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Posts posted by IHeels

  1. Hoverfly, Just agreeing with Platform_dude who wrote: "I think the thin, slender heels and soles look good on thin, slender people." Pretty much sums up me. Oh and you wrote: "I mean is there a rule that tall people can't be taller?" Sort of stange when the lowest heel I wear is 4 inch and am generally in 5 inch, that makes me 6' 2" in heels and I would'nt want it any different. Inga :smile:

  2. Hiya Platform_dude, Whilst I hate platforms, I'm probably providing a narrow view, given I'm fairly tall for a lady 5' 9" and fairly slender so I wear clothing that looks good on me, that means never platforms. Anyhow, they only suit a minority and are not classic fashion which stiletto's are. Inga :smile:

  3. Hiya hawksmoor,

    Here's a duplicate of my post from the topic "my type shoe"

    "Hiya all,

    Here's another example of my type of shoe.

    I own a simular pair.

    Posted Image

    Note: no platform anyone :eek: "

    As you can see I adore this type of shoe, so I cannot agree with you on this one. Anyhow it's just a matter of choice.

    Inga :smile:


    Platforms are for standing on, not for walking in.

    <font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: IHeels on 2002-03-15 09:58 ]</font>

  4. Agree Laurie, It certainly does give one a sense of superiority, especially when i'm wearing my 5½ inch heels which I do quite regularily, I too look at what others are wearing. Hair not really, mines long mid to lower back not stand out stuff, like my heels. Inga :smile:

  5. Looks like you've discovered the benefits of 'web client'. Think there's a lot of us around anyhow. Some of the systems people in big corporations think there smart yet there not. Here's an example, in a particular organisation they set about locating movie files (avi, mpg etc) sure they found them, however, if one zipped them they didn't. So much for expertise. Inga :smile:

  6. I think a lot depends on how you walk in them, clumping around will definitely attract unwanted attention. Also doing things (eg dangle at the extreme) that would attract attention away from your face to your feet (shoes) may produce adverse results. Overall its a tad on the conservative side, so agree. Inga :smile:

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