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Posts posted by Laurieheels

  1. I think I could aspire to be like Kelly Rippa. She's smart, yet a goofy blonde at the same time. Very much like myself. But I am much taller. And yes, she wears some nice heels. She does lack variety in them, of course. She needs more pairs. _________________ I have to be me. No one else is going to do it! <font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Laurieheels on 2002-05-08 05:41 ]</font>

  2. Time machine? Sorry, I'm sold out at the moment. Maybe some higher heels can help? You can try to use a new experience of a new height to create a similar and new experience at the same time. *shuffling and searching noises inserted here* Oh, I have a quantum flux drive. If you have a space faring vessel, you could install it and try to fly through a black hole. If you are moving fast enough, you can escape the pressure and slip backwards in time. *Manufacturer's Warning* Quantum Flux Drive assemblies are unstable and may result in catostrophic implosion, or a combination of trans galatic transfer with master drive chamber burn out, when any vessel using such a system is subject to a black hole.

  3. Snow cannot stop me... black poly-elastine pants and a green ribbed stretch top, both have a bit of a shine to the fabric. Black stockings and black five inch stilettos. A knit sweater or a denim jacket and various points in the day. Ice? Snow? Fear my stiletto grip!

  4. Terayon, you seem conflicted. But I am not playing psychologist today. As for this subject... it's interesting. So someone took a picture. Francis you should have mooned them. That would certainly be priceless. I know you have it in you to display your bottom for the camera. On a more primal level, our genetic ancestors have had to be aggressive to survive. Look at Cro Magnon vs Neandertal. I hope I have the spelling correct. Life back then was about fighting for survival. Hunt, fish, gather things, run a long way, be strong and fierce. And the aspects of that are still in us. Even a few thousand years ago life was tough and a struggle, and it continued that way for a long time! It is only in recent times that things have fallen apart. Why? Because our society has high production and that survival struggle has changed. Yet we still have the adrenaline and the anger required to survive thousands of years ago. So it is no wonder that some men feel threatened by seeing a man in clothing ascribed to a female. They cannot help it, as they have never been taught to overcome their basic programming of the strong, agressive male. That's my theory, anyway. Yes I am posting for a promotion, but it is fun to type anyway! :smile: And evidence does point to both male and female hunters tens of thousands of years ago.

  5. Young men trying on heels is one thing,m but they need to wear them outside! Sometimes I wonder about the drag queen factor. Sure, they look like normal boys and go shopping, but are they giong to present as men wearing shoes or boots with heels, or are they going to look like impersonators and do the drag show only? What you need is to encourage regular men to wear the heels with normal outfits. That's just me being curious, I'll run back to the girly section now.

  6. The death penalty attracts too much attention. I mean, people want to broadcast executions for pay per view and over the internet! It is a serious matter, and i think there is a better sollution than killing someone. Have them fade out of importance. Why shuld someone achieve fame and even become a martyr because of killing another person? The world is twisted enough. So the key is to create a place where people who have been extremely bad can be taken to vanish. Something like a desert penal colony, and if the criminal can survive, fine, and if not, oh well. A quiet passing out of the public eye. Yes, this is an extreme concept, but it also provides an out for an innocent person who may have been accused and convicted of a bad crime. After all, if we execute someone who is innocent, in essence, society has committed murder. The only hope for society is in finding a way to reform people and enlighten them. While some crimes may deserve death, and exceptions could be made for that sort of thing (flying airplanes into buildings comes to mind), there should be an element of compassion and a desire to make things better. If we killed every person who was convicted of first degree murder, we would be sending a very brutal message. People will still murder, and people will be executed. It is human nature. I say we try to change human nature and save the executions for the most extreme of the extreme cases. Sometimes people need a second chance. And I am reminded of a short story I wrote a long time ago. I should take the idea and re-write it. There might be some interest. It pertains to the idea about the desert survival prison. Hrm...

