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Posts posted by Laurieheels

  1. I like placing a copy here, so here it is, a day after Jenny's, and two days late in total. And now, the diary. It is amazing, of course. I started all of this ten weeks ago. It seems like four at the most. Time blurs and heels become a fixture in my life... Last Monday, 08 April, I had the day off and I went to see the doctor. So it was a day of four inch Oxfords. All day. No problems but one, and it had nothing to do with walking. It was not wise to wear my oxfords without stockings. But the weather was so nice and I thought I would wear a long skirt and have bare legs. By the end of the day, my feet were hot and there was an air pocket forming in my left shoe. So you can imagine that walking sounded... funny. Tuesday and Wednesday are copies of one another, so they can be compressed into one entry. Walk to work in boring shoes, change into five inch heels for the day, and be the mistress of high heels. Tuesday morning did take the usual warm up of half an hour where I need to adjust to five inch heels after a day or two out of them. Both days went well. There were no problems or pains. Just high heeled skill at work. Thursday was an Oxford day, but I will explain why. I was wearing a long black skirt with little pink roses on them, and a bright pink blouse. It was an excellent combination. I chose linen stockings, and the Oxfords looked better because of their suede like finish. A compromise, then. I walked to work in the Oxfords, wore them all day at work, and then wore them home again. My feet were tired, but there was a good deal of walking that day, and at four inches. It is still quite the accomplishment, to have feet that do not hurt after all of that activity. Friday ended on a peculiar note. Two cars decided to start shooting at one another outside of my office building. I had spent a full day in my stiletto heels, and yes I did wear trainers to get to work. After the shooting, when it was time for me to leave work, I did wear the trainers, but only because I was now in a hurry to get home. You'd feel the same way if two cars decided to declare open season on one another outside of your office. And my office is on the ground floor, with windows facing the intersection of the incident. I did not see it, but it was a bit uncomfortable all the same. No one was injured, and three people were arrested in a very short time. Saturday was a stiletto heel day, and a work day, but with a difference. I had my heels on all day, and when I arrived home, I made to sure to remove my stockings. The rest of the night while my sister and I were out and about, I wore the patent stilettos. It was a great feeling. My feet were not tired, and I was strutting about as if I was born in the shoes. Once I was home I wore the stilettos for another hour, but bare feet can overheat, and I did change a few hours before bed. Sunday was another work day. Yes, I know, I worked on a Sunday. More light to be shed in the next Diary on why. Again, I wore my patent stilettos. Why? I drove! It was Sunday, after all. I even went to do some grocery shopping after work and found the stilettos a bit easier to wear in the dreaded store than the last time I tried it. And that added yet another successful day. So after ten weeks, I can wear five inch heels for eight to ten hours of moderate walking, such as being at work. I can even push myself in them if I need. It is progress, and it is a success. I am quite proud of myself, and I know others are as well. And maybe, just maybe, I can have new shoes in the next two weeks. Not enough money for something spectacular, or a good pair of ankle boots, but maybe a new pair for work. It would be nice. Time will reveal if I was paid enough this payday to live my life. Stay tuned!

  2. Terayon, that is the nature of fetish. It may not make sense to some of us, but the excitement it causes in others is sexual and those people feel good. I have seen a few pictures of shoes that were torn apart, run over, cut up, and other nasty things. Some people like this. Me, I would cry if anything happened to my shoes that made them unwearable. And then I would hunt down the person that caused the damage.

  3. On 2002-04-14 00:37, Anonymous wrote:

    LAURIE you are a DREAM.

    PLEASE can we have a lot of PICs

    of you??

    No, because you did not say who you are. Anonymous people are strangers, introduce yourself, be a friend to our community, and then, yes.

    I will have one coming up, as soon as I can get a copy to scan. But you should share your identity with us!

    And thank you for saying I am a dream and wanting more pictures.

  4. I've been out of the action for a few days, so I'll post. Long black jacket, A-lined cut, with brocade of leaves all over it. It almost forms a two tone black, and shifts in different light levels. The jacket and the leaves trade between a deep black and a more charcoal black. A charcoal black skirt, about three inches above the knee, black stockings and of course, black patent stilettos complete the outfit. It's my power business suit, and something I wear just to feel good about myself. It looks good with blonde hair.

  5. Fall? That's like, years away! It feels like it. I need some new sandals, something with heels higher than Payless could ever dream of. It will get warm and I might just have a chance to get my toes all polished up nice. :smile: Why not show them off to the world?

