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Posts posted by Laurieheels

  1. For anyone who doesn't read my diaries in the Ultra Heels section, it's my birthday. Like, it's right now. I happen to be 28. And I am quite blatently pushing around the rules and using a topic here to make this known to everyone. I think I am doing this because I had a great Sunday, and now that it is my birthday, things can get even better! So there. Life can be good, even for the poor girl who lives down the lane. Oh, and I am very tired and it is impairing my judgement, even more so than when I was dirnking at dinner. I'll have to add an adendum to the diary tomorrow... Whatever! :smile:

  2. I'm a Taurean Gemini cusp. It's great fun now that I have learned to deal with it. Cusp being that different charts list different days for the end of one sign and start of another, for anyone who didn't know. I don't believe in horoscopes, but I still like being a cusp.

  3. I am not sure what to say here. I took to 2 inch heels without any trouble, they were as natural as bare feet for me. it was four and five that required training for me. All I can suggest is that she wear them when sitting down, to allow the shoes to be worked in, and she should take smaller steps on softer surfaces, to start. Do the shoes fit her? As for the double standard, it's a shame, but you are the one living your life, everything we say is just opinion. Action is your job in this one... Sometimes sandals are a bit easier to train in as they don't do anything to the toes, all they do is change the height and use a few straps to hold the foot to the sole.

  4. 15? Wow. Almost 4 months. Neat! I am trying to think about what I wore on what day during the week. It's a bit blurry. It must be the long weekend and all this sleep! After some close examination of my five inch stilettos last Sunday, I came to the conclusion that they need to be phased out. I've been wearing them for work most days for 12 weeks I think, and the abuse is starting to show. Hey, they are black patent. The latest jab is a white smudge on the inside of the left shoe. But this is okay, because it means the 5 1/4 inch stilettos will get more action. On Monday, they were the shoes for work. And yes, I do notice the difference, but I am still good at wearing them. This leads me to think that I shold be looking at a pair of five and a half inchers very soon. If I had the money I'd be shopping up a storm, to be certain. It also occurs to me now that I need to save up and buy leather shoes. Either that, or open a post box... Tuesday was a nice day for the weather. So it meant a celebration of style. Capri pants, a red camisole under a short sleeved dress jacket, and my black patent sandals with the clear heel at four and a quarter inches. The more important part in this is that I walked to work in these shoes. A bike courier whistled at me. Certainly I have developed quite the high heeled image. Your goddess is reborn. And the feeling of being whistled at was a good one. Forget all of this feminism anti sexism junk, a woman needs to feel like a woman, and feel attractive. A whistle every now and then is a good thing. Wednesday was another day for the 5 1/4 inch heels. Since I have added the foot padding to them, I can go anywhere and do anything in them. This is somehing I really enjoy. It is a sign of triumph over what many think as an element of fashion torture. But for me, shoes are an important expression, and it is in the ability to wear such high stiletto heels that I find my enjoyment. With common sense, anyone can wear these shoes and not end up with foot problems. After all, my only detrimental effect over the past 15 weeks has been a small callous on my left foot middle toe. And that's easy enough to look after. I had one on my finger from writing a good deal in university, and no one ever said "pens are bad for you" so I cannot expect any argument about shoes being a problem to hold. Thursday was a good day. Okay, so I wore five inch heels instead of the five and a quarter. Same style, just a tiny difference. But my feet were swelling a bit that morning (it's a water thing) and my higher stilettos aren't worn in enough yet to overcome this problem. Saftey is important, we cannot neglect it. My friend Dave stopped by my office that morning to bring be a birthday card. We talked for a while (so much for working!) and as I was walking him outside, he did notice how well I walked in my stilettos. Now this is a great compliment. We all read my stories about how I wear these shoes, but no one can ever say how well, it's just me writing. But now, someone else has commented on how good I look and how well I walk in heels. I must be doing something right. Thanks Dave, wherever you are right now... And when a man says these things... well it is a wonderful experience. I know that I can be noticed. Friday, another nice day, well, more or less. Olive green capri pants, a slinky beige button up shirt... this called for sandals again! Yes the same black patent sandals. Jante does make good sandals, I will have to plug them here. I love walking in them! I didn't wear them to work, it was a bit cold on my toes that early, but I did wear them home! And yes, I was whistled at again. Two workers in an alley oggled me from a distance. This time I looked towards them, smiled, and then gave it a bit more wiggle as I walked along. Remember how I didn't notice if I was getting attention... well strappy stiletto sandals and red toe nails are helping me notice this attention. :smile: Saturday. Okay, so I had nothing better to do than sleep. But when we went out for a family dinner at the club, I wore the sandals again. my mother didn't want me wearing anything too high, but I think this was part of keeping where we were going a mystery. Whenever my birthday rolls around, they like to surprise me, and the past two years I have been able to guess where we went. This time, it wasn't yet my birthday and already they were starting.... and they got me! Today is Sunday, one day to go and I turn 28. Yes, older. But still young, I suppose. I don't know what I am wearing yet, but my sister and I are meeting some of my friends for birthday sushi. It will be fun! And I will be wearing heels. At the very least, the four+ sandals, but it all depends on what I choose to wear. I may go five inch stilettos, I may wear white and go with the baby doll pumps. Who knows. Yes, Monday, 20 May, that's my birthday. Everyone make a fuss if you must, but really, it's just another day, even if this year it is a holiday. In Canada, it is Victoria Day, but it should be, this year, anyway, high heeled goddess day. Then I can really feel special. A little bit of vanity never hurt a girl. Just a bit... ... . .. . . . . .

