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Posts posted by IHeels

  1. Well I wish I did Tacchi Alti, but the truth is I haven't, sure I own some stock, but ain't no Murdoch, Gates etc. Tip it in? Forget the Casino etc style of gampling, I know you've got no hope here. By the way Debbie's got heaps more (shoes) than me, think she's somewhere near three figures. Inga :smile: _________________ Platforms are for standing on, not for walking in. <font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: IHeels on 2002-03-12 10:04 ]</font>

  2. Hiya Laurie, I totally agree with that one about American men, only thing is it pretty much extends to the 51st state of America - Australia, may'be Canada's the 51st and we're the 52nd. It's just we get all this crappy US Teli too, though we do get some good British stuff. Seems to be this ubiquitious male gaze and its not at the face where it should be (problem), you should see some of the ads on Aust Teli. Yeah, but I don't think an eradication policy will work, may'be counselling? Film making industry, how many seriously good film's are made, not that many, how many Oscars are awarded, too many! Sort like a private club thing. Inga :smile:

  3. Hiya Highluc & Xaphod, Agusta & Mafia: Were'nt they riding MV Agusta's (or some Italian Motorcycle could be wrong here - minor technicality) on a marble surface in the "Italian Job", they sort fell foul of the gyroscopic effect. Also, in this film they beat the mafia (I think), but stuffed up as a result of ambitious bus driving. From what I remember it was quite entertaining. Inga :smile:

  4. Wall Street, now you,ve got to be an expert here if you want to make an overnight killing. Me well I've got some Australian stocks, mostly blue chips so growth is slow but sure. I've had a winner in the past, put A$10,000 into a resources stock care of a brokers tip, what do you know week later walked away with A$20,000. The tax killed me anyhow. Oh, and losers, technology stocks, purchased one for $6 per share it went to $17, looking good but then it crashed, got out at 60cents, big loss! Inga :smile:

  5. That's economics, most administrations provide incentives in some way or another to boost their economy (get money moving around faster etc). I can probably think of a better one than petrolium products as these have an inelastic demand curve (ie, the ultimate price maker's, that is you could double the price and people would still purchase the same quantity). Inga :smile:

  6. Moving a away from the serious stuff. Here's a bit of humour from MPFC on the subject of taxes, and yes, politicians seem often to work it out this way. Politician: Bravo, Madge. Well done. Taxation is indeed the very nub of my gist. Gentlemen, we have to find something new to tax. Second Official: I understood that. Third Official (Terry Jones): If I might put my head on the chopping block so you can kick it around a bit, sir... Politician: Yes? Third Official: Well most things we do for pleasure nowadays are taxed, except one. Politician: What do you mean? Third Official: Well, er, smoking's been taxed, drinking's been taxed but not... thingy. Politician: Good Lord, you're not suggesting we should tax... thingy? First Official: Poo poo's? Third Official: No. First Official: Thank God for that. Excuse me for a moment. (leaves) Third Official: No, no, no - thingy. Second Official: Number ones? Third Official: No, thingy. Politician: Thingy! Second Official: Ah, thingy. Well it'll certainly make chartered accountancy a much more interesting job. Inga :smile:

  7. Hiya Hoverfly, You wrote: "The United Stated right now have no law governing where corporations have moved out side the United Stats but still have a info structure in the U.S." I was'nt actually talking about laws that make it illegal to set up offshore, I was talking about laws that make for the tax being paid in the country where the actual income source is. What I will say it's very hard to get these laws to work. Just how hard, well in Australia there's two volumes of the tax act devoted to just this, not many people can understand the stuff anyhow. Myself, well I'm a lawyer (attorney), am involved indirectly the legislative drafting process and I'm lost on occasion. Not much hope for the Mr/Mrs/MS average. Inga :smile:

  8. Hiya Mel, It's the same in Australia, school uniform no heels. Once out of school, ie, into the workforce or university, then there's no restriction on wearing real shoes, heels (at least here in Australia). I won't comment to much on the age factor, just to say you're right in that when the feet are fully formed is probably the best time to start. That can vary from person to person. Inga :smile:

  9. On 2002-03-05 18:10, hoverfly wrote:

    "In the Unites States, big corporations are moving their head quarters to Bermuda where there is little or no tax. However the truth of the mater is, their head quarters is right where they left it. Right here in the U.S. It’s just no longer called that. They just rent a mail box in Bermuda. So who gets to make up the difference? Why me of course. However in the past few years Congress, and the IRS (Internal Revenue Service) started to get on the closing a lot of the loop holes that the wealthy exploits. Now, realizing corporations are not paying there share (Don't they ever?) They are looking into that as well. However in a global economy this might prove to be difficult if not impossible."

    The Bermuda problem: Don't they have residency tests in the, like a permanent establishment test. Most countries I think have such embedded in their legislation. This test means you have at least got to have an office in that country, perform transactions through such etc etc. This is the start point of breaking down the problems associated with international transfer pricing, ie, shifting income to low tax countries etc. I could go on forever, like a 100 page academic paper here, but I'm not. Most of the problems associated with revenue agencies world wide really stem from under resourcing. So there's always going to be some scope to get away with it.

    Anyhow one of ours, I'm Australian, Pat Rafter, the guy who won 2 US Opens recently, lists his abode as Bermuda, just says it's closer to the US where 65% of the ATP tour is played, actually, don't think you'll find him in Bermuda for much of the year.

    Wonder how many other super wealthy people you'll find there?

    Inga :smile:


    Platforms are for standing on, not for walking in.

    <font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: IHeels on 2002-03-06 12:17 ]</font>

  10. Stremph, just go to edit, which is underneath your message and fix it yourself. My english here is pretty crappy also. I'm not fussed, it's not like I'm writing a academic paper, just having a bit fun chatting to people with a common interest. Inga :smile:

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