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Posts posted by Laurieheels

  1. White with navy looks quite smart. The general fashion rule, as is printed and televised, is that stockings should never be darker than the shoes being worn. It can be bent, of course. But white stockings and navy shoes are a good combination, especially with pants. Not as much for a very short skirt, because the white really shows a colour difference for those girls with, um, well, like me, that have, how should we say, curvier hips and thighs. They look good, sure, but they also stretch things in different ways.

  2. On 2002-05-12 13:03, Firefox wrote:

    Certainly a paradox Laurie because if you were dating someone, you presumably(?) wouldn't being trying to attract too much external male attention :smile: However, my experience of being with another girl both wearing heels is that as a couple you get more than the fair share of attention than you would individually. The sum of the whole is greater than that of the parts in this respect.

    I share so much, I feel this is one area where I need to have some selfish feelings. If I date a man who is secure, trusts me and is not jealous, then wearing the heels doe attract attention, and the men can be jealous of him because he is with me. That's the bonus effect. Some men don't understand this because they aren't comfortable. They lack courage and confidence.

    Of course, what JeffB was saying about women thinking of him as brave and macho, well there you go, a man should be daring. So called real men are actually afraid of so much in this world. They aren't real, they are charicatures. If a man were a real man, he would be a good one, and have great relationships, and be proud that his partner showed off.

    I still hold to my paradox, however.

  3. That quote from Mr. Caesar comes from a very insignificant campaign. Sometimes I think he said it with some disappointment, and perhaps even apathy or boredom! He didn't use vicious, and for those who don't know the quote but are reading, Veni, Vidi, Vici. I came, I saw, I conquered. I forget who he conquered, it was that minor. Yet what he said remains. I'm afraid I am not much of a military historian.

  4. Another man with more shoes than me. Poverty is an awful thing in this world... All I can do is scrimp, save, and spend, I suppose... I can say I have twenty pairs, but some are falling apart, and I will only be wearing, at most, seven pairs of shoes that meet my standards now. So consider me jealous. I don't know about the trains, of course. In my room I have two barbie dolls sitting on top of a broken stereo. One is a red head, the past, and one is a blonde, the present. If I can find grannie barbie I'll be all set! Yes, I am 28, and I own barbie dolls. What's the problem??? Can't a girl hold onto her childhood?

  5. My opinion is a double standard. I think men shuld wear what they like and be happy. But at the same time, I wouldn't get into a relationship with a man who wore heels. Jealousy on my part, I am the one who wears the heels, he shouldn't. I can be friends with a man who wears heels, I do not mind being in public with such men, no, not at all. But I cannot date one, I would be jealous and feel that I lost some of the attention. Besides, I'd rather date a pure admirer, this way I can really feel that attention for wearing heels. :smile:

  6. Kent, this is a simple way to keep being friends with this girl. Say things like "It's nice to see you, I'm glad we can talk every now and then" and other things that don't imply the desire for a commitment but show you care and are still a friend. Don't offer anything like "If you ever need me for anything..." because I would certainly be tempted to call on you when it would be difficult. If she is single and you would like to keep in touch as a friend, simply talk about it. It is healthy to discuss the past and talk about the good points. This way you can demonstrate that there are aspects for friendship. You two can get along as friends at least, even if the relationship did not work out. Just be honest. That works in this situation. if she asks "do I look fat in this?" then lie, sure, but otherwise, be honest!

  7. A new use for KY Jelly. As if the regular use wasn't interesting enough, you need to find a new one. :smile: I am sure there are many sollutions to this issue. And many kinky ideas can grow from the use of KY for getting rubber stockings into shoes. But I am not going there.

  8. If they stop making heels I will wear mine until they fall apart, and have them put back together again. We can rebuild them. Stronger....faster... Oh, right, stay on the subject. If I can keep a few pairs of heels safe, and somehow they vanish, one day the remaining pairs can be sued as a model to make more! Heels are ingrained in our brains, and there are enough people buying them on the internet these days that the style will not vanish. It's a fetish, and that is something very difficult to destroy.

  9. On 2002-05-11 01:23, D-USA wrote:

    Laurie people notice your heels but may be afraid to look like they are staring..


    D!!! About time you got here and started posting...

    And I understand, people may be afraid to look like they are staring. I think I am starting to notice this. I walked outside to mail a letter today, and while I won't put in what I was wearing, I do think I noticed some eyes trying to look and wonder, and then turn away if I turned in that direction.

    I think you're right about this...

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