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Posts posted by Laurieheels

  1. On 2002-05-10 22:54, Neil wrote:

    How about some more pics of you in something higher like 6" Heels, I'm sure you'll manage it ?

    I need to save up and buy some six inch heels before I can pose for pictures. Once I have them, I will post pictures, yes. For now, I am still working on making some time to have pictures taken of me in five inch heels.

  2. SO I just fired off about six messages in ten minutes. This is number seven. I could probably do twenty if I liked. You will notice everything has some substance. They keys to power posting to reach a promotion for your shoe rank are as follows. Be silly Learn to type fast. Just respond based on what the last person in any given thread has typed. You can use what the last person said as the basis of what you write and just add a few things to be original. See? Easy stuff, and you can avoid one word posts for the sake of promotion! All of that had nothing to do with the thread, and I don't think it took more than two minutes. Not bad! Now, go ahead, power post all you like, I have given my advice to good looking power posting. I hope it works for everyone!

  3. Work is showing some three and four inch thinner heels. A few stilettos, but no one is matching my height. I have seen a pair of three inch stiletto boots, some four inch stiletto pumps under pants, and a few pairs of strappy sandals around three inches with blade heels. I continue to be reiging high heeled goddess at work, but the fashion trends have some heels this season. Of course, they all make more money or manage to have more of their money to spend on shoes. For me, life never is that kind.

  4. High school is an awful place. And it is a shame that your friends aren't at the stage where they could except everything about you. I know it cannot happen and would not dare to say "if they laugh then you don't need them because they're not good friends" Someone catch the reference there. I hope I typed it right. You need to tough it out and get to University. Oh how wonderful it can be. Choose the right school, and you can do whatever you like. Goths, punks, hipsters, rappers, hippies, grungers, you name it, they're all there, expressing themselves. And there are so many people, all caught up in their studies, that no one cares very much. Just hold out for those days, Terayon, and you'll be free to be who you are at all times. And you will learn a lot more about who you are while you are there!

  5. It seems like the general idea here is that the woman makes the shoes, and not the other way around. Yet I can see how a pair of shoes shows insight into a person's mindset and ideals. It could be a number of things, and maybe this causes some men to be drawn towards women, to find out why she wears those heels...

  6. It would be quite the cause for a red face, but then, the bride is escorted down the aisle in most cases, and then her husband will escort her out. With someone to hold onto each trip, I think a woman can run the risk of some higher heels...

  7. Pure evil? Not really. Just sprinkles of evil over general mischief. :smile: We like to tease! And men fall for it! There is nothing wrong with this, and it demonstrates one of the small yet wonderful differences between the genders. Of course, a "hot" man without a shirt can start to do for me what my playing with shoes does for you boys. It does take some willpower in those situations. Interesting, isn't it.

  8. Yes, but I am never sure if I am being noticed, so I could be doing it for no reason. Better to do it for no reason than not do it when someone is looking. :smile: I also try to wiggle more when I walk if someone is noticing, or at least, if I suspect that someone is noticing.

  9. The life sentence being only 20 or 25 years is a way to hope the criminal can be rehabilitated and released back into society. Esentially, that person's life is changed. That person loses his or her life. If everyone has a second chance, if everyone is given that moment to attone for something wrong, isn't that fair? If we kill people, what do they learn? Of course, if they die during medicall research that benefits humanity... then in a way, the prisoners have made up for the wrongs against society by helping to prolong the lives of others. Yes it is twisted, and in many ways not all that serious, but criminals should be put to work at the very least, and be made useful rather than sit in cells or clean garbage or even break rocks. There has to be more we can get for the money from our taxes!

  10. This is it, 750. Yay!!!!!!!!!!! I should have been here two days ago, but I was not so fired up for empty postings in a power post push for this glorious level of achievement. So here I am. It's thrilling, really, but there is much further to go! I need to double this and get to the custom rank and style! Debbie, come on! I feel bad leaving you behind! You need some power posting! :smile: Join me up here!

  11. I would certainly have a sexy stiletto, but imagine if the heel were a shock absorbing piston inside. And the sole should be layered to allow enegry to be dispersed while walking. Much like a trainer, but thinner layers. I think a vamp strap would be nice, and certainly a sling back would be delightful. I think the bottom of the shoe should have some grip to it, like a tread. If the shoe can disperse the enegry to protect the foot and hold the ground better, then it would be perfect for all day walking. Of course, leather is needed, and a pointier toe that is a bit long for toe room, but not so long that it gets in the way. And a slight up curve to the toe, for more of a roll when walking.

  12. Why should people fuss over shoes, anyway? If they are staring at your feet, there is something wrong. People shold be looking one another in the eye! :smile: As for gender, we have to break rules in order to bring about change. So let's do whatever we feel like doing to accomplish the death of the stereotypes.

  13. Dating the shoes would be pretty boring. I mean, it is the girl wearing them that creates all of the excitement. Shoes are nice, but in the end, they are just complimentary accessories. Keep trying, you'll find someone who has the personality and the shoes to match!

  14. Oh no, competition! :smile: Go for it, wear those heels with pride! Let everyone see you and be jealous! That's how it should be. Showing off isn't bad when it is done in a spirit of fun. Just don't let those women who are too clumsy for heels give you too many dirty looks! I'll have to catch up to you now, I think...

  15. A new idea! Instead of killing these offenders, why don't we sell them for medical research? Society gets a benefit out of it, and the offenders can do something productive. I think being sold for medical research would be more terrifying than just having leathal injection.

  16. Nah, it is better to find a cure for something, or even prevent it. I still think people who aren't afraid to die will do as they please, especially when they have nothing left to lose. Can you imagine someone who has just lost everything and has no hope deciding that it is worth living? Not everyone is that well adjusted. A fate worse than death seems so much more intimidating.

  17. I disagree with the death penality being automatic. Anyone who is suicidal but afraid of killing him or herself will go and plan a murder and carry it out, just to have someone else take his or her life. I think a better deterrant is extreme psychological adjustment. What this means is putting a person through something worse than death, and something much more difficult. With proper program design and care, the person could reabilitate, but the thought of going through something horrible is much more frightening than just being dead.

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