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Posts posted by IHeels

  1. Hi all, It's Sunday, I'm not ver religious so don't go to church. My outfit is simular to Saturday's, Ultra tight ultra low waisted jeans (Bettina Liano) 5 inch semi stiletto boots ultra tight camel coloured fitted (stretch) shirt, fitted denim jacket, real glam rock chic stuff. Inga :smile:

  2. 5 inch stiletto boots for most of the day. Truth is I often change my shoes, like wear pumps in the morning, if is cooler outside on with a pair of boots and so on. Having 60 or so pairs helps especially on the weekends. Do any of you travel with a couple of pairs in the car, I do. Inga :smile:

  3. Agree Hoverfly, anyhow here's my opinion including some facts I have gleaned from the media. As Palestinian suicide bombers stepped up their terror attacks late last week on Israeli civilians and the Israel Defence Force responded with a renewed assault on the West Bank headquarters of Palestinian Authority chairman Yasser Arafat, US Secretary of State Colin Powell made a series of telephone calls. He spoke to Mr Arafat, Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon and the leaders of the Arab League and America's NATO allies. In each call Mr Powell delivered two messages. He insisted that the Arab leaders must unequivocally condemn the terror campaign if they want to promote the Saudi peace plan, which offers full recognition of Israel in return for an Israeli withdrawal from the territories occupied in the 1967 Six-Day War; and he warned that Israel must not undermine Mr Arafat if it wants him to put a stop to terrorism. These two demands embraced every element in the mess that the Israeli-Palestinian conflict has become: the Israeli and Palestinian leaderships, and the US and the Arab states as indispensable guarantors of any truce that might be possible. These elements only have to be assessed according to the conditions set down by Mr Powell, however, for the formidable obstacles to a truce, let alone a permanent settlement, to become apparent. The encirclement and bombardment of Mr Arafat's headquarters may not be intended to kill him, but it is clearly aimed at ending his ability to assert effective leadership of the Palestinian people - at removing him as one of the elements in the equation. If that happens, he will in large measure have himself to blame, for his failure to repudiate terrorism forthrightly has fuelled the impression that he covertly supports it. Mr Sharon has declared Mr Arafat to be an enemy of Israel, and certainly he has failed to be a peace partner. But by intensifying its onslaught on Ramallah, Israel seems intent on eliminating the only peace partner it is likely to have, for there is no alternative to Mr Arafat among the leaders of the fanatical groups sending young Palestinians out to kill themselves and as many Israelis as they can. Mr Arafat has undermined his own position by dealing equivocally with such groups, but by eliminating him, politically or physically, Mr Sharon risks creating a vacuum that is most likely to be filled by those who train the suicide bombers. Each man, Mr Arafat and Mr Sharon, has taken a path that can only lead to more war, and after so many refusals to take any other path, it may be wondered whether what each really wants is not a negotiated settlement, but victory. If so, it is a futile hope, for a permanent end to the conflict will not be brought about by Israel's military supremacy or by the readiness of young Palestinians to become martyrs. It can only arise from the willingness of both sides to make peace, and the willingness of the other elements identified by Mr Powell, the Arab states and, above all, the US, to ensure that the desire for peace is translated into action. Enough said. Inga :smile:

  4. Another, "Unable to stop the bickering, the Columbia City Council in Tennessee has decided to go for counselling. The seven-member city board has voted to spend $US5000 on a counselling coach to help them "feel comfortable talking" instead of "staring daggers" at one another." Sometimes it gets a bit like this in the workplace, anyone every experienced that. Inga :smile:

  5. It's Saturday, very casual jeans (ultra tight and low waist) blue fitted shirt as usual only done up just over half way, cropped demin jacket and 5 inch stilleto boots. I admit it I tease and enjoy doing so, always have. Inga :smile:

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