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Posts posted by Laurieheels

  1. Changing a headlamp is no big deal, well, not for me and my old car. It's quite easy and low cost. Why pay a mechanic money to do a five minute job? The fact that it was done in heels is just something that makes me feel all warm and giggly inside. And to think, that comment, when posted on Jenny's board, had people start to think I wasn't a woman, just a troll fantasy poster. Riiiiiight. And for the record, I wore five inch stilettos all day, so nya nya :smile: heeheehee

  2. I would like to thank the Academy, my mother, God... Oh... OH! And by that, I mean thank you everyone, I will try to be a good moderator, and escape the hectic aspects of this position. And Inga, good luck, kick bottom and show the world you rule. 8 replies so far, wow. Well wishes indeed. :smile:

  3. I recently saw some footage of Kylie in concert on a music channel here. Yay Much Music. It was an hour from a concert in Australia. Where else? She was wearing heels through the whoile thing, four inch, five inch, and wow, she runs across the stage in them! She even had a very nice pair of white stiletto heel oxfords for a few songs. Impressive, and certainly inspirational. If she can do it, I can, and the rest of us can. Right?

  4. Maryanne: All it takes is practice and some stretching. I hope you do have a pair appear out of the blue, and then you can start wearing them! Go slow at first, and give your feet time to adjust to the new positions and pressures. Phuong: Thanks, I am glad you approve! They really are nice shoes. I'm glad you think I have great taste! Inga: Like, we all know you enjoy heels, so that's quite the obvious statement there! :smile: At least we're on the same wavelength for this style.

  5. We all know the general rules for fashion. Stockings should never be darker than the colour of the shoes. But is there anyone who thinks different than this? Or is there anyone who likes the look? It comes up because when I was at Heelsonline, I wore black stockings, and I had to try on the white baby doll pumps. I said "Lock the door, the fashion police might show up". Personally, I like to stick to the rule, but maybe others have different opinions on this. So? What do you have to say about the colour of stockings and the colour of shoes?

  6. Black capri pants, a very light tan blouse with short sleeves, and a short sleeved black jacket. My four and a quarter inch strappy patent stilettos finished the outfit along with some silver bracelets and earrings.

  7. The three things that come to mind about your wearing those boots... Individuality, confidence, and self comfort. Individuality. So you like to do your own thing, and that means you think for yurself as well. It signals being open minded. Confidence. You are able to go beyond the thinking and move to actions. So you can have ideals and actually do something about them. This also implies some strength. Self comfort. You like who you are and how you express it. You can go anywhere and be youself, and do your own thing. You don't feel uncomfortable in these situations while you express yourself. There. Three good traits. See?

  8. Some of us can wake up and have swollen feet. Bad reactions to caffine cause a body to retain water, for example. That's why I mentioned it. I don't think it is gender specific, but I do think it differs from person to person as far as the extent. But you are absolutely right.

  9. Sadly, larger sizes are limited in style because of the fetish aspect. I guess people aren't always buying them to wear outside. That is awful for me, because I'm a tall girl who needs a larger size and I would not like to be limited to patents anymore. I know how it is, SQ. I so totally relate to the lack of styles. I hope it goes well. Be daring and change the world! Oh, um, be daring and change your shoes. Maybe that would be better? :smile:

  10. Fashin choices are a reflection of personality. Thus, if wearing those boots get you invited to a party, then in part, it is because of who you are, and your ability and determination to wear them. Whatever gets your foot in the door, and forgive the pun. You can dazzle them with your entire personality after that. But trust me, wearing those boots says a lot about your personality.

  11. I am wearing US 11 for heels four inches and higher. Truthfully, the shoes in 11 are a little bit big at times, but they are better all around, because for women, water is retained and feet swell. Men may experience this, I don't know. WIth a larger foot, it is easier to go up the heights. That's why I think I can make it to seven inches for at least a five minute walk.

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