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Posts posted by Laurieheels

  1. Xaphod, the only thing that I thoght was that you were trying to find a flaw in the argument and poking fun at it. No offense taken, and I didn't think you doubted me or didn't believe me. My ego gets stuffed into a lock box and thrown into a figurative ocean, but sometimes the ego thinks "Hey, today I am HOUDINI" and wants to let everyone know just how different I am. It takes a minute or two to club the darn thing into submission. I relate to how you feel. :smile:

  2. Highluc had a good one with cobblestones. I was thinking about that on my way to work today. I was waiting for a light to change and the little walk man to let me know it was safe. I looked down and saw some interlocking stones, just on the corner where I was standing. I was as glad as I can get for wearing by three inch blade heel ankle boots at that moment. Of course, these boots may go into the garbage tonight or tomorrow, they are going to fall off my feet soon enough, but maybe not before a heel breaks.

  3. That's one of the few redeeming features of Toronto, and it actually makes me consider a visit to that city again one day. I have wanted to see the Bata Museum for three years now. I have seen news items about it on TV, and it looks like an interesting place. It combines my enjoyment of history and my love of shoes. How can it get any better? I think I would wear a good pair of heels if I went for a visit.

  4. On 2002-04-03 14:50, terayon wrote:

    i dont mind clunky (im assuming your meaning chunky), but low isnt the way to go

    I don't mean chunky, I mean clunky. Heels that don't taper or don't go straight, but instead get WIDER as they go down, heels that just look, well, like someone walked with flat shoes from lego and picked up random blocks to make a big clunky heels. Even chunky can have some redeeming features. Not that I will ever wear chunky heels, but clunky is beyond chunky.
  5. I like Jo-jo's idea about the skintight jeans. Or leggings even, so long as they are classy for material. Very much skintight jeans or even PVC depending on the look and the place one is going. Off to a club? Skirt, certainly. something a bit loose. Clubs and bars get hot, and the boots are going to make the problem bad enough. Some air flow is needed.

  6. Since the heels in extreme heels are more for show and guidance, I cannot say without having worn a pair. I am thinking they should have a tiny bit of give. Too much could be bad. If the entire weight of the wearer is on the balls of the feet, then a heel with too much give would not help keep the wearer upright if balance shifted too much. Either that, or balance would rely upon the forward pressure and not on the heels in any way. Without the experience I cannot say. I would think the level of "give" would have to be quite limited to avoid problems. Sometimes a solid heel helps hold a person best.

  7. I need a digital camera with auto timer and tripod, Francis. It is a shame I only have two USB ports built into my machine, but extra cords would just mean every shot shows me holding the mouse. Same for cordless, and same for pellet guns. I'd have to hold something. If I were lucky I'd know someone who was an admirer of this sorrt of thing who did own a camera.

  8. Xaph, I exist in my own world, way out of the way of the rest of the world. I like that, and I will never claim to be average or in the middle. I'm just an example of what is possible. I'm not the yard stick. If I am, we are all in trouble.

  9. I really dislike Payless. Okay, my oxfords were payless, and I could not believe it. This was three years ago, of course. Since that time, they have had very little of interest. Clunky and low is not the way to go. Someone tell this to Payless in Canada.

  10. Hates, peeves, what you will, I don't think I could start writing about mine without overloading the space on the server. I don't hate, so let us say, peeved. Mine? Ignorant People, and in particular, ignorant people who act like they aren't AND are rude about it. Maybe a rocket to the moon can save me from this. I see it almost every day at work. I cannot tolerate it any longer, but I have no choice.

  11. I don't know anyone who would be willing to take pictures of me for internet publication. I'd receive... resistance to the idea. Give it time, I'll think of something. As for the closet, there'd be all of three pairs in the picture worth posting, so that too, needs time. But yes, like Mariah, surrounded by shoes. That is a good idea, Melissa. :smile:

  12. We could start a new topic in the general, but since it is here... X, you said boys were better at solving abstract problems, but girls far outstripped the boys in verbal reasoning and communication. Funny, because I am excellent with abstract problems AND excellent with verbal reasoning and communication. I'm certainly not going to fit into a category. :smile: Sure, in general, the observation may be true, but is there any influence in this development, even at very young ages? Do childhood activities set up the brain? If so, then these are stereotypical responses created by stereotypical ways of raising boys vs raising girls. NOW we have an intersting basis for a study. B)

  13. I'd like to show more, Chip. First, I should buy more. My goal is a picture of many pairs lined up in my closet, all four inches and above. And more shots of me wearing my shoes. it is not easy, having a lowly web camera. I have to be able to reach the mouse in order to take the pictures, so full length shots are not an option. Such a shame, but nothing can be done about it now. It's too bad we don't have any Calgary heel enthusiasts who would pay me to model, even if it was paid in good shoes. Maybe. But then, such things require care, because you never know who is out there and what that person may want. I'll do my best.

  14. I realize that not everyone celebrates Easter, but if not, maybe tell us what you did have. I cook, so I get curious about food in culture. Now I wish there was a food course in University for history or anthropology... I'll go first. I am the chef, I love to cook. I hate to clean, but cooking, I have fun, even when I am freaking out. I prepared Danish style Roasted Pork loin on the bone. The skin is left on, we make the crispy stuff. To accompany it, I had asparagus, Red Cabbage, Pickled beets and simple boiled potatoes. Oh, and gravy. The third best part about making a pork roast is the gravy. #1 being the crackling, #2 being the actual roast. Gravy is made from pan drippings, to which we add water during cooking, to make a dripping stock. My sister and I invited over my mother and her husband. I am so full. What did other people do for their Easter/Sunday meal? I'm interested in cultural differences, so share as much as you can, including any easons behind the food. Folklore, tradition, post away! SHARE! Cultural discussions are wonderful.

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