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Posts posted by Laurieheels

  1. I saw the new No Doubt video today. Hella Good. Now, I am quite pleased, because I think the song is great. A little bit techno, a bit industrial, some good alternative rock beats, maybe a tiny bit of retro pop to it. The point! Gwen Stefani. She seems to have developed a thing for heels. In the last video for Hey Baby she was wearing some pretty high heeled shoes and boots. Stiletto heels, up to five inches. This video continues the trend. I think she was in a jet ski race with the other band members and in a few shots, you guessed it, five inch stiletto boots. They are shown really well in a scene where she is lying down and the camera is above her. Check it out. Hella Good. If you don't know the slang, apparently hella means a whole lot of. That is what my source on slang tells me. And the song really lives up to the name.

  2. On 2002-04-05 07:41, IHeels wrote:

    Great profiles thus far, come on everyone....

    Inga :smile:

    Yes, I quite agree, and we do need many more people to join in and share with us. How can we be a functional community if people don't even share a few of the surface details?

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  3. I am much more like #2 than #3. Many women who work in the same uilding as me are much like #3, and they all seem to have their perfect lives. Maybe men see me as unapproachable because I am not like everyone else? #3 is nice, but I think if the pants are going to stand out with the colour and material, the sweater should not have as many attention getting details. it is a bit busy. A red skirt might be a better option for that outfit, to bring the focus up more to a proper blend of the sweater and a short skirt. As it is, a frumpy sweater and tigh pants seem out of place. part fetish, part waife. Nice boots, of course

  4. Boots and more boots. Many three and four inch thin blade heels are showing up in the building. I have to be a bit envious, even if I wear higher heels. I wish I had the money to spend on fancy clothes and knee high leather boots. They are quite the trend.

  5. Liberation is required in this situation... Make a cheap copy and replace it. Since you mention other clothing being resized and damaged, who will notice? As for what to make with a shoe motif, charms for a charm bracelet, earrings, a pendtant for a necklace, charms for a chain belt, that could be nice. I would suggest ankle bracelet ideas, but that is so close to the actual shoes that it may overpower everything. Talk about too much of a hint.

  6. My car is too dirty from the winter blues, I could never take off my shoes to drive without ruining my stockings. I just about cry if I get a snag, so you can imagine what happens if I have a run or big hole in any given stocking...

  7. I put all of my shoes through a great deal. They all wear a bit different. Some are worn on the back edge of the heel, some on the outer edge. It's just what I happen to do in the shoes and the design of the heel, really. And the fact I tap my heels on the metal legs of my chair at work. I am not sure why.

  8. Sometimes, people may judge based on their own insecurities. Someone may decide not to be your friend based on what you wear, but it's not actually because that person is objecting to your choice. Maybe there is a psychological barrier for that person, and it becomes an issue of fear. The friend is afraid that your example will intrude on an ideal and break it. Thus your friend might be afraid. After all, if you break the fashion barrier and your friend misinterprets it as something different, then the friend reacts the wrong way. It should not happen, and if it does, then that was not a real friend. However, there are many reasons why someone may decide to stop being a friend. I will not go into detail and provide examples, as they are theoretical and I think the idea is across. The only barrier is one built of guilt, shame and fear. Mostly fear.

  9. Perhaps there is a better term than open mindedness? It almost iplies being open to an idea, and what we are trying to use it for is "tolerant". We may not like an idea, and we are not open to trying it, but we accept that someone else can do it if desired. I did not go and look at pictures of this "spook" so I will not comment on extreme corseting. People have a right to do whatever they like to their own bodies. I may not be interested, but then, I don't have to do it, and I don't have to comment. Neat how that works. :smile: Of course, we can look at side show performers. Take The Enigma. A personal favourite of mine for creating laughter. This may take me ten minutes to finish, I'll laugh so much. Here is a man tattooed with a puzzle pattern all over his body. When he was in the Jim Rose Circus, he was put in a barrel, and came out to eat insects. He was treated like he was feral. Later, he was playing keyboards for the band during other acts. You may have seen him and Jim Rose in an episode of the X Files. He seems feral, and at the end, he speaks like anyone else in this world. These days, he has horn implants and some of the puzzle pieces are filled with light blue. We won't even talk about the Amazing Mr. Lifto, as this should be about ballet boots, and he only wore nylons for part of his act. Wrong fetish.

  10. I wear them with many outfits, skirts and pants. Usually with stockings of some sort, but the rare time I do go bare foot in them. Fishnet stockings look nice with these shoes, since there is no tongue and the laces cover an open area. So more fishnet shows through. The long skirt worked okay, but they are best with pants that flare a bit, or with a shorter skirt.

  11. Melissa - I live with one of my sisters. I try to get her to take pictures that are full shots when she is in the mood, but if I told her I wished to post them on the internet, I am sure she would worry. A picture of my face isn't bad, but maybe she would think the wrong person would be encouraged by the fetish aspect... Terayon - It is an idea, but no one will believe it is for insurance purposes, and if they think so, wow, how many questions will I have to lie to. It would be best to tell the truth. Of course, I need a camera for that. And I am not borrowing one unless I am having a photo shoot kind of day and using the whole role. Maybe one day...

  12. Jezebel, you are right, but until life turns around and I can buy more shoes, I don't have much choice. I change shoes during the day, and wear differrent heel heights at different times, which is a start. But I might end up having to wear my Oxfords to walk to work and then my courts for work and change again for the walk home. This will limit my choie. At least I am not in five inches from the moment I wake up until the moment I go to bed. I wouldn't be ready for that.

  13. I like this second one, Xaphod. Yes, the umbrella must go, and different sun glasses are needed. But the outfit as a whole looks like something I would be happy to wear. I am sure I can put together an outfit very similar to that, but with a different colour for the sweater. I might do up one more button, however. I've been in storms while wearing heels, and some thin ones, even if they were not as high. I'd take the chance. :smile:

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