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Posts posted by Laurieheels

  1. I don't remove my shoes at work very much. I did take them off to change at the end of work, and did go barefoot for a bit. But I just wear my shoes until I'm done wearing them these days, or have a two minute break from them, at most. Oxfords and boots aren't as easy to slip off, so they stay on all of the time.

  2. Today I saw four inch thin heeled boots, four inch stilettos, and three inch classy slingbacks. I was wearing five and a quarter inch stilettos, and a long skirt, not pants, so people could see. But there seems to be a bit of a trend forming.

  3. Changing what you eat does make a difference. Or rather, how you eat it. I still make great tasting food, but I am finding ways to keep it healthier. This has turned my walking into something productive for my body. Heels can be flauted as a miracle diet, sure, and maybe it will change some trends, but like most "diets" they don't work for everyone.

  4. It's not painful at all, it's just skin. I managed to clean it up. There's no pain involved when I wear my shoes. It was always there a bit, but wearing heels really changes the forces on a foot, and it was accentuated a bit. I think it has to do with my middle toe being a few mm longer than it should.

  5. Tea can be great! Mint tea, green tea, some of the fruty teas, they are delicious! And grean tea ice cream... wow. Your regular black tea is boring for me, but there are so many I like! And hey, some health food store may sell some pill for energy, but I like the taste of soda first, and the sugar and caffine are just fringe benefits. Besides, I take enough freaking pills in the morning, no more! :smile:

  6. Okay, I know, it says guys, but I won't talk about my two in each ear. Really, for those who have not gone through it, the gun they use is easy to handle. It is half a second of a tiny pain as the gun fires. I can put up with it. And it is a spring loaded gun, and it makes the hole as well as puts the stud in place. If you have had a big needle or an I.V. inserted then you have had worse. Now, if you are thinking about piercing, go somewhere reputable, and make sure to keep the area clean for a few months after the pierce, and follow directions. If it says do not remove for six months, then don't! I had to remove my second set of studs to go to the hospital, and one day was all it took for the holes to start sealing up again. This was two months after the piercing! My originals I managed to leave with something in them for six months and they turned out great. Okay, so I mentioned mine, but only as an example, and not as a means of overruning your fourm or this topic. If anyone has questions, I have a bit of knowledge I can extend. E-mail me and I'll answer what I can... :smile:

  7. Champagne! Bubbly and sweet... And Fox, I do like the sodas, with the carbonation and the sugar, but I am a Coca Cola fan, because it burns so good. :smile: It sometimes cures sore throats! Beer - Tuborg, and Sol Mixed drinks - Paralyzer, or Caesar Wine - Riesling, because you can cook with it and drink it, and be happy. Or any wine mixed with other fruits.

  8. Gold earrings - hoop style, two purses, a very cool bracelet, the latest CD from No Doubt, a Bubble Gun, More food than a girl needs... and my older sister needs to give me a few things tomorrow, likely some books that I want. No shoes, but then, no one will buy me shoes anymore, my family thinks I am obsessed enough! Oh, and most important, lots of loving tender feelings and well wishing. My mother really has a way of making me feel like I matter. :smile:

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