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Posts posted by Laurieheels

  1. Now, I have a comment to make, and it's good, so read it through. Normally, people with a fetish for something might be thought of as... strange. We have images of weird people, crazy looks, extreme styles... From these pictures, we're quite the normal bunch! No one who posted a picture is ugly in any way, or would seem out of place. And Jeff, have more confidence, and do smile. I think we all prove that your regular people in society can have interests that are different and pull them off. Now the guy in the grocery store with the same metallic blue nail polish I am wearing today, with his club kid girlfriend who had the pink braids on blond hair... the look was fine for them too, though neither wore heels. She was too thin and wore some exercise track outfit. They did buy three hundred dollars worth of instant microwave dinners. The guy used a credit card to pay for it. Eating on borrwed time and money, it seems... I think we should all feel good about ourselves.

  2. Heels, four inches. Material, fake suede.

    Posted Image

    I am wearing a long black skirt here.

    This one was taken before I went out this morning, and thank Fox for being curious about these Oxfords.


    I have to be me.

    No one else is going to do it!

    <font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Laurieheels on 2002-03-30 07:23 ]</font>

  3. 400. Upgrade! New shoes! New heels! Higher! Faster! Okay, not faster, but higher! Hooray for me! (Editor's note, Laurie is very happy because these are sling backs, a personal favourite of hers) I am tired, and I am going to bed. I have nothing to say. Someone be happy for me. _________________ I have to be me. No one else is going to do it! <font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Laurieheels on 2002-03-30 07:10 ]</font>

  4. This is a bit old... On Monday I saw one of the radio station girls wearing some very nice spike heeled shoes or boots under her pants, four inches for sure. How disappointing, when the next day, she wore some clumpy, thick soled summer flop of a pair of shoes. Cross a flip flop, a sandal, and a rather large piece of cork, and you get the idea. I thought I had competition! I am quite wrong. Of course, I wear the same shoes all of the time, and they must think me poor, not a challenge. Little do they know...

  5. On 2002-03-29 18:59, Nata wrote:

    Ha Ha :smile:

    You won't fall on your face. Keep your arms loose, and use them to keep balance. Walk along side a wall and use a hand to steady yourself. There are a number of things you can do to help you walk along, and you will learn quick and do a great job!
  6. On 2002-03-30 01:42, Anonymous wrote:

    you wait cause of a traffic light when your on a bike!?!

    Cyclists should be acting as if they were driving cars. If not, then they have no rights for sharing the road, simple as that. You can't demand respect and then disobey all of the rules, heels or not!

    That's just not cool.

  7. Now Arno, you know we have fun, our little bouts make for interesting times! I am not disturbed at all, unless you mean in terms of mental conditions, then there might be something. :smile: I just wish you would register and post as someone other than Anonymous. And dial a psychics are far less credible than reflexology. Haven't you ever heard the song, it goes like this... The toe bone's connected to the, foot bone, the foot bone's connected to the, ankle bone... Miss Cleo is just a lie, but at least our feet are connected to the rest of us, so I would think the dial a psychic is less credible, not more credible. B)

  8. Hoverfly! It's not about hours or paycheque. It is about life, and life having a lot of difficulties that I need to help with. A part time job will just steal my free time and work me to death. Then I will not be here posting! Besides, I have enough stress with one job for a big company. I don't need to struggle through anything else. Now, as for lobsters, alive is best, but I only know one way to kill a lobster, and that is a plunge head first into boiling water. The trouble being, I would prefer to steam the lobster, so do I just drive a knife through the brain? If I am in heels, you can imagine my first inclination would be a stiletto into the lobster to get it to stop attacking me. And those claws are dangerous! A pincer and a crusher claw, and I could be going to the hospital if Pinchy has no bands... I think I will need Lobster, shoes, and some hazard pay for this one...

  9. Nata, your brother will be shy until he matures, and in men, this is more random and spread over different ages. I think for women, there is more of a constant in maturity. Give him time! He needs to build confidence. Help him by encouraging him, or even forcing him into a harmless situation, like telling a girl about him, almost like you are trying to make him uncomfortable and trying to get the girl's help, but in reality, you're setting him up. Okay, so it is a bit complex and very much a scheming, plotting type of idea. Those are my best!