  5. Um, like, the Dark Ages, 476 to 800, roughly, were filled with stupid punishments that resulted in death, and sometimes for poor reasons. It was quite the brutal time. Some law codes had fair tests, but many of the ordeals were quite painful, and they were very quick to inflict them. Here, hold this hot iron bar. It will burn you. If the wound heals, you're innocent because God looks after you. If it becomes infected, you're evil, in league with the devil, and thus, guilty. And at that point, they could exceute someone. In many nasty ways. What is worse when the ordeal was designed to have a bad end either way. We'll throw you into the lake. If you drown, you are innocent and God took you to heaven. If you survive, you have magic powers and are evil, thus guilty, thus we'll kill you and send you to hell. Nice, huh? Not that the dark ages really ends at 800, I mean, Vikings come along to spoil it, but 800 is the turning point. We'll save this for another time.

  6. On 2002-05-05 03:29, hhpumps wrote:

    or you can be like me and lauriheels. buy heels by jante. they are still the most comfortable high heel i have found and also my s/o says that the black patent 5" heels are more comfortable than her other 5" heels. don't you agree lauriheels??

    Somewhat agree, yes. The soles do have a few mm of extra padding to them. The arch can take some getting used to. For me I still had to add something to the shoes, but all I did was take a Scholls heel guard kit, cut each piece in half, and pad the area for the ball of the foot. My toes still have the room they need, and the small pad acts like a shock absorber.

    So Jante pumps are easy to fix up, and in the end, the cost is less. One package of heel slip guards can outfit two pairs of shoes. Not bad for man made materials. :smile:

    Yes, Jante can be nice.

  7. I am glad you get what I have been saying, Fox. It is finding a way to be unique and using it for self expression, and then everyone does it. There is not just jealousy, but frustration. What would I do if everyone dressed like I did? I hate crowds, and I never fit in, and in a way, I like that, even if it can be a touch lonely. I think I would lose my mind if every other woman and some men were wearing the same shoes as I was. Not that they're going to be able to handle the height that most of us can... :smile:

  8. Work is upsetting. We lost two people from our understaffed department, and I am sad. They were fun people. Any career change seems like a good one right now. And I'd rather not cause pain, of course. I am glad you are not injuring yourself in this pursuit. Healthy bodies last longer. Abused bodies wear out. Simple as that.

  9. Women can be very insecure. We have fashion magazines telling us how to be, and every TV show tells us how glamorous we aren't when they show these pampered stars. I can ignore the trends and influences, but some women cannot. This all forms when we women are teenagers. It is a shame. We are individuals, but a certain part of society is telling us how to be. So for those who cannot escape that, we turn into an archetype. When someone shatters that, some women cannot handle it. This is why some women cannot accept that a husband may wear heels or a skirt or what have you. It is because those women have this idea that they are to live to that image, that they are female and men are another archetype, and bending the line ruins this. It is all about perception, and sadly, so many women, and men, have been bombarded my media designed images of how things should be. We need to start freeing minds from the oppression, and then we can break the stereotypes. Until then, some women will not handle this shift in the archetypes and they will feel as if they did not do a good job. Yes, it is sad, but it is true.

  10. Terayon, having been to a University in Ontario, I can say that even the students with an A+ in this OAC level english could use some preperation for University. It's a tough place in many ways when you're in your first few months of yuor first year and all of the rules change. Yes, much of what I learned in High School was changed when I went to University. This is not to say that you don't have skills, because I am sure you do. But even I learned a lot in my first month of courses, and I was always a good writer.

  11. I have never worn six inch heels. Heelsonline only had them in US 10 when I went to visit last, so I couldn't fit them. My foot was not ready for the angle at a smaller size than I prefer. It would prove interesting, of course, to try out six inch heels. Now that would make for an excellent diary. :smile: I am eager to see this picture in e-mail.

  12. History. Something I understand all too well. See, if people forgot a bit more about political history and studied more social history, there would be more understanding. Instead of remembering that country A has always been at war with Country J, we would see just what the people of country A and J were all about, and if they knew those things, well, they may just stop fighting and realize that we are all people. Go social history! Brought to you by girl with social history degree.

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