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Posts posted by JNR

  1. I am what I am! I do not care about anyone else's opinion nor do I seek approval on how I should dress or behave.

    You sound like a pure, strict individualist to me. And, that is good to a point. However, even the staunchest, most ardent individualists' behavior and conduct is governed by their fellow citizens to one degree or another. See how forgiving your fellow citizens are if they observe your behavior as being "out of bounds." :smile:

  2. If I remember correctly, didn't several hhplace members go to last years ball (or was it the year before last?). Anyway, I think I remember reading some comments here that were posted by Dr. Shoe, Francis, Kneehighs, or one of the other "notable" member mentioning that they attended.

  3. Although these numbers are encouraging and do indicate the number of men wearing heels is increasing with time, i know that surveys and statistics can be "skewed" to show almost anything the people taking the survey want to show. Where did you get these figures? It is important to know how many people participated in the surveys, what questions were asked and how they were worded. Not that I don't believe that the results are acurate.

  4. Histiletto wrote:

    Again, I'm an idealist with a personal quest to the lifting of the human spirit, using the best means available, even in high stiletto heels when they are desirous of fulfillment and care.

    More power to you! If you want to wear your heels in full view of society, then go for it. I do. However, at the same time, under the laws, rules and regulations under which today's society operates, anyone that walks on this planet along side of you has the identical right to disapprove of your dress.

    That being said, it is my opinion -- and only an opinion -- that the best way to change customs is to expose new ideas to the general public. The larger number of men that wear heels in public, and the more often they are viewed by those around them, the sooner the concept of heels worn by men will become a "non-issue" as evidenced by men wearing earrings, bracelets and necklaces.

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