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Posts posted by benno

  1. I'm not mean! I just think the spice girls are repellant and a waste of space. And they are only average looking at best. To prove I'm not mean I will happily say that I find both Sarah Jessica Parker and Drew Barrymore extremely tasty.

  2. Pumps, I hate to say it but to most people women wearing crocs is socially acceptable and men wearing womens heels isn't. It's as simple as that. What I am happy to say is go out in your heels and help to start to make the change we are all desperate for. If you really hate women then I feel sorry for you. All the best, Ben

  3. I agree, it's as if women think they have the patent right to "claim" what ever they wear (or start to wear for that matter). If they wear something from men's wardrobes it's a "sexy masculine" look if men wears anything nearly resembling feminine its seen as crossdressing and men as Transvestites (no offence to either) women created the walls we now have to break down to wear high heels or what ever they claimed to be theirs.

    And don't think they'll let those baricated walls fall easilly.........

    For god's sake women didn't do anything except celebrate centuries of oppression by wearing what the hell they liked. Have you ever worn a corset? I have. It's fun and feels really lovely but there is not a chance you could make me wear one every day of my life and let it's iron grip stop me from riding my bike or climbing trees.

    When women get the chance to be equal to men in pay and social status then you can moan at them about your choice to wear what you like.

    Get over the fact that men in heels looks odd to some people and they have every right to say they don't like it. Just don't blame anything on women only. That's called hate.

    Get out there and make a change. Sadly the change won't be instant.

  4. You say we have accepted women's fashion freedom. Yes we have 100 years after they asked for 'us' to accept it!!! In the early 70s my mum was sacked from a job because she refused to wear seamed stockings to please the boss. It was an office job with no visual contact with customers. It's not like she was a Playboy bunny!!! It's not all women that are negative only some. My own girlfriend and lots and lots of women that I know think it's amazing that I wear whatever I want to. It's when you say you hate women that I take offence. Why not go further and say you hate people that drink tea because someone that once said something nasty to you likes tea?

  5. Pumps You have highlighted exactly what I was saying. Something different, challenging and new and not 'normal' will be met with raised eyebrows and sometimes childish, nasty comments. Think yourself lucky that you can wear heels and be allowed out of the house. You can't even be legally gay in many countries. Feminism was met by hatred and violent arrests. All the women were doing was trying to highlight unfairness and gain some rights in a male dominated world. I'd much rather be a man wearing men's shoes than the average woman with unfair work expectations and the majority of childcare slapped on them. If you don't like the comments then take your heels off and tell your grandchildren you couldn't be bothered to try to make the world a fairer place because some kids said some nasty things on a street. You are a man wearing heels and as such you will get uncomfortable situations.

  6. I love hhplace. One thing I feel I must say after reading hundreds of great threads on the forum is... I have noticed a trend whereby people are moaning about men in heels getting laughed at and not taken seriously. However nearly all of the people that moan about this also tend to wear men's clothes and simply stick some heels on. If you do this then expect to be stared at and even have someone say something. I'm not referring to anyone that goes out wearing 'stealth' heels. That is an entirely different matter. Every time I have gone out wearing heels I have always made sure my whole look is in balance. For example I have worn tighter trousers, a little bit of eye makeup, feminine gloves and even a fur coat. BUT every time I have been very obviously a man and I am never ever clean shaven (except sometimes my legs). I have never been laughed at and if I had been single I would have been home with many, many girls. I have had girls come up unnanounced and say thing like 'You look really amazing, I wish I could get my boyfriend to dress like you'. The only negative comments have been from girls saying they hated me because their shoes were boring in comparison to mine. My favourite comment was from a guy... My girlfriend and I went to a trendy clubnight in East London and dressed in complimentary but very different outfits. I was wearing shiny metallic gold leggings, kneehigh white stiletto slouch boots an orange slash sided t shirt, a white boob tube, tons of white plastic bangles, hot pink nail varnish and my hair was really dishevelled. This guy came up to me and I thought my time on this planet was up, I was ready to avoid his inevitble punch in the face. He said 'Mate can I just say that we are obviously totally different in our sexual persuasions but you look amazing'. I pointed to my girlfriend who was wearing a similar outfit to me and said 'That's my girlfriend and I'm probably the straightest guy you could meet'. He gave me a blokey kind of bear hug and just said he was utterly jealous of my life. I just smiled and said 'All you have to do is be yourself'. Balance things out and it can work. Warmest regards to everyone, Ben

  7. Don't ever say you hate women. It's a hideous statement. Why not just say that you find the viewpoint of some people (men and women) hateful.

    I have always thought that Feminism was about women becoming empowered and able to become more masculine if they so desired. It has reached a point where some sort of power, albeit media manipulated, has been achieved. So next comes Masculinism. However most people ignorantly believe that entails men becoming more manly, chopping things down, fighting, having hairier chests, drinking more beer and battering their partners more often, etc, etc.

