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Posts posted by Laurieheels

  1. On 2002-05-27 02:29, Firefox wrote:

    The platform is too high and they are too clumpy for my liking. I disagree with Laurie about Goth girl style in London though. Many Goth girls wear very high heels and not the same types of shoes either. Anything from clumpies to the thinnest of stilettos. You can see it all on display around Camden market.

    Goths here are very much into Doc Martins and any sort of flat boot. I use to own army boots. Oh the horror of it! Get me away from it! But that was the more North American goth trend. Heels wqere a low heeled granny boot style if they were worn. It was all about feeling dead in society and looking the part.

    Now, Calv wrote: Cant see Laurie in them though

    Darn straight! Certainly not my style at all!

  2. Four months. Not bad at all... Last Monday was my birthday. Hooray for me, yes, thank you for the well wishing. I spent the day in my four and a quarter inch black sandals. It was a wonderful day spent at home with family. Tuesday meant back to work, and back to work means pain and torment. Who likes to work after a long weekend? To make it easy, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday were five and a quarter inch black stilettos. You all know the ones. Just regular days, really, and days that prove I am getting really good in these heels. Friday was a casual day. Four inch white baby doll pumps were my weapon of choice, and they are quite comfortable. But when worn barefoot, they get, well, moist. Not in a bad way, it's just a strange feeling. Saturday. This was a big day. Now I did have to work, and I drove, my 5 1/4 stilettos went with me again. On my feet, of course. Not carried in a backpack as I walk to work. Work was boring. I was just babysitting the desk, really, and my talents were wasted on it. However, I was saved Saturday night, I had a date, and that meant a date in heels, of course. I kept with my 5 1/4 stilettos, and spent quite a few hours with a great guy, who I mentioned here once before. Maybe last week? Hrm... We did walk quite a bit. I am sure he was very happy with that. We sat and talked and lost track of time to start out. And I am guessing we walked around for about half an hour in those heels and did just fine. It helped that I had someone to watch out for me, of course. I think that is what made it so easy and so special. Holding his arm as we walked around a quiet downtown area... Earlier in the week I found out that he had purchased me a gift certificate for Heels Online, a birthday surprise for certain. We debated whether or not this should start going into diaries now but I like to tell the truth and talk about what I did in heels, and this date was in heels, so I hope too many hearts aren't breaking. Today, being Sunday, was a great day. My sister and I went to the Fourth Street Lilac Festival! Due to some snow on and off of late, there are no lilacs in bloom, but that did not stop us! The shoes for this outing were my cherished sandals with the four and a quarter heels mentioned earlier. I wore them walking around on the actual street for an hour and a half. It was a great experience, to be amongst people, out in the sunshine, with food and crafts and music... my sister and I stopped for some beef ribs being sold out front of a rib house, and wow were they ever good. My sister told me I was being checked out. How interesting, it looked like a very young couple had just walked by and she told me. Some guys have wandering eyes. I did notice one problem. The tar they use to fill cracks on street pavement gets very soft. I had my stilettos sinking into it a few times. This didn't stop me at all, but it is unusual to have that little bit of a tug when trying to take a step. My feet are a little bit tired now. They'll recover quite easily, I know. It's time for a barefoot break while I cook up something for dinner. A mix of pork chunks and lean beef meatballs in tomato sauce for a pasta. Lots of onions and garlic for this one! It's nice to know I can spend some time walking in heels, and be able to walk some good distances. This is great development and I am thrilled by it. And now with a gift certificate, the next step will be to go five and a half. It's certainly exciting. And the weather is just wonderful. I may have a bit of heat stroke, I feel tired. It was worth it! Best birthday ever.

  3. I don't think I should be the first to comment, but oh well, too bad. Did the Bride of Frakenstein's Monster have a garage sale? They seem like they would be for clomping about. Certainly they give a good deal of a height boost. For short goths, maybe. Goths don't wear heels very much. Maybe I am glad I am past that.