  10. People like my advice! Wonderful. I did write that myself, plucked from thin air. If someone else once wrote that same thing, then I have never come across it. I think many of us are at the "live it" stage for heels. Maybe that is why we relate to the new advice quote. Good for us! :smile:

  11. I think Hoverfly is talking about some other awards. Oscar would not pick science fiction as the best of pictures. There's a new channel in Canada, the Independant Film Channel, and it has some great commercials, which inform us that hollywood movies are bad. In the most recent commercial, they are in a class room, and the russian director is teaching everyone. On the board behind him it says "Hollywood crap is waste of film" and when the girl is proud of her movie title, "Love is Flowers" she is told it is hollywood crap, and actor Michael Rappaport, the guest in class for the day, suggests that "you gotta love, spanking the monkey". I don't watch this channel very much, but they did play the movie Seven during the day and I watched it at work, on and off. So it has to be a good channel.

  12. Fox, the thrift shops here are boring at times. I may check into it. I do know, however, that the good stuff is snapped up by the staff when it first arrives, and then everything goes out for the public to buy. Also, going for size ten and eleven will make it a bit more difficult. I'll still try when I have time. Mr. Ponytail. That is a tempting offer, and maybe something I would take up for people as a service one day, but not today. Wow, that would be surreal, people sending me things, and I use pictures as payment... this is a whole new internet industry just ready to explode. Now, can someone send me lobster, and I promise to have pictures taken, me in heels, preparing lobster. There's an interesting area of service industries.. Hey, a girl has to eat, and shoe leather may not be tasty.

  13. I seem to have a problem. I am quite distraught because I am stuck with one pair of shoes for work, and I end up wearing them every day. It isn't enough variety for me. Should I ditch the idea of five inch heels every day and switch pairs more often? This would mean having to wear some three inch heels for a few months until I can save up for new shoes. I know, get leather, but I can't afford man made materials, this will make it a bit longer for saving and a bit longer with one pair of five inch heels suitable for the season. And those shoes are already showing a few signs of wear, scratches and the like. I need everyone to help focus me. How should I go about this? I can't wear one pair of shoes all of the time. Yet how do I continue to develop my skills for five inch heels and beyond? I admit, I am a bit depressed, and I feel very much the stereotypical self centred girl right now, worried about shoes and fashion and making everyone happy. What do people think? Everyone's advice is welcome here, so post!

  14. Melissa is right, there may come a day when it is time for five. You will try it once, out of curiosity, and find that you like it, so you will try to become good at five inches, and then, you'll spend more time at five inches and maybe even dare to experiment higher. Try it, like it, love it, live it. Don't like it? Skip it altogether. :smile:

  15. Checking my new patent stilettos, the wear is only a tiny bit off. After three weeks, the slightest bit of extra wear on the outside of each heel tip is visible. I do think how one walks determines the wear pattern. For me, I know I rock my feet outward at times when I am standing, as a pressure change activity. So it may not be walking alone, but other foot movements when at rest. I am visualizing how I walk and I am sure that most of the wear comes from what we call shoe play, when I am standing. I will keep watching my heel tips and see if this changes. It has been 3 weeks, after all, and not nearly enough time to tell what pattern will develop.

  16. Fox, some people are... different. I think this comes from the car being power, the heels being sexy, and power, and combining them, a sexy heeled woman who has power is taming a powerful machine. I agree, be careful with the heels when driving, they tend to be damaged. I have little makrs all over my oxfords. Speaking of the oxfords, a new observation. The type of heel also determines the driving style. With a stiletto, you have a small point and the foot can pivot easy, but this means a lack of control as the slightest twinge of the foot can create some pivot action. My oxfords have the square post shape, and they offer more surfance contact on the car floor. This allows for better grip and control, so despite the four inch height, I can manage by balancing on the heel, or laying the heel along the floor. Either way leads to dirt or damage. This is why my ankle boots have tape on the back, because I drove in them all winter and the back seam for the fabric ripped open from the pressure of rubbing every now and then.

  17. Fox, you're giving me a complex! I don't think all of my posts are of such quality and importance, but maybe the silly ones are entertaining? So long as I never feel like a reporter at a newspaper, and always expected to produce some great work, I may survive. :smile: No pressure, now, no, none at all! I just have to keep posting like mad! That may not be a problem, I'm already mad... not as much as a hatter, but then, no mercury here.

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