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Posts posted by JNR

  1. Amongst traditional thinking parents (people), males wearing any item of female clothing isn't considered "manly." Therefore, your mother is perhaps concerned that you will not live up to currently accepted "societial norms" and become an object of disparagement within the family and neighborhood, reflecting, in her mind, her failure to teach you the "proper" mannerisms relating to to male behavior. What is totally not understood is that, in most of our cases, we can wear high heels and still be 100% male in all other aspects. Problem is that we either can't adequately explain our love of heels, in the context that will clearly point out this fact, or that the person (people) we're trying to tell about our our wearing women's shoes isn't prepared to accept our (any) explanation. I believe you did the right thing telling your mother about your high heels. And while you really wanted a different reaction, I suspect she reacted in precisely the way you thought she would. Now, the process of her understanding and acceptance can begin and, with time, she just might see that you are, after all is said and done, just another complete male that happens to wear high heels. You can wear your heels in secret, when ever the chance to occurs. Or, you can buy a pair of lower, chunky heel loafers and wear them openly around the house. The heels really don't have to be 4" or higher, they can be 2½" or 3" heels and not appear so femine. Perhaps, after a while, your mother will become acustom to seeing you wearing them and she will realize that her original "objections" are invalid because all other aspects of your behavior will be properly "male."

  2. Womans shoes already come in all sorts of styles. I'm sure we've all thumbed through a sears or JC Penny's catalog and looked at styles from the most feminine looking sandals, flats and pumps to the most masculine looking boots and oxfords. The point I am trying to make is that manufacturers already make enough styles to satisfy most of us. All that it takes is a little "looken" to find a style that meets your conditions and fancy. The problem is that the sizes available aren't made to fit the male foot. So, if they would produce several different styles to male specifications, I'm sure it would go a long way towards solving the issue.

  3. Two things, EE: 1) If I were a Arabic woman and had to live like they do and endure the crap their men hand out to their women, I'd be perpetually locked and loaded in the pissed off position, too. 2) Secondly, were your friends male or female. And, if they were male, did they have any reaction to you wearing heels while with them?

  4. Why not get in touch with Robert or Tom (NL) (or, someone there in Amsterdam) and give the shoes to one of them. They could send the shoes to Richie or Firefox who, in turn, could then auction them off to members of our community. Proceeds can be used to help finance some equipment or software that might be needed or upgrading.

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