the 2nd pic (gwynethpaltrow02.jpg) - can anyone ID these please, I beg of you!

    I'm pretty sure they are by Giuseppe Zanotti. I've looked but can't find them. Maybe they are very special order only and he will release them to us groundlings in a year or so.

    The attached photo has the following caption on the Daily Mirror's website

    'Gwyneth Paltrow in her seven-inch, £450 Giuseppe Zanotti killer heels.'



    I love the gold knotted shoes (evalongoria03.jpg), if anyone can ID these in particular I would appreciate it!

    Monsier Louboutin from a couple of seasons back.

    Thanks! Actually, yes, those silver shoes are defo Loubies, looked at some other pics and the red soles are as clear as day. Well spotted.

    Louboutin Pigalles to be exact.



  3. The main thing to bear in mind is that most (all?) women would not wear those Scream heels in public. If you want to wear heels in public as a man I would say first start with the clothes to go with the shoes. If you wear clothes that lend themselves naturally to go with heels then you are off to a good start. People will notice a well dressed daring man first and your great shoes will just seem right.

  4. u lucky b'stard! Only have about 40 prs myself and soulmate will only let me have hers when she's bored with them, same size too...

    If you have the same size feet why not share shoes? I find it a bit like having your own knife and fork set each and not just using whatever is in the drawer.

  5. Too many to count. Being a size 7 UK is a blessing and a curse because I know that any shoes I see on the high st will definitely fit me. Probably well over 100 pairs between my girlfriend and I (we both have the same size feet). There are shoes everywhere in our flat. Cheers, Ben

  6. I have looked far worse than that. Here's a photo of me (I'm on the left) and my girlfriend dressed as matching Thai Ladyboys for a fancy dress 'Bangkokney' themed party. It was a Do for a Thai girl who loved East London and was leaving to go back home to Bangkok. Sorry about the size. It's the biggest I have as it was cropped from a montage. Cheers, Ben


  7. I did a little digging on google and I liked one of the comments someone left on a blog type thing. It was along the lines of 'If Kanye West or Pharrell Williams wore them, they would look hot!' The shoes were designed to integrate with a specific look which should be playful and fun, with a warped nod to classic menswear. Speaking of which. Have fun. Regards, Ben

  8. The other day I was wearing my Manolo Blahnik for Jimmy Choo for Pleaser 14 inch stiletto wedge platform zip up thigh length sandal boots, red lipstick, foot long blood red nails and a micro mini leather dress and my cigarette holder exploded destroying a small petrol station. Don't you just hate it when that happens? Seriously though. There is a fetish section for this sort of crap.

  9. I have a girlfriend that I'm deeply in love with so it would be wrong to do anything other than ask where we can get a pair of your shoes from. Also depending on your overall dress and attitude you might get an invite to a fancy dress party.

  10. Surely this is due to men's clothes being on the whole quite boring. It only takes a little wedge to cause a stir. It's quite sad really, but things are changing and it's only a matter of time before it all adds up to a big metaphor that breaks the donkey's back.

  11. As I've said before. I find transvestism sexist. Not the I hate women/men kind of sexist, more 'the way the world is' kind of sexism. In particular the kinds of trannys that annoy me most are... Drag queens dong the 'I'm such a slut and I love cock' parody of a loose woman. And drag kings doing the 'I'm a lumberjack and I'm gonna chop down trees with my massive penis' act. What I find most amusing is that drag queens/kings are usually gay and often will complain about being stereotyped because they are gay. As I said initially it's not always the fault of the person, but more indicative of the ridculous society we choose to tolerate. More often than not it's a hideous parody of something the person wishes to be or secretly hates. I would say the remedies are: A. Have a sex change B. Wear whatever you like as your own sex. Don't pretend to be anything else. It's deceitful. So wear what you want but please don't pretend to be something you are not. I am simply a man in good clothes, and nothing else. Cheers, Ben

  12. Benno,

    I thought you "felt bad for women who feel the need to wear heels everyday?" LOL

    Well, my feet still hurt from last night.

    I think I mean it more along the lines of feeling bad for women that feel they must wear really high heels everywhere for every occasion. For example when I was a kid my uncle brought his then girlfriend to a Guy Fawkes event some hippy friends of my parents were holding in a local forest. Uncle arrived in his little sports car with his girlfriend. She was wearing a fake fur coat and 5" stiletto thigh high burgundy boots. All her clothes got wrecked and she complained as if it was anyone's faults but hers. She surely must have known that forests in November = mud and dirt. I just remember thinking how selfish and stupid she was.

    My girlfriend wear shoes with some sort of heels almost everyday but they are usually no higher than 2 or 3 inches. She wears them because A. she likes them and B. because they look good with the outfit she's wearing. If we go for a country walk or to the beach then she wears trainers, flip flops or wellies.

  13. Benno,

    I think you were just joking, but I find that remark offensive and out of line. Nazis ruthlessly imposed their twisted sense of what society should be on their victims. By contrast, while I find flip-flops repulsive, I don't restrict any persons from wearing them if they want to. I don't impose my sense of fashion on anyone else. I do offer my opinion, and that person can take it or leave it. So I think "shoe Nazi" is much too extreme.


    It's just a turn of phrase. I used to call my DJ friend a 'Music Nazi'. I am Jewish (lots of members of my family were killed during the war) and my best friend is a 'proper' blonde German. I'd say you need to get over it.

    Laughter is the best medicine.

  14. Sex should be dirty and decadent or you're not doing it well. Shoes can be cheap looking, badly thought out and wrong which normally isn't such a good thing. Trashy, expensive well made shoes are a great thing. Just look at all the amazing creations coming from big high end labels. Louboutin trades on being trashy but expensive. He always says he ows his fortune to being influenced by trashy Parisian women from the more burlesque side of life. It's always possible to find some genuinely cheap shoes that look and feel great but the search is a long, hard road. I'm sure shops like Frederick's have giant bargain bins of plastic heels that are being sold off at $10 just to get them out of the way. See the attached for an example of trashy and classy versus cheap and nasty. I'd rather not eat for a month and have some real Tributes than wear the grey fluffy knockoffs. Cheers, Ben


  15. I just bought a new pair of shoes on ebay, thought I'd post one of the pics from the site. They're Tommy Hilfiger, leather with a 3 1/2 inch heel and pointed toe. I loved the as soon as I saw them, so i used the buy it now, it was only $3 more than the starting bid, and I would've hated myself if I lost them over 3 bucks. Anyway, here's the pic, and I should have them in about 2 weeks.

    I'd love them in patent black and would change the buckle for something almost costume jewellery like in jet black or maybe fluoro coloured. They would look great with slightly baggy but slim lower leg trousers and a boot buckle matching cumerbund style, back laced steel boned corset over a white shirt or womens blouse, with a nice edwardian style jacket and a killer slick of liquid eyeliner.

    Do the boots have zips?

    I have a thing about zips on boots and clothes that can be fastened via a obvious fastening that is made redundant via addition of a zip. I feel the same about bags that have a buckle and then employ a popper or magnet to close. I know it's for the sake of speed, but I have always thought that life shouldn't be a race.



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