  6. Yes Calv, many threads, but that weaves something great. Doesn't it? I always thought a higher thread count was good for the fabric. In this case, the fabric of conversation. :smile: Whatever some guy wants wo wear, let him, so long as he doesn't show anything he shouldn't. As for the language issue... I think I am lost now. The only smurf that wore heels was smurfette! Quite intersting for a Medieval world that provided the backdrop. Yes, I liked the Smurfs. I think.

  7. On 2002-04-12 20:30, Calv wrote:

    Don't agree I'm afraid. There is more than enough globalisation (or americanisation) going on at the moment, so we should keep our idiosyncracies and language differences.

    I didn't say we should make everything here global, I think we should be unique. Just a language for us, not the rest of the world. let's create a sub culture and spread diversity!

  8. Payless is a lower cost chain of fashionable yet comfortable shoes. They have gone with the comfy trend so much the past few years that the styles tend to be boring. It's a typical North American chain that sacrifices elegance and variety for comfy frump and cheap prices.

  9. I have an idea... Why not determine the heel by standing barefoot and being measured for height. Then out on the shoes, be measured again, and call the differrence the Net gain height. This way, we are discussing the shoes in terms of how much taller they make a person. I understand that people are not actually an inch taller for going up to six inches instead of five, but sometimes there has to be a way to look at this other than the shoe. And as for measuring the shoes, why not go up the back of the heel? Obviously we want to find the height of the actual heel, at the highest point. That's where my foot is elevated the most in my shoes. If we measure on the inside or any other place, then my nice five inch stilettos are only three and a half inches. Maybe I am missing the point. I favour level surface, measure height along the back.

  10. Well Arno, people I know use the copper and feel better for it. Even if it is a placebo, it has a positive effect, so why not have them? As for nerve transmission, is it not true that chemicals sit in between each neuron or nerve, to block the signal? I am not expernt on the body but I remember learning this in school at some point. In order to fire a nerve sequence and do something, we need to have our brain send the order, and the chemical that blocks transmission is then neutralized for the nerve to fire. After the action is complete, the chemical returns to normal and continues to block signals. Maybe this has been proven wrong in recent years, I do not know. But if it is true, then it explains why a magnetic field cannot trigger action in the nervous system. It would not show the body as not responding, but simply having a blocking method in place. What is to say, then, that other things cannot bypass this? One day science says something is good, the next, bad. One doctor says this is possible, another publishes a paper a month later to say the opposite. If we think something works, we will do it. The brain controls the body, after all, and if we, in our brains, believe in something, it can have a positive effect on the entire body. That is what matters, isn't it? Happy brain functions?

  11. Right now I am finding the same experience as you boys. I can do five inches at work with ease, but for heavy walking, I stick with four inches. Sure, this will change one day, but right now, I am much the same as all of you. I think that is kind of neat! Now to reach Inga and Debbie status and push those stilettos to more use.

  12. Was there not some international language called Esperanto being flaunted at one point? Not that it would do much good at a bus rally. I think we should just try to find a middle ground, and we should sometimes choose our words with a bit of care. I feel that the international aspect of our community should not force us to wonder about the use of a certain word, but rather see us respect one another by trying to find a common means of expression. Of course, it is a foolish dream, but if we try, we may get a little bit of what we need.

  13. If you're looking for international police officers, they come from Canada, usually. :smile: That's our thing, well trained, poorly equipped military hoping to make everyone act friendly. Blessed are the peacekeepers, for they are oft deprived of their back bacon, suffer much hardship, and must watch hockey on video tape delay. _________________ I have to be me. No one else is going to do it! <font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Laurieheels on 2002-04-12 05:39 ]</font>

  14. You know, I have seen many boys and girls, teenagers if you will, wearing such baggy and long, flared out pants, that the hem drags on the ground. Only the tip of the toe peeks out. So if this is a fashion trend, then I think our good friend Terayon can use such pants from time to time to hide the heels and still wear them. I mean these pants cover everything!

  15. That's doubtful, yes Hoverfly, I agree. But don't the people of a culture always suffer when the politicians and military generals decide to go to war? I am sure that there are Palestinians and Israelis that may not wish harm on one another even if they are in disagreement. We only see the loud, angry ones on television. I am sure some on both sides say "Can't we figure it out?" but they are lost in the shouts and picket signs.

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