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Posts posted by Laurieheels

  1. Some of us are addicted to high heels, and going lower causes withdrawl. My goal is to wear five inch heels through anything and everything, so I am hoping I can just wear them all day, provided the right man comes along one day and actually asks me. In the end, it is about what works best for the bride, and every bride is different. :smile:

  2. While at work, I noticed a girl waiting for a ride home. She was holding a pair of four inch thin heeled strappy sandals. Black, of course. Not stiletto, which is a shame, but hey, it is a start. The bad part, of course, is that she was not wearing them. She had on something boring, thick soled sandals that offer no heel height, just a plat, and a piece of fabric to hold the foot to the shoe. Why change? If I am getting a ride home, I wear my heels! Of course, there are some three inch stiletto style heels I have seen here and there worn by women heading down to the parkade. Lucky people who make money. I am still the highest heeled woman in the building. Go me!

  3. At the very least, I know that Jante makes shoes in a size that I can fit, and there are enough styles that I could order a size from any place and know it would fit. For me, I do notice I need some extra padding for the ball of my foot, which is okay, except that I have to use heel slip guards and cut them up, and the packages of those are expensive sometimes. But they are nice shoes. I wish I had a pair in red. Sometimes black needs a break.

  4. I can see young men wearing such a style, with baggy denim shorts, loose shirts and ball caps. I think it would be appropriate for summer. After all, it is based on a clog design, and in Europe, aren't clogs a unisex style? My grandfather owns clogs, ones made in Denmark. So I am thinking that a more athletic style from Nike has to be just as acceptable.

  5. Work has rules, and being seen by the public, especially narrow minded people, can lead to trouble. And let's not mention the drunks and elderly men who leer at young women! Sometimes, one has to dress with a bit of a defensive style. Funny, as this does pertain to the subject. At work, a few of us can bond over this issue as well. We are careful about not letting the drunks and perves see something they shouldn't, and in a way, it brings us together, making us better friends with shared experiences.

  6. This is mainly for the girls, but I am sure men will reply. I think what would be best is this topic in the guys section as well, so guys, feel free to start it there to compliment the thread here.. Okay, here I go. Do you ever just sit there and look at your shoes? I mean, I do, and I think "wow, I can actually wear these" and I feel damn good about myself for it! It is like a crow and a shiny object, I suppose. I just can't help but look at what I am wearing and be impressed with myself. Does anyone else ever have this reaction, and what does it mean for you? Do you spend time admiring the shoes you are wearing? I seem to be doing this a lot in the past few days. So I am wondering what the other girls have to say about it.

  7. no, no corsets. I've never tried one. I do have this idea that in four or five pounds I can show my belly button in public again, so I think I'd like to leave that area uncovered for wearing some slightly small tank top. I'll never be thin and perfect, but then I don't believe in it. :smile: I would not rule out a corset, but purely as a fashion accessory, or something fun to wear. Anything that restricts my breathing, eating, or mobility doesn't thrill me too much.

  8. Buffalo is, well... there was this one section, and as my University friends and I walked through it, we thought we were in 1950. And the sewers gave off a funny smell. To be fair, I was there so many years ago that I shouldn't be too critical. Maybe it is more like 1970 now! Europe... my mother would only move to Denmark, so if you have someone who will pay for everything, that's where we'll be.

  9. How about a sweet potato and bacon tart? I think the contrast of flavours would be excellent. We could thin slice the sweet potato and make the outer layer of the tart with bacon. Some cooked and crumbled bacon could go between the sweet potato layers to really carry the flavour throught the dish, and uncooked bacon would be used for the frame. But twenty minutes is a very short time if making a large version of this, so it's not a great idea. Maybe a mashed sweet potato and bacon creation? In the last few minutes, the mixture could be shaped and put uner a broiler to give it a crispy golden finish. Like a crust, and the rye meal could be used to help that.

  10. Why? Because politicians, old men, and oil companies run the world. The real reason is fashion has become a money making industry and is not about self expression. They expect women to spend spend spend and men should be paying for it, I suppose. Of course, we don't care what the fashion world will dictate. Just find a store with larger sizes, by the boots you like, and wear them! Many so called feminine boots are far too masculine for me, so they should be easy to turn into a unisex style. Heel or not, the boots out there today can double up for the genders. We still have this men are manly men mentality in society that prohibits the freedom of expression. It will take people who are willing to break that stereotype to make the world a better place.

  11. I don't live in a city where a bra can be worn and show more than a bit of strap. It's too freakishly cold! But I suppose a bra covered by a sheer blouse might make it interesting, and I have done this before. I've been told not to wear that particular blouse to work. Ooops! Funny, my mother and I own the same style blouse for that, but in different colours. Okay, so there is another common bond

  12. Tights can look nice, but I really hate how tights and hose can bunch up, and the fit is difficult for me. I am on the cusp between two sizes because of my height. So the fit is never so happy. I cut the panty part off of some tights, and I fold the top of each leg over so my garter belt can hook onto them. It is just more comfortable. The look of tights can be sexy, yes, especially for the opaque. I would imagine it looks better than the sheer of nylons for than panty section. But this only my experience from looking into the kirror back when I wore those styles. I'm exclusively stockings and garters these days.

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