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Posts posted by Laurieheels

  1. Anagram, why be paranoid? Who is out to get you? Hey, I posted many pictures, and no one has followed me home and murdered me, so I think it is safe to post on this board, unless you think someone who may disapprove is a reader of our precious forums... It is you choice, but whatever you do choose, we'll live with it. What would a high heel fan want to do to someone who likes to wear heels, anyway? Buy that person more shoes? That can't be bad.

  2. There's no one hard, fast and true answer in this. Everyone is giving a different opinion. I think I am seeing four inches as part of a consensus, however. So maybe four inches is a good average for the do almost anything heel? I certainly can do more in four inch heels than five right now, even if I do wear five inch stilettos for work every day. Four is the answer.

  3. Why is it I have heard the body is anywhere from 70% to 95% water? Cannot people agree? And copper bracelets are used for arthritis and seem to work, and it is based on conductivity. However, electric shock doesn't work as well. Low voltage, please :smile:

  4. On 2002-04-09 23:01, Heelson wrote:

    Why oh why do so many ladies wear their jeans / trousers so long though, why would you want to hide beautiful shoes! :smile:

    This is easy. Trousers and jeans are being sold in longer lengths, and obviously hemming a pant leg is a lost art in today's society. It's the designers trying to make each size good for any height, and the shorter women are not having the legs hammed up.

    Good and bad rolled into one. It also becomes a fashion style and so many women believe thay have to wear things exactly as they are sold, from what I can see.

  5. Exactly, Fox. No free shows for anyone in this world. Shoe rally. Do people wear each other's shoes or is it just a place to show off? Does each person wear one pair and that's it, or do the participants bring a number of pairs? Shoes are so small compared to a bus. Hey, maybe the shoe rally could be on the bus used in the bus rally? And then the bus can drive to a pub! No?

  6. This is Canada, our dollar has no value or power! I could buy something ugly at Payless, and that's about it. I have $29 to my name right now, and I have to pay for parking when I visit the doctor later today. It's just something I have to deal with and get through. March was a tough month. April will be a tough month, and by May, things will be good again. All I can do is smile and ride out April.

  7. I cannot decide if I am hot or cold today, so likely I will wear a few different things. Right now, a red sweater and I left behind my ribbed leggings and switched to a long black skirt. But I am going to get rid of the sweater for something lighter when I go to the doctor. It's one of those days. But the shoes right now are my patent stilettos.

  8. My only concern would be the short skirt and if he bent the wrong way. I am sure they were full tights, but who knows what one would see. Often when I wear a short skirt I am conscious to make sure nothing shows, if you follow me. So long as this person did the same thing, I think it would be okay. Withe a short skirt, follow the Roman advice... Semper Ubi Sub Ubi. :smile: (And I mostly figured out about the bus rally. It was obvious that it was people bringing together a number of buses for enjoyment. I still enjoyed the explanation, it provides more insight)

  9. Well Fox, if it rains for a whole week, which would be so much better than the snow, I just end up with wet feet. I don't have an option. Hoverfly, I think I would need lobsters first, and if I cannot buy new boots, then lobsters are not going to appear from thin air. I think I could sell the resulting pictures to some Wet and Messy site and really "clean up". :smile:

  10. It is true sometimes, Fox, but it depends on eye colour, hair colour, and other factors. When I was red, a light blue or teal did not look as good on me as it does now. Blond hair changed everything. Everyone has an image, a look, based on the body, and clothing then adds to it. Black still fits in so well, of course. :smile: And yes, hooray for showing more skin. It is a real bonus when the weather turns criminal and decides to by muggy.

  11. Hey now, I am sure I posted something that pertained to the topic, about the origin of this myth from a Ciderella Pantomime... :smile: I am the diplomat, AND the insane girl who lives down the street. And a part time super hero-ine. Your opinions are great, and as for sensitivity, you are who you are. Is it a right to be too sensitive? It's your right to be who you are. Sometimes, we have to hide a few things about ourselves in an effort to be true to the point we are making. Sure it isn't right, but this is internet, this is text, it has to happen from time to time. It's more interesting to hold something back, because it creates mystery, and that is a wonderful thing. I am sure no one intended to create a negative impression, they were just concerned about something they felt MIGHT be bad. However the conversation went after that only included opinions, maybe even ones that were written in haste. Whatever emotions they trigger are true for you, so do express them. Just one thing to consider. No one can understand your perspective, as your life has been unique as you present it, and not one of us here have gone through that. Perhaps some here type from their own perspectives and need more sensitivity. Yet we all have to say what we will, and learn to live with it. We're all individuals. Not one of us can ever understand any other person here with 100 percent accuracy and empathy. We all have to learn to get along in our community, and operate on the understanding that everything is a perception. For each one of us, the perception is different. And Susan, remind me to bring up the concept of a precis one day. I hope I have the correct spelling. I think you and I will both need to use the technique. :smile:

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