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Posts posted by JeffB

  1. On 11/21/2017 at 7:59 PM, nzfreestyler said:

    Too kind.

    High heels are who I am - I honestly don't like being seen without a pair on my feet. I especially don't like wearing heels that are below par, especially when other high heels are present. Sounds petty but I love wearing heels and showing some leg with it.... I like to have the best legs & heels wherever I go, if not then  close 2nd best will do, and when I get beaten I strive to do better next time!

    If I can help others (likely in a more subdued way) then I'm glad to be able to. A little of my extravagant behaviours might rub off in a good way perhaps?

    Now THAT'S a fantastic mindset to have when it comes to high heels! And it's a behavior I fully endorse! I also believe I have the right kind of legs that makes heels and short skirts pop when I wear them.

    On 11/22/2017 at 1:37 AM, hernaezjames said:

    Thanks JeffB. Would you wear the same style if you own one?

    Yeah, I think I would. Those shoes are certainly sharp!

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  2. Perhaps this is a bias on my part, but whenever I see those sort of pencil thin heels, I invariably wonder how they could support someone's weight without snapping like twigs. I know I wouldn't have had the courage to wear such shoes back in May when I was a whopping 243 pounds, and even though I've lost fifty pounds since then, I'd still be leery of them.

  3. Regarding that picture, I would opt for such a skirt in leather which is much more durable than latex, but yeah, that's definitely NOT something one would wear on an outing to the mall. But, I digress, as to what I'd wear with that skirt, I'd go with a red top for contrast and fishnets as legwear.

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  4. On 11/7/2017 at 4:11 PM, mlroseplant said:

    As an aside, TBG has taken up playing the cello. He's gotten pretty decent at it in a rather short time. 

    Cool! I hope TBG succeeds.

  5. 9 hours ago, nzfreestyler said:

    Flaunting high heels is my space. I wear heels all the time with a skirt or a dress because I like the look. I love high heels - if I was not allowed to wear a dress/skirt I would still wear high heels - but reluctantly with trousers/shorts etc.... I would not be happy if I had to wear flats or lower heels. I don't need to wear heels for any reason other than I want to, but I really want to and enjoy it and its become who I am. I don't do wigs/make up etc - not wanting to become or talk like a woman etc, just a bloke wearing heels & skirt.

    I believe heels are best displayed - I show them off and let them work their own magic. They give me confidence - I feel better with a red pair on my feet than I do in black heels. I prefer to show some leg because the shoe needs the ankle exposed to look good and be admired fully - so I might as well have the knee down bare leg. I walk well in heels - I like the posture and standing in heels feels better, I like the options I have when standing in heels vs flats. The taller heels are better still for standing options/posture.

    Yes I am often the centre of attention but thats what is empowering, stopping a room dead is fun, you need the confidence to do it, but if you do - then beware because your starting confidence/self esteem grows exponentially. Wear heels enough in public places you soon learn first hand how empowering they are. It is addictive - I'm hooked - its part of who I am.

    Do I need high heels in order to be able to do something  - of course not - am I confident person - most would say I am anyway - so do I need to do it in high heels - honestly no - but I prefer the feel and enjoy the 4th dimension of personal power they instantly give me.

    Better sign off. Ciao.

    Well said, nz! I agree with everything you stated. You have a special style and flair to your outfits that I both enjoy and envy. Keep up the great work, my friend!

  6. 12 hours ago, Heelster said:

     - - - And that was the straw that broke the camels back.

    He's fine - doing what he does, and gives everyone his best regards.

    Well, that's good to know. I had been concerned.

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  7. On 10/10/2017 at 2:25 AM, subtle said:

    Just saw this, seems to echo a lot of what is said here :)

    This Man Is Making A Case For Beards With Stilettos

    A very nice article. I agree with just about everything that gentleman wrote about males wearing high heels, and he does have some damn cool shoes. However, I can live without the beard, after twenty years in the military, I'm used to being clean shaven, besides, a beard makes me look both scruffy, and older than I really am. :P

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