  4. I was going to rant about being disappointed, but it's not my life, you get that camrea if you like. I would just wait, and if they didn't tnocie this mistake, then I would do something. Too many people try to scam my company and abuse our promotions and we lost money for it. So I am a bit sensitive to this.

  5. I wear heels on dates because I am dating a man who likes them. I do think that the attention from wearing heels can be a bit dangerous. I heard a story last night about men who are possessive, who think that if they buy you a drink or have a dance that they get to do what they like. They're usually new to a country and not familiar with the social freedom of women. So wearing stilettos when I am alone is not something I would like, but then, I'd never go to a club all alone, and I prefer to go to pubs and restaurants, anyway. I can't dance!

  6. I've come to the conclusion that I do not mind people looking, but I would be cautious of people who come up and make comments. It can be a dangerous world and some people can have the wrong impression.

  7. Viktoria, it's not exactly masochism, it's just an addiction to heels. Many of us have it, and we're not looking to be uncomfortable. But we put up with the pain because we like the heels. Well, okay, I really don't ever get more than some sore muscles which is easy to deal with, but I still have the addiction.

  8. Sports as the opiate of the masses. History time! Funny, I was just talking about this last night... Travel back in time with me, a few thousand years, and we'll sit in ancient rome. We'll be in an ampitheatre, and in the morning, we'll watch some sport, men riding around and killing beasts. At lunch, we'll be moving about, maybe we care for the public executions that take place in the arena. But then, as the sun has past its peak, we are all enthused, for men come out to fight one another, and somtimes they stain the sand a brilliant red... Yes, we're in ancient Rome. We're watching the games. Of course, we could go to the Circus Maximus and see charioteers race about, and the crowd is looking for an accident and everyone is cheering on the faction they love best... Organized devotion to sports has been around a long time. it is all about spectacle. We love to see something happening, and we love to cheer on our favourites. We cannot do these things ourselves, but we latch onto a star who can perform these great feats of athletic prowess. Our sports today have an element of conflict, they have people fighting one another to win. It is about who can survive, who can triumph. And it's been around a long time. I think that humanity has a basic program in which we all feel the need for survival. We need to win. We like it. Those of us here may be evolving beyond that, because our minds are a bit more open. For those who are not open to new ideas, they retain this idea of being right and being good and being victorious. Sports allow us to take part in this victory en masse. This is why cities turn to riot when their team wins, because they are running on primal instincts and the adrenaline just lets loose! Sitting in the Flavian ampitheatre in 78 AD when an aging Vespasian held his Ludus for a yet unfinished building would have been intoxicating for the people. Maybe you'd catch a gift thrown to the crowd, and you would see the primal aspects of life acted out before your eyes. Unless you were a woman, then you had to sit in the back row where the view was not so good. We now call it the colliseum, and many sports complexes have taken this name. The direct link is obvious. Today's sports are a reflection of the Roman spectacle, which served one purpose - to win over the hearts and minds of the people. Breads and circuses, we call it, and we know it is a way to keep large groups of people entertained and not complaining as much about the lack of status in their own lives... Today, we go to games and they have "free T-shirt night, free flag night" and what have you. They entice us to pay vendors for food and drink, maybe we get something for free, and we watch two groups in conflict. It's all very Roman, isn't it? Does this make sports an opiate? Yes it does. But socially, western culture has been bred to love this for thousands of years. Gladiators could become wealthy, freed men of the empire. Charioteers were imortalized by the factions that loved them. Today is no different. We have fully re-embraced a system of sports spectacle that was the focus of the world so long ago.

  9. White capri pants, a white tank top, over that a short sleeved khaki shirt, left unbuttoned and tied at the waist, and white baby doll pumps with a four inch heel. That was my casual Friday at work. Not so casual, was it.

  10. Hey now, I didn't start this topic to create a war zone, this is for pictures and discussion of pcitures. Everyone is entilted to their say. Maybe we don't like how something is said, but that should not devalue what the idea behind the comment might be. And just what is wrong with yamyam? It's the nickname chosen for this site, and it seems fine to me.

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