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Posts posted by benno

  1. The current avatar would work ok with some knee length black leggings, some sort of leg warmers, a sporty but sexy top (maybe a disco inspired hoodie or cowl neck) and a change of shoes to something along the lines of the attached. All the shoes are from Office or Kurt Geiger. Wait for the sales and knock yourself out. Cheers, Ben


  2. In your dreams or in reality... What could/do you wear:

    1. To work. Assuming it's some sort of office based environment.

    2. Out to a casual but nice dinner followed by some sort of late night evening out/party.

    3. To actually try to impress a member of the opposite sex (let's pretend they are receptive to the idea of someone wearing what they like if it's well sorted/assembled and tasteful)

    4. To a formal event i.e a wedding.

    5. A party hosted by yourself. With carefully invited guests only.


    Get creative.

    Warmest regards,


  3. I can see where bennos coming from I suppose.

    In the last place I worked, a girl in her late teens working in one of the offices wore shoes similar to those with white ankle socks. I thought she looked both stylish and sexy at the same time and so did all the blokes there too.

    Without socks or stockings I think those heels look unfinished somehow.

    With the socks and the shoes in your avatar you look like you should be waiting in the wings for your big part in a Panto. Do something new... Please! All of you. I can't take much more.

  4. Neo sexist claptrap... Give the women a break. Why the hell should they wear heels if they don't want to. I hate to break it to you lot but... many women wear heels when they want to and pretty much for their own pleasure.

    I really can't understand women who always insist on wearing high heels whatever the occasion. I feel sorry for them.

  5. Great inspirational story. I love the part about realising cross dressing wasn't the answer and you wanted to simply be a better dressed man. I think it take far more guts to be a man in whatever clothes that he wants rather than a bloke dressed like a poor impression of a woman. I find transvestites a bit sexist in that they steal womens identity and almost cheapen the idea of a sexily dressed woman. I also apply the same thinking to women pretending to be men. Don't pretend to be someone else... Get you own look and identity! I can totally understand how some feel under less pressure as society loves a tranny. My Girlfriend went to Ascot today and saw a man she described as a 'Crap tranny in a meringue of a dress'. I am certain that if I turned up wearing tasteful, stylish but dressy clothes complete with heels, but very obviously as a man then I would not have been welcomed there. Regarding Tokio Hotel. They are just rubbish pretend Punks and the lead singer gets the attention of women because he is absurdly good looking. He doesn't look too great in his choice of clothes and I feel it might be a little bit of a stunt to get the media chattering. More like a teenage Emo girl gone mad in New Look and Primark. It's all good and in the name of fun though. Hat's off to him for whatever reason he chooses to wear what he does.

  6. I would say my feet hurt. I think anything else is a bit of lie. My girlfriend went to Ascot today wearing 4.5" 1980s cone heels (really cool shoes) that are the perfect fit for her. She may as well have iron feet and wears heels of some kind pretty much everyday. When she got back to Brighton she was what can only be described as crippled. Proper (thin and over 2") heels are something that mess up what nature intended and as such can't really be mentioned in the same sentence as 'practical' or 'comfy'. 'Sexy' and 'the most brilliant thing ever invented' are.

  7. All the coverage of Gwyneth Paltrow has just made me trust the media even less. They aren't 7" heels... maybe a smidgen over 6" max. One report in the Daily Mirror (crappy sensationalist newspaper) had a reporter wearing what she stated as 7" Louboutin shoes that were clearly around 4.5 to 5". It's all a load of bollocks.



  8. Horrible shoes and horrible photos. A woman with beautiful shapely legs would look bad in those heels. The photos should be moved to a special new section simply titled 'WRONG' and kept here forever as a reminder for how bad things can get.

  9. My question here is:

    Does a male have to dehair his legs if he is only going to wear heels with his socially dictated male clothing?

    Admittedly, I don't like to see hairy feet and legs in heels either, but if the only part that can be viewed by others is from a little above the ankle down to the shoes, what's the point? Of course, if you just like the feeling of dehaired legs, I'd say go for it.

    The need for leg shaving has only been part of the main fashion scene for about seven to eight decades, which isn't that all that long. Before then, silk stocking and tights were used to cover legs, but silk was very expensive and not affordable to most financial budgets.

    If I don't shave my legs then I get hair sticking through tights and even leggings. Not a good look or feel.

    I think the need to shave is dictated by the clothes one is wearing. Football boots and fully fashioned stockings for example wouldn't be a favourite look.

    It would be good to know if men in the past did shave their legs when they wore silk stockings. Does anyone have any historical knowledge on this matter?



  10. I couldn't really make out the shoes in the pictures that well because they're black and they have black tights on, but it was the soles that I thought were so cool, I just loved the colour coordination between their soles and their belts.

    I have YSL Tributes but they're the sandals, but they are gorgeous shoes, defo one of my faves.

    I'd probably kill for a pair of YSL Tributes... If someone bought me some of the Sugababes heels from Office I'd pray that they kept the receipt!

  11. The problem with the Sugababes Office heels is that they are a bad copy of YSLs Tribute shoes (see attached) which just ooze class. Compare the lines of the shoes. The YSLs look so perfect in their proportions whilst the Office shoes look like they belong on a market stall. Considering how many pairs Office made (Maybe 100000 pairs?!) they could have spent a few extra pounds on the design and made them truly stunning. My girlfriend and I saw them in Office and we were both horrified at how wrong they look in the flesh. Cheers, Ben


  12. The Sugababes shoes are from Office. Seen them wearing them in lots of photos. They have just had colour added to the soles by their stylists. The actual shoes are pretty grim in real life. Tacky girls tottering down the High street after 9pm fodder. Just another case of jumping on Monsieur Louboutin's bandwagon and nearly breaking every bone in your body trying.



  13. The Peugeot 106 is a car that helped to set a trend for pefectly designed, nice to look at, functional small cars that are fun to drive, economical to buy and run and won't fall apart too quickly. Plus the company has great heritage and made one of THE seminal, automotive icons of the 80s, the Peugeot 205. The small cars they make are most importantly classless i.e they appeal to everyone. By contrast Pleaser are a company that saw a market for cheap mass produced shoes that steal other companies designs and churn then out with little regard to the actual shape of the product in the hope that the general public are stupid enough to not know the difference. I will give Pleaser credit for creating the thick soled, often transparent monsters that seem to adorn the feet of every stripper, tranny, porn actress or wannabee Pammy. That however is not something I would be that proud of.

  14. Fashion magazines, while fun to read, point to nothing I'd expect to see on most women anytime soon, let alone men. I'd be more prone to mimic the ideas posed by members here like kneehighs and fashionablefun. I have a fairly limited budget, so most of my spending has to be done within the constructs of my finances. Therefore, I find things that I already have and try to properly incorporate women's shoes into the look.

    Most fashion magazine I read have tons of very wearable clothes. Granted that sometimes they may be teamed with unwearable 'prop' items that look great in photos and get people thinking, but if you strip away the shiny veneer there are plenty of things that are gonna be seen in 6 months to a year even in small towns. Check out the photos I have attached (all were taken from the style.com slideshow 'Boy Meets Girl' that I linked to a couple of posts ago) and tell me which ones aren't perfectly wearable.

    If you are going to wear your high heels in the open then you do need to think about what you're gonna wear them with.




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