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Posts posted by Laurieheels

  1. I still prefer black stockings, and I cannot figure out why they appeal to me. Sure I have other colours now days, but black always seems to get my attention for an outfit. I am not sure what clear rubber stockings would do for my look. It's not something I could wear to work, certainly.

  2. We're all different in what we like, it's very obvious. I think that it is wonderful, of course, because diversity is the key to society. Life would be boring if we were all the same. Here's to boots and infinite variety. (yes I am bored and not looking to nap today so I am just posting my rambling thoughts)

  3. As usual, I don't notice people looking much. But I would say it is a fair mix between men and women. Five inch stiletto heels have to be an oddity in a cowboy town, so I am sure people are looking. Drag Queens in normal clothes seem to notice. :smile: But I cannot count them, because they just like the shoes, and not really the fact that I am wearing them in public. What a life I lead.

  4. Any shoe with a thin heel, and a shoe that accentuates my womanly curves, which are not the best but thus made all that much better by the shoes. Four or five inch heel, pointier toe, but not too pointy or the toe is too long, and certainly black is a wonderful colour. Slingbacks are great as well.

  5. My sister cannot understand why I wear heels. She has been curious, and she tried my stilettos, and she thinks my feet must be damaged every day. Hey, they are not for her, but they work for me. But it is a bonding thing for myself and my mother, at least. Mom may think I need to go easy, but she understands why I wear the highest heels. She even talks about how she did that when she was younger, especially in Denmark.

  6. The last pair are nice. The platform is thin enough to not set off any anti platform alarms, and the heel is very nice. I would prefer a slightly pointier toe, but who am I to be fussy? My favourite for boots are lace ups, of course, but the demise of my favourite ankle boots has led me to be more open to ideas and styles.

  7. Apology accepted, but I don't think it was such a big issue. I'll be better soon enough, and back in public, wearing heels as is usual for me. You can see that some of us are into the shoes as a fashion way of life, and I am glad you see it. And while it would be nice if more women shared this fashion sense, I must admit I like being unique and part of an elite group of women than can wear stiletto heels and look good while doing it. At least I hope I look good. I could appear quite the fool and never know it. :smile:

  8. It's strange how life goes sometimes... Monday was certainly a stiletto day for me. I had to work early, so I drove to work after dropping off my sister where she works. That meant five inch patents from the start. Eight hours at work, and then to get my sister. She quit smoking the week before, so we were going to celebrate. First, a trip to an oxygen bar. It does work, and I found myself full of energy. After that, all you can eat Sushi at our favourite place. The energy from the oxygen bar was destroyed by the chance to eat as much as my sister and I could eat. It really is a dangerous concept, all you can eat. I think it should be outlawed. My notable hilight - 12 pieces of salmon sushi. It was delicious. And then, to Walmart (a large everything type of store for people not familiar with this North American giant). Walking around in a department type store in five inch heels isn't easy. No one designed the floors for easy walking. I think what I noticed the most as my sister rushed around with a sales associate is that I am not a fast walker at five inches. I do well at four, but not at five. What a difference an inch makes... Tuesday was anoither driving day, so again, five inch patents from the outset. And another day in heels goes by. I received a compliment today, and some notice. it was from an older woman who saw me walking back to our service desk at work. She asked me "How did you learn to walk in those lovely heels?". It's a sad story, as she has ostioperosis and cannot wear anything fancy. But she was happy that I could. After work, my sister and I picked up our mother and it was back to Walmart again, to exchange a camera and see the wedding photos. The good news in all of this is that I will be able to post a really good full shot of me in my patent heels, so you can look forward to that! It was another long day, some eleven hours in heels, including an emergency trip to take my mother to the pharmacy after we had dropped her off. Wednesday was a walking day, and I am proud to say, I made the walk in my four inch oxfords and wore them all day. And then I wore them home! Sure I was a bit tired, but I try to walk fast and get home as quick as I can after work. Maybe that's not the best plan, but work is evil, after all. Thursday was a half day at work for me. I had to arrive early, so into my patent stilettos and off to work. At noon I went home and I wore them around the apartment. I picked up my sister, and then we grabbed my mother again. It was a long night out. Shopping and dinner at a simple restaurant. Here I received another compliment, but not really a compliment that fills me with great joy. The table next to us held four young men that, from their loud conversation, were drag queens. One of them told me I had nice shoes as they left. Naturally they would think so. So it does count as attention, but is it really what I am looking for? Not yet. This was a twelve hour day in heels, and it was nice to get home. Too many stores and too much walking. A good length of time for me is nine hours, ten is okay, and twelve is still a bit too much for me when I must walk a lot. Friday did not see heels for me. Trainers only. I had to go to the hospital for a very small surgical matter. Now, before anyone starts posting silly messages, I will say that I am fine, I do not need e-cards to say get well, I do not need attention or sympathy on this, I just need everyone to understand that I won't be in heels for a few days. So this is where the diary ends this week. And next week, the diary will be short as well. Staying home and getting better means a few things, and I am not going to make matters worse by wearing heels and stretching muscles that should not be stretched right now. There comes a time when we all must put our dreams on hold and be practical. Yes I can be in five inch heels for ten hours and more. Sometimes even twelve hours. We have to put these things on hold and understand our limitations when we are not well. This is one of those times. I'll be fine. And I made some great progress last week. I think on Thursday I really made up for these next few days. I think I will be able to try five and a half inch heels in another month. Let's hope the money is there so I can buy a pair! Until next time...