  7. Music is subjective. Don't knock one style because you don't like it. I could list a whole lot of reasons why rap is bad, but I won't, because it would be subjective. Personally, I am thrilled that I can listen to Nine Inch Nails or Ministry, and still enjoy a pop song every now and then. But don't tell too many people. :smile: Variety prevents stagnation

  8. Well Fox, if they don't stand out, I think you should wear fish nets. No one will see them, and you can feel like you're taking on a challenge. If anyone sees them and has a bad reaction, tough for them! Of course today I wore black, no big surprise. But it was a day of visiting doctors...

  9. Nata, what's wrong with giving the bride a bit of competition? It's her own fault for wearing such low heels. :smile: Many of us are quite the competition in any situation, and it's all because we are self expressive when the rest of the world hides from how they feel. _________________ I have to be me. No one else is going to do it! <font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Laurieheels on 2002-05-07 23:31 ]</font>

  10. On 2002-05-07 10:38, azraelle wrote:

    How do you complement a (usually) girl who is dressed in a gothic way? I would think that someone in goth dress would appreciate all the support She or He could get, but as an extreme introvert, I don't know, and would hate to offend..

    You need to get a feel for the goth culture. A big, bright happy compliment is not going to go over well. You'll need to keep the comment subtle and simple. Such as "Hey, cool dress." and you leave it there. Why? Different goths have different quirks. Some are looking to stand out and be different, and they aren't happy about society. If you don't look goth, they might not respond to a lot of verbal interaction.

    I was a bit gothy, I can relate a bit. I was happy to be left alone and stick with friends. I was a bit shy and introverted when in goth mode, and it was about expressing inner turmoil. I didn't want to have someone talk to me about it.

    So keep it simple, and in passing. Just a few words, and don't dwell on the subject. If the goth can handle more talk, you'll get a response.

  11. On 2002-05-07 17:40, DesertHeeler wrote:

    How about this for a dangerous question:

    "What is the meaning of life?"

    That's easy. Life is about survival. Haven't you ever noticed how people don't want to die? They want to live! They want to survive.

    It is very basic and doesn't encompass much of the human drama in life, but it is a start. Of course, if you are looking for the meaning behind life existing, that I cannot answer. I can only say what we need to do as we live. And that is keep living.

    This is only a dangerous question if it comes up after drinking a bit too much in a group of friends.

  12. Terayon, you're too young to worry about those things. You should be having fun! It's not like Canada is going to have a draft! And if they do, wear heels to your draft meeting, and they'll send you home. Yes, extremists are bad, but aren't there enough moderate countries interested in a general sense of peace to step in quick when things go bad? There's a greater awareness today than in the middle of the century. I think the United States wants to stay dominant, and will do what they can to prevent extremists. Now, someone said this man was openly gay. That may have something to do with all of this rather than extreme political views. Terayon, smile! You're supposed to have fun and enjoy life. Not worry about being sent to die in some hell hole.

  13. Terayon, Kylie is a pop star from Australia. When she was young she had some hits, but those were the 80s. Now she is back, and since you are a skater and snowboarded, I doubt you listen to any stations she is played on. She's got a good voice, and some wide array of musical styles to her songs. Even my gothy alternative industrial self can enjoy some of her songs.

  14. I could get a sexy walk going in lower heels, when I needed it. I think in time, my five inch sexy walk will be better than the three inch sexy walk, but for me, it requires more practice to perfect it. My Mother does this Sharon Stone walk in any pair of heels, so I think it also depends on the person.

  15. Driver8, I have a theory. Fem girls go for masculine guys as a means of balance. After all, the conept of ying and yang is about two parts that make a whole. I know I am attracted to masculine men, and I am quite the ultra fem. I wasn't one all of my life, and for some time I was somewhat gothy. I need a compliment for me. For a man who is somewhat androgynous, then the balance is there and requires someone else who is balanced, I suppose. While I feel that such theories and rules should not apply to relationships, it does seem to have some trend in social interaction. This may be socially generated, of course, for some evil and devious purpose. I was going to comment that if I am very fem, I need someone very opposite to make a good boyfriend or husband. But the honest fact is this. I am one of those women that would like a strong man around to do things and offer protection, but I don't need one and can do most of those things myself. That's why I said it is just a theory. Someone may be able to form an idea from this and run with it. That would be cool.