    Masculinism in relation to Feminism means men becoming more feminine. There will of course be a backlash from men and women in exactly the same way that there was massive opposition to early feminism.

    So strap on your heels and move the world on a little. I'd rather be laughed at by some uneducated teenagers on Oxford Street than throw myself under the King's Racehorse.

    I've often heard you only need to do or see something ten times before you go from hating it to liking it. Think of smoking, drinking strong alcohol or eating food that is considered a delicacy. I hated Caviar the 1st time I tasted it, now I think it's great. Some things are horrible at first but you soon get to like it.

    Also please, please bear in mind that putting on a pair of feminine heels without paying any attention to the rest of your outfit does look awful. It's all about balance and proportion. I find women that only wear high heels really dull, and believe me I think high heels are one of the greatest inventions ever.

    On a final note... For what its worth. Heels were really popular for both sexes as a sign of wealth and status until the French Revolution, when they were abandoned as wearing them was a little like swanning about in a crown and an ermine robe sticking two fingers up to the recently victorious working Proletariat. You would probably have been beaten to death in the street for being an aristocrat.

  8. They look horrible but I bet they would feel good. I really like the feeling of a shoe that really follows the form of my foot especially under the arch and around the toe box. Imagine the style of some Christian Louboutin or Pierre Hardy shoes with the customness of the shoes that started this thread and you would have a winner.

  9. Hey tsheat, thanks for the link. Woooooow, some nice shoes there. Although not above 8", I lurve these:


    and http://www.elite-heels.com/shop/product_info.php?info=p87_PU-ex-gl-gold-leather-Pin-Up-Peeptoe-Pumps.html

    If I were to go for over 8" on that site I would probably get: http://www.elite-heels.com/shop/product_info.php?info=p106_PPS-as-sl-Mega-Platform-Sandals.html

    They cost £275 but I have resigned myself to the fact that if I want to go over 8" I will have to pay a lot. I am also looking to finally buy some ballet heels (now that I know I am comfortable in them) so I might hold off on those and just get the ones I linked above in 10 or 12".

    Thanks again.

    The gold elite shoes are amazing. I have a video of them from Queen of Heels. Really lovely in motion.

  10. Hi thedesigner. I have made you a little selection of shoes from £50 to £100. All are easily bought from around Oxford Street. Hope it helps. My favourite are the pink Kurt Geiger with ribbons. THe Aldo platforms with the ankle strap are on sale at just under 50 quid. I have a pair and love them to death. Or how about something other than shoes. Unless you have been told to go and get her shome SHOES!!! Good luck and happy searching. Regards, Ben


  11. If there's a 'naughty corner' in your house, I hope you're sitting on it. ;)

    Couldn't you have wrecked some Asda shoes instead? :cool1:


    My Girlfriend and I don't buy cheap shoes!

    If they had been nasty Adsa shoes I wouldn't have bought them in the 1st place. That was the whole point. Louboutins on a dirty rocky road.



  12. Hi thedesigner. Do you mean like the heels on the attached pair from Aldo? I bought them off ebay for £1.25 thought the overall shoe was like some sort of sci fi nightmare and proptly took some better photos and put them back on ebay with a really good description and they sold for £15. Easy money. Must do it more often. Especially as I work from home and have quite a bit of free time. I remember Shelleys selling some chunky mary janes with heart shaped heels. They were really horrid. Love your tan Office oxfords by the way!!! I am slightly jealous. Regards Ben


  13. I know what you mean Euchrid. I bought the attached pink Louboutin shoes for £11 on ebay a couple of years ago. They were spelt something like Labotin. I gave them too my girlfriend on holiday in Greece as good shoes to mess about in. They got a little ruined on the rocky dirt tracks, but that was the whole point. We were trying to take photos to make her look like she was in a retro 80s cigarette advert. I have also bought some 5" Giuseppe Zanotti shoes brand new that RRP at $600 for £55. The best bargain has to be the black with pink snakeskin fan detail Gina stilettos that were advertised as 'Designer Shoes' with no gallery photo on ebay. They were £1.25 plus £3 P&P. Go and search. Ben




  14. Hi Roz,

    I think that if you get the 12" version of the Marbella mules the price has 800 Swiss Francs added. Thats £500 for some shoes!!!

    Good luck. I'm sure you can find something much, much cheaper. I would advise you to find an American company as the Dollar is so weak you can get some good bargains.

    Have you tried Mr James Shoes? http://www.deyoproduction.com

    The website looks really badly made but the prices are much cheaper especially the sample shoes.



  15. Re: Claudia Raia. I just tried to copy her pose and managed it fine wearing shoes of a similar height in relation to the shoe size (size 7 uk 5" heels and 0.5" platform). It's not the most comfortable of poses but not too bad. I think that my girlfriend could sit like that for hours, so there is definately a difference somewhere.

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