  9. Okay, to quote a small piece... "Laurieheels, Debbie and those who claim that high heels are simply a fashion statement! Explain This. The Dominatrix in the ads are always wearing some kind of stilleto heels, High Heels are assioated with cruelty in commercials..." Well, this is too easy. The Dominatrix wears heels because some of the submissive men who hire her obviously have a fetish for shoes. And the name, stiletto, it's a thin blade used for penetration in a stab wound. So it carries an essence of danger with the name. If these heels were called something else there may be less mystique associated with them. For those of us who are just out to wear shoes we like and have them look great as part of an outfit, none of the fetish aspect matters. We keep wearing our heels because we like them. For many of us, it's not sexual, it is just expression. But if you like the sexual aspect of it, if you buy into the ads and the cultural reputation, then that's wonderful, you're happy and living your lives as you would live them. Far be it for me to say otherwise, as people are free to do as they will in this world, provided others are not injured. Still, it is true, that some of us like the shoes because of the shoes, and not what they may represent. Sometimes the moon is just the moon, and the stars are just distant masses of hydrogen in the process of fusion. We can make them into more for our own purposes, but they exist in their own right. The same can go for shoes. For some of us, they're just a style of shoe we like to wear. :smile:

  10. Hey Fox, don't blame me, Inga was the one who typed up these words... "I have not experienced a place where I can't wear heels. Hate to find one either as I almost never wear any shoe less that 5 inches. " It can be interpreted in many ways, sure, but they fit what I was typing, and they make Inga seem like super woman, so at the very least she can enjoy the status. So a big raspberry to you, Fox. :smile: heehee

  11. A time and a place is different for every person. Okay, so if I am climbing Mount Everest (like that would really happen) or riding a camel across the desert (same again), I do not think I would wear heels. Hiking over rough terrain, camping in the wilderness... It's not always the height, either, but the design. Don't wear open toed shoes in an area of sandy gravel. especially if it is red. I learned my lesson on that one. I was a red head then, and for one day, my feet matched. Also, sometimes a thicker heel or, for someone other than myself, a wedge, would be better than a stiletto. Life is not so simple that one can say yes or no to the idea of heels in a given situation. Each activity changes the limit and the need. For some of us here, like Inga, heels are always an option and nothing rules out wearing a five inch stiletto for a situation. Life is variety, and people who think heels are impractical are themselves dead to the greater ideals of society.

  12. Wearing heels requires extra attention for the walking. Foot placement is important. It is all about being conscious oif one's surroundings and changing walking style to accomodate it. So if there are tiles where people can be stuck, one has to be active in placing the heel in the centre of each tile. It isn't easy to match the stride to the surrounding, but it is one of those requirements for anyone who is going to wear a thin or stiletto heeled shoe.

  13. I am not sure this qualifies, but I have put air in my car's tires while wearing stiletto heels. The positioning is certainly different from wearing a low or flat heeled shoe. When I wore three inch heels all of the time it ewasn't as awkward, but now with four and five, the position one has to take and still control the skirt factor can be a bit tough on the legs. Hardly extreme, but still different and challenging.

  14. Eventually. That is the whole idea behind this. The end goal is to try seven inch heels. It is an experiment. The idea came during the first few days the board was running under a topic of seven inch heels being impossible to wear. That means training through the different heights to try out seven inches. Can they be worn? I hope to find out for myself! :smile:

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