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Posts posted by benno

  1. I'd recommend Ebay. The attached were found doing a couple of basic searches. Look in the vintage sections too. My old flatmate had tiny feet and was always jealous of my girlfriends range of vintage heels. So we bought her a pair of size 2 UK vintage heels and she wore them until they fell apart. Thanks, Ben


  2. For some reason this thread reminder me of being a teenager in a National Trust country house with my Dad and his then girlfriend. I was looking in the gift shop for something for my Mum's birthday. Dad's girlfriend suggested I buy a set of traditional jams* because ALL Mothers like jam. *Jam is Jello in Britain.

  3. Some interesting points have been made, but without reference to the complete outfit worn isn't this is an unfinished question? Maybe the question should be rephrased 'Do some women like men that have the desire to do/wear something different and pioneering?' To me shoes are only part of an outfit.

  4. Great advert. I remember the 1st time I saw it on telly. Cheers for the link Roz! The only thing wrong with the styling of the ad is the red shoes. They don't look 80s enough. I think they are the same as a pair my girlfriend bought in desperation from ALDO. They bothered to find a retro Wimpy burger sign thought so my hat is off to them! It's still a shame BA won't let Virgin buy the paint used on Concorde. Air France were happy to sell Richard Branson a few planes but BA owns the rights to the special paint used on Concorde. As the plane stretched by something like 9 inches when it went supersonic and normal paint would simply fall off.

  5. I'm not trying to look down my nose at people.

    Waitrose is the nearest supermarket to me. I was explaining why Whittards is in trouble. They are a Tea and coffee specialist yet the goods they offer are lower quality than Waitrose own brand which are half the price. I am happy to shop in Waitrose knowing that the food they sell is better quality... I am putting it into my body after all. Also it is worth noting that Waitrose do seem to treat staff and suppliers with a fairer hand.

    I won't try to sum up the problems Woolies had, this link says it much better and with more humour than I ever could.

    I have no problem with cheap shops. We rarely by any expensive clothes. Most of the clothes my girlfriend and I buy come from charity shops or Ebay. We do buy a few quality pieces to use as foundations for our wardrobe but are in no way snobbish about where we shop. Primark gets used lots for basics like underwear, tights, jackets and accessories. Neither of us earns a big wage.

    Barratts never had anything I have liked until they started stocking other brands. Is it a bad thing that they lose out if they refuse to react to trends and ideas with the same speed and accuracy as Topshop or Office? If they are a shoe shop should they not be leading the way instead of rehashing other peoples designs but in poorer quality?

    I have always been a follower of the shoppers mantra of 'Buy cheap buy twice'.

  6. I don't think it's a particularly bad thing that some of the least interesting shops on the High Streets of England are closing down. Woolies was always a last resort. I haven't bought anything in there that was cheaper or different than anywhere else. Barratts has always sold cheap and pretty tacky shoes. Since the likes of Office opened up selling far superior fashion focussed shoes at similar prices they were always gonna suffer. Faith used to be major player on the high streets. I found that in the last 5 years the quality of design has fallen and the shoes are copies of other high street shops whereas they used to be copied directly from the catwalks. It's possible that as brands that delivered high quality goods realised that its possible to hike up the prices, by making things seem more covetable, that cheaper brands raise their prices and suddenly they are too expensive. High Street shoes used to be a max of £50 but now nothing decent is less than £60-80. I tend to wait for the Kurt Geiger sales and swoop in and buy a few pairs or buy something nice off Ebay. Whittards... An over priced retailer of tea and coffee that is not as good quality as the stuff in Waitrose. They also sell twee china that my Nan wouldn't even want. I do feel sorry for the people that lost their jobs, but don't mourn the loss of the shops.

  7. I've been buying tons of shoes. Started buying and selling on Ebay to make profit. £400 profit on the 1st batch of shoes. All are UK 7 or 8 as they sell to women and men so twice the bidders. Any that are 'must haves' get kept and any that I kinda like I just wear (carefully) until I'm bored and sell them. I will take some photos and post them up soon. Just bought some Leatherworks classic lace up boots in black leather with 5.5 inch heels. They are so D R E A M Y. Regards, Ben

  8. Attached are my favourite Brian Atwood's from his current collection. I love the fold down pop stud boots! Annoyingly all the shoes in the photos are size 40 which is my size. Also worth looking at Rupert Sanderson. Some of his shoes are so covetable. See the attached black and white boots. I'd even break my 'no zips ever' policy for them. It all makes me want to go to college to design shoes.



  9. Hi Beegirl, You sound great! Think of it as a hobby rather than a fetish and it might be easier to get along with. I've known people with far more destructive and downright nasty fetishes. My girlfriend and I have the same size feet and that wasn't by accident. Now we share shoes and have quite a few matching pairs. It's a strange, strange world and loving shoes is just one of the better slices of the cake. Good luck, Ben

  10. Hey guys, Stripper heels to me are anything with the sole and heel all as one piece of moulded plastic. I think they were originally made by Pleaser. Everyone else copied them, from high street sell out shops right through to Chanel. I have worn a pair to fancy dress that were the classic 6 inch with a 1.5 inch platform. Really really comfortable and deeply padded with a suede footbed. I own less comfy trainers! Roz, I'd say all the shoes apart from the Tribs are really stripper! Thanks, Ben ps. the last 2 of Roz's list are verging into Pub comedy Tranny miming Shirley Bassey hits. pps. The attached Giambatista Valli are high class 'stripper inspired'. They live in a different world and they aren't squirted out of a plastic machine.



  11. Hi Guys, I have just bought some boots from Leatherworks. They are as the attached Photo but in black leather. They fit like a dream on my feet but the calfs are too big making them a bit baggy. The whole point (to me that is) of these boots is that they should be tight around the leg. I was hoping to get them made tighter. There is a seam up the back of the boots. Could they be unstitched and cut and then sewn up? The only thing I want to avoid is zips. I hate zips on boots. I've looked at a few old posts and seen the name Achilles mentioned. Does he still exist and if so would he be able to do something like that? Hope everyone is doing well. Cheers, Ben


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