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Posts posted by benno

  1. I was answering directly to the Pot calling the kettle black comment!!!!

    You creepily fiddle about with badly dressed computer lesbians in your spare time, yet have the cheek to lecture me on life.

    Second Life offers the chance to interact and learn from other characters controlled by real people.

    A.Wells... I see you edited your post to remove the part accusing me of double standards. Thankyou.

  2. I'm of the heterosexual persuasion, but am fascinated by clothing and what it can do to our emotions. I have gone shopping while wearing a skirt and high-heel boots, exactly 5 times. It felt good and I had no negative feedback, but I've deceided to restrict myself to shoes. Really sexy shoes. I like pumps and high-heel clogs. Spike-heeled boots that reach the knee are cool, too. I have religious faith, but feel that what I am doing is part of life's experience.

    Jesus wore sandals and a dress.

    I say go for it.

    I would have thought that as long as your not interested in passing off as a woman and are sexually straight, then no monotheistic religion in the world would have any cause to complain.



  3. HH,

    Oh, he's not sour. You just have to get used to his humo"U"r is all... :o

    One CAN learn a lot about style from him, though.

    Thank you Scot.

    I agree with kneehigh's comments - Ben, I have seen several replies from you of this type in my short time here and have to ask, what made you so sour?

    The alleged sourness came from seeing so many awful photos and the masses screaming 'great look' when they clearly looked anything but.

    I guess some of my humour gets lost via the internet's faceless typed landscape.

    You sound like the potty mouthed fashion police over at The Fashion Spot who just screamed "eww" at the thought of men in heels. Such criticism is useless and wont help any of the men here improve their appearance.

    How about something instructive and educational instead of something so hollow and self-righteous?

    edit: not trying to sound contentious, just wondering. It is after all, hhplace...not exactly a mecca of creative style wizards (myself included).

    I will try to be more constructive in future, but I wear heels and try my best to encourage other to do the same with some dignity and not ending up looking like a car crash waiting to be beaten up by idiots that don't see it as a right to wear what you like. If the whole outfits gels then the wearer looks like they know how to dress instead of looking like a bloke with a shoe fetish. As such they will probably get away with their teeth intact.

    I hope everyone understands.



  4. I have read that they are a powerful signal for those that fetishise the vagina and the penis, in one little cutout. All contained within the world's favourite fetish... The high heeled shoe.

  5. I'd rather ban the following:

    1. Any further reference to Pleaser's repellant fire hazard offerings.

    2. Any more photos of blokes in baggy tee shirts, jeans and heels partnered with 'What do you think of my new look?'

    3. Any form of footwear with zips.

    4. Inane jokes typed by inebriated interior designers at 1am.

    5. Pointless polls.

    6. Hairy legs.

    7. Any reference to shoes costing less than £50. Unless they are truly exceptional or 2nd hand.



  6. I worked for someone that owned a few islands in SL and got paid in real money to design clothes, makeup and architecture. I wouldn't have been there otherwise. Second Life is inhabited with real people and you can have meaningful conversations with them. I just found it a little shocking that grown men play the Sims, which is aimed at children, and use it to make unrealistic pneumatic lesbians in porn actress clothes. If you find it strange that I find that strange then I will keep out of this thread. As you were. Thanks, Ben

  7. I think you lot need to go outside more often. There's a whole world of real people out there.

    Or maybe that's the problem.

    If you really want to have an online experience then you must check out Second Life.

    I actually worked within SL, designing buildings, faces/makeup and clothes and it's quite fun. I guess that you lot would cream yourselves over it.



  8. Hi Sarah Lou.

    If you'd do anything for the dark red pumps then I'd settle for... A gravel prepared Audi Quattro Sport S1 or Lancia Stratos rally car and a private forest track in East Sussex near to my flat.

    Oh go on then I'll tell you where they are from.

    6 inch Heels Forever (link) Scroll halfway down the page.

    The style is called P16SA and they are only $150.

    I have heard horror stories regarding delivery times and customer service.

    If you really would do anything for them then now you have no excuse.

    Best wishes,







  9. I must have misread the original post. I'm sure it said shoes of your dreams! Most of the shoes posted are from the internet's typical mass market shoe merchants or the high street. Hardly the stuff of dreams. Attached are my dream style of shoes that are unobtainable today. If someone would make this style again then they would probably make a killing.



  10. King Louis for me.

    I would take the time to say him to make a law prohibiting high heel shoes to be confined to women's feet.

    All other options are people that relate high heels with women (particularly Manolo) and I prefer not beeing in the same space with them.

    I would love to have this time with people like:

    - Jean Paul Gaultier

    - Christian Dior

    - Rui Leonardes

    - Marc Jacobs

    - Alexandre Herchcovitch (famous brazilian designer, has a heel colection)

    Hey Flavio,

    I think you meant John Galliano (Dior Haute Couture Designer) instead of Christian Dior. I have a feeling Dior would bring back the Guillotine if he saw a man in heels.

    How about Alexander McQueen?



  11. I think the Asda at the Marina is pretty grim. It's a battle ground for yachting snobs and working class heroes. I do like to think that there must be thousands of posh women around the world that bought clothes from Asda and then tell their friends that they bought them in England from a lovely little boutique. Working class women probably wear heels more often than middleclass women. I blame all the celebs in magazines/papers that are aimed at robbing poor people of their dignity and cash. As an example: how many posh mums do you see wearing stilettos pushing baby buggies? Please show me a pair of shoes from New Look that actually look nice. I went to the new spangly Brighton New Look and scoured the shop from top to bottom. There wasn't one item in the whole shop that didn't look cheap and nasty, I will never go in there again. I don't get why anyone would shop in New Look/Primark/MarkOne/Peacocks when H&M is there on most high streets. The only things my girlfriend buys from cheap shops is the occasional brightly coloured boob tube to wear as a skirt on a heavy night out as they are around £5 for three.

  12. I just had a quick look at her line of heels. I think they are all pretty nasty and cheap looking. I'd maybe have a pair of the wedge ankle straps if I was given them for free (but in another colour, why only silver or gold?), but the rest are way overpriced. And her logo is horrible.

    I love this quote taken from her myspace page:

    I personally chose the styling, design, materials and colors for the line.

    Wow she must need a lie down after all that work!

    Why can't she just be happy being a stupid billionaire air head with a dog in her handbag?





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