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Posts posted by JNR

  1. methinks Ellen's inability to walk in heels is greatly exaggerate. It's hard to believe that, even though she appears to wear noting but slacks, sweaters, shirts and tennis shoes, she's never worn heels before -- afterall, she did have a life as a female before she adopted her manish manner of dress and her lesbian sexuality became widely known .

  2. Selene wrote, in part:

    Who am I or anyone for that matter to tell someone else what they can and can not do especially if there are no direct consequences to me for what someone else is doing.

    Key phrase in the above quote "especially if there are no direct consequences to me". As you infer, what one person deems approprite, no one should deem inappropriate. (That goes for murder, robbery, rape and pilllaging, or any other scenario you can envision or imagin.) If someone harms or injures you, who is going to determin if the person causing the harm or inury should be punished?

    Isn't life without consequence, direction, rules or regulation called "anarchy."

    Therefore, I think your coment is torpid.

  3. You really need to read postings by Thighbootguy if you would like to find out what it is like to wear fully exposed thigh boots out in public. I would imagin that he would be able to give you some good advice about what to wear with them and where to go.

  4. quella wrote" "can you recommend a place to buy them in a US size 13?" I looked at the website quella linked to and, woe and behold, guess what I found? I discovered that the site, Amazon.com, had that very pair up to US size 14. Now quella, if you are looking for a place to find those shoes, why not purchase them from the website you linked to in the first place?

  5. I've a question! Why, when you say you constantly wear your skirts, hose and heels out and about everywhere during normal business hours, are you hiding your face? After all, if what you say is true, chances are that not one of your customers or fellow workers -- or, anyone else you might know, for that matter -- will ever see you here. Your cover (if that's the proper term) is already blown from appearing in public everyday dressed "demi-feminine."

  6. "I saw a girl who was wearing stiletto high heeled boots get off the back of the bike only to find both her heels crumple to half the height because the plastic had melted on the silencer." Now, there's a lesson of which we all can take note. What a discouraging way to discover the hazzards of riding motorcycles while wearing high heels.

  7. This model from Texas had some encouraging comments about men in heels.

    1. In the Public Comments Section: "Totally Hot. I love you"

    2. In a Private Message: "Thats sexy....I will be there for NYC Mercedes Benz fashion week in a show there! Take care"

    Fine looking woman (and I love her shoes). Hope she gave you her name so that, if you're inclined, you can find her. 8)

  8. Hey you, The Designer, some people are really dense. Now, why don't you just go go back and re-read your comment and then re-read mine. My point, if you aren't able to discern my meaning from reading the comments again, is that people that take note of you in heels just might be thinking to themselves "what a weirdo" rather than "I wonder where he got them -- which, incidentally, has not a thing to do with me wearing high heels.

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