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Posts posted by IHeels

  1. I been an absolute heel addict for over 20 years. I suppose when I first tried them I liked them, it quickly grew from there. Now I build my wardrobe up from my shoes. Inga :smile: Inga _________________ Platforms are for standing on, not for walking in. <font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: IHeels on 2002-03-06 09:55 ]</font>

  2. Fall into the sea, probably a result of the feasability study costing a lot more than E$150k. Typical! Sweden experience, may'be interposing an entity between your employer and yourself might help. Might pay no tax here. B) Inga :smile: _________________ Platforms are for standing on, not for walking in. <font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: IHeels on 2002-03-06 09:49 ]</font>

  3. Highluc, Yeah, I work for the Aust Gov't, develop legislation, ie, research and 1st draft. 14 years time when I'm 55, I'll go on same basis as you unemployed but get 90% of last salary. The airline, almost an exact duplication of what happened in your neck of the woods. Inga :smile:

  4. Like that rock = principality, ie, your own private country. Might even have you own private currency too. There's an example of that here in Aust. Hutt River Province it actually a guys large farm, but he gone as far as to produce his own currency. Inga :smile: _________________ Platforms are for standing on, not for walking in. <font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: IHeels on 2002-03-06 09:33 ]</font>

  5. Agree Laurie, what's Richie on about, I was talking about field Hockey. Australian Ice Hockey team, well, pretty second rate, think most Canadian club sides "would take them to the cleaners". Same might apply to the Brit's we're talking professional sport here. Also hope the snows clear soon, just checked Calgary weather, and it seems to be still around. B) Inga :smile:

  6. It's all a bit sad in Australia today, an airline of approximately 70 years standing went under today, Ansett. Suppose it really paves the way for Sir Richard B to move in big time (Virgin Airlines). How sad it was is illustrated by the fact most of the staff were crying (Teli pics, although they were having a wake - lots of grog) and at the same time booing the Qantas flights as the landed. This was largely a result of the government allowing the wrong buyer to purchase the airline a few years back. Inga :smile:

  7. Inga=Ingrid correct. Ingrid, Norweigan origins. Actually my parentage for what is worth, Anglo - Norweigan background 3rd generation Aust, family been here for over 100 years. What else. Languages spoken: English that's it! Oh can work out a little French but can't verbally converse. Inga :smile:

  8. Probably right, may'be this explains why we (Aust) can play field hockey, oh not forgetting, the Dutch, German's and the Brit's can a bit but none of these countries can play Ice Hockey. They do get snowed under in Canada for a long time, too long each year (6 months), not for me. Inga :smile: _________________ Platforms are for standing on, not for walking in. <font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: IHeels on 2002-03-05 11:13 ]</font>

  9. Here's another one: Politics: they are having a council election around my way at present. The area I live in is basically suburban, however it abut's farmland. Hence we have a Green group and a Pro Development group. One of the candidates standing in his statement called for responsible planning. Great stuff when he owns the first farm beyond the residential line. Just think he might want a bit of re-zoning here so he can sud-divide sell off and line his hip pocket. Most of us spotted this and have voted accordingly. Inga :smile:

  10. Another thing all I think you'll find most western countries have progressive tax rates. So I think in Sweden the 65% is the top rate, this would be levied on the income above say Kr60,000. I might be wrong. Needless to say this high taxing stuff goes a long way to explaining why celebs often choose tax havens as their abodes.

  11. Geeze you really come into my domain here. Legislation! Well in Aust they tried to and succeeded to a degree to introduce a new tax system. Essentially this comprised of a not to popular GST (VAT) at 10%. Most of us are just waiting to see when this GST rate is going to be increased, can't be far off as I understand UK for example has a rate closer to 20% and they started off with 10%. Aust is a relatively high tax country top rate 47% for individuals, however people have tried to get around this by various means over time. As one means was discovered it was legislated out, so another was discovered, legislated out and so on. Result: Aust now has a tax legislation that reads like the full oxford dic, 4 volumes. Fortunately I don't write tax legisaltion, although in the past I have had something to do with it. The favorite current products seem to be things like for example, bogus investment bonds, here the investor borrows a small amount (25% of investment value) to finance the purchase of such, an intermediary borrows the rest on a non recourse type arrangement, result bank gets fees and bears no risk because the transaction is round robin, its happy, investor gets inflated tax deduction probably makes money out of the deal he/she is happy. Oh, one thing you need to be rich to do this, I'm not rich enough. I suppose much of the same happens in Europe, like people who are worth billions getting a low income rebate on the tax return. End result massive cheque in the mail. Oh another thing, fortunately there's a resource limitation ie no administration can employ enough people catch those they think are naughty out. This is good because we can all bullshit around the edges a bit. Like enough to buy one pair of shoes a year. You never know I may have given some ideas to play with here. B) Anyhow said my bit. Now back to talking about shoes and fashion. Inga :smile: _________________ Platforms are for standing on, not for walking in. <font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: IHeels on 2002-03-05 10:39 ]</font>

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