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Posts posted by IHeels

  1. Emu, well once I was at a nature reserve (private zoo) and the operators were handing out seed food, for us the great unwashed to feed the Emu's. Now these things are about seven foot tall, there also pretty keen on their food. As I approached the Emu's one being quick on the uptake realised I was the food source. Now those eyes they just look straight through you, so I let out a sharp yelp sort of threw the food in the air and ran. Ingrid's a bit of wimp when it comes to dealing with some things and this was one. Certainly the're not my version of a house pet. Inga :smile:

  2. Hiya, As a compulsive wearer I've noticed this tend too. It's just so cool as you all know I adore my heels. Still the maximum mainstream height is 4 inch (10 cm) and I nearly always wear 11cm and higher, why? My answer is heels give us from the fairer sex confidence, authority and are essential equipment for sexual sorcery. To me heels are POWER and the HIGHER the better! B) B) Think I might just use that one as my sig! Inga :smile: _________________ HEELS are POWER the HIGHER the BETTER. <font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: IHeels on 2002-03-18 10:43 ]</font>

  3. But you're a tall guy and I'm a tall gal, on average I'm looking down on most guy's too. It's quite a nice feeling, think Laurie might do a bit of the same as she's around 5' 8" ("get to know each other" topic). Inga :smile:

  4. At the time heaps, I was a little scared, as most of you know I live in Australia. Think of this for starters: The two major cities Sydney and Melbourne have quite a lot of skyscrapers, whilst there not 110 floors many are in excess of 50 floors on the edge of waterways, pretty good targets not nice if you frequent one as I do. Australia is considered a friend of the US (true), there were rumours of you're next this was published in the local media. How close is life in Australia to the US, pretty close, you only have to look at our anthems to see the word 'free' and you should get the gist. Also at the time I'd go to bed and hear an aircraft overhead thinking it's comming, pretty scary. Now I think things have cooled down a bit, thankfully. Inga :smile:

  5. What's all this shopping for Doctor's stuff, surely it's easy enough to find someone who has a clue? Mechanical, I'm not that mechanical, but can change a light bulb too. Anyhow, keep it up the 5 inch stuff reminds me a lot about myself, I too often take my shoes off at my desk, quite relaxing. Inga :smile:

  6. Hiya Richy, Love those pumps with the metal heel shaft, I've got a simular pair, wicked! Terayon, ankle boots are great with pants, I have some and only wear them with jeans / pants in the cooler months. Knee boots I agree are pretty cool, they work best with skirts, very appealing. You're lucky, getting a woman's point of view here. Inga :smile:

  7. Hiya Heeldog and Laurie, You mentioned cheese, here's a more comprehensive list: Gouda, Red Leicester, Tilsit, Caerphilly Bel Paese, Red Windsor, Stilton, Gruyere, Emmental, Norwegian Jarlsberger, Liptauer, Lancashire, White Stilton, Danish Blue, Double Gloucester, Cheshire, Dorset Blue Vinney, Brie, Roquefort, Pont-l'Eveque, Port Salut, Savoyard, Saint-Paulin, Carre-de-L'Est, Boursin, Bresse Bleu, Perle de Champagne, Camembert, Edam, Caithness, Smoked Austrian, Japanese Sage Darby, Wensleydale, Greek Feta, Gorgonzola, Parmesan, Mozzarella, Pippo Crème, Danish Fimboe, Venezuelan Beaver Cheese, Cheddar, 'Illchester, Limburger. Hopefully yours was one of these. Inga :smile:

  8. It's not hard to give an answer here. For me, being a sporty type and very flexible courtesy of some ballet training I found no real problems in growing into heels. I started part time at 14 to 15 years wearing 3 - 4 inch, when I left school to go to Uni I just gave flats the big heave ho - heels full time - bliss. Over a period of a few years they just got higher to where I'm today. I'm a near permanent wearer of 5 - 5½ inch, wear flats only for sport/gym. Being fastidoius to fit I also have no foot problems. Inga :smile:

  9. I suppose it helped a bit in that I had a part time job in a department store when I was 16 and a manual explaining how to dress was handed out. This was one of the things covered. (Probably should have put this in my original post) Anyhow I generally wore mine at school in a manner that certainly did'nt attract praise from the teaching staff. Inga :smile:

  10. I hate the things, yet like Laurie I don't mind scarves, they can be quite elegant. Unfortunately in my school years I went to a private school and had to wear a tie -yuck! PS: Can still tie a 'windsor knot' and a lot of guys can't do this, result is their tie looks ridiculous, like at 45 degrees instead of straight down. Oh yes you're right Debbie I've seen a couple get the shedder treatment, quite amusing. B) Inga :smile: _________________ Platforms are for standing on, not for walking in. <font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: IHeels on 2002-03-16 06:00 ]</font>

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