  16. The weather is evil. Right now, it is snowing. Yes, snow. In May! It is not right. Evil forces abound! They are making it snow! Enough of this girl's ranting, on to better things. The recovery came to and end for me. Monday was my last day, and of course, I wore my five inch stilettos as much as I could. Why? I needed to get back into practice. I don't even remember much of what I did that day, but I did it all in heels. A good deal of walking at times. It makes me proud that I can do it, and it felt nice to dress up after being sore and tired for over a week. Tuesday was the day. Back to work. And so I went, wondering if I would remember anything. I was back into the grove of my job with ease. I don't remember that day very well, but it was a very high heeled day and the weather was nice. I wore my grey business suit and my five inch stilettos. And it is nice that I can say five inch stilettos and know I have another, higher pair for work when I am ready... Wednesday was a wonderful day. This required a celebration of fashion. Capri pants, four and a quarter inch stiletto sandals, the black ones I just bought, a short sleeved jacket... It was a wonderful day. I walked to work in runners, but I did wear my stiletto sandals for the walk home. Why? Hey, why not! They're great shoes! My feet were a bit tired, but not sore, for certain. And it is a new accomplishment for me, as I walked fourteen blocks in a new heel height. Every quarter inch counts! And I wore the shoes out again that evening! Thursday was a five inch black stilettos day, but the walking was restricted to my reeboks. My feet were a bit tired still, and I needed to save up my energy for work! Of course, after the walk home, I switched into my stilettos again for going out to run errands. My mother came over for dinner. We ordered Chinese food, and she watched Tv with my sister and I. We just relaxed. Of course, my mother wants me to take breaks when wearing stilettos. But she's great, because she remembers when she wore stiletto heels and she can understand how I want to wear them all the time. She also understands how awkward it is to wear flat shoes when I am used to heels. So I have a supporter, but one who worries about my safety and health. I like that. Then the weather goes bad. Friday was another five inch stiletto day, and so was Saturday. Both days were long work days and my feet are holding up very well. Of course, both days had me walking to work in my reeboks because of that bad weather. Saturday after work I was picked up, so no wearing boring shoes to go home! Just stiletto bliss for a few more hours out and about in public. There are no drawbacks for wearing five inch heels at the office all day, or even wearing them out shopping in some places. What is holding me back from wearing the new five 1/4 stilettos? Well, they look almost the same as the five inchers, and I can still wear out my old stilettos before switching to the higher pair. Give it time. But for now, my five 1/4 stiletto heels are being worn at home and being worked in. I don't really notice the height difference, so I am figuring that it will be easy to adjust to the new pair and wear them for work. Once I do this for a few weeks, I think I will be ready for five and a half inch heels, and you kow where that will lead... New shoes and more pictures! :smile: Around the apartment the past few days I have been trying to stay lazy. This means a wonderful leopard print nightie with thin shoulder straps, and my stiletto leopard sandals. This is an excellent look, even if the two patterns do not match. I have also noticed I can do a lot in these particular sandals. The leopards are very comfortable, I even washed a few loads of dishes today while wearing them. I would say I am recovered enough at this point. I can wear heels and do as I please in them. I can work, go out, and do everything but the long and fast walk to and from work. And even then I give heels a try when I can. I think I should try to walk home in heels one nice day every week. This should help push my conditioning without pushing to hurt myself. It is never easy wanting to run when one has to train, but I know I will make it. Of course, I keep thinking about running in heels, but at five inches, this is giong to require practice and some increased flexability. Overall, a great week that proves I have not lost my heel wearing touch during my leave from work. I am thrilled. And if you are looking for pictures, I did post one in the favourite shoes section, under the topic Show us your shoes and be in them. Page 5, for those of you who have not seen it yet. Have a great week everyone. I will try despite the weather. :smile:

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