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Posts posted by JNR

  1. What is so difficult about this scenario? Put simply, Susan believes that when a woman, any woman, is presented with a situation that requires a choice, the woman can make her choice and have her decision respected. Now, because this scenario is couched in terms of a man giving a woman a choice of accepting his wearing high heels or not really has no bearing upon her perogeritive to say no and mean it and be free of any coercion to accept a situation she doesn't want. (And, I would argue the same for any man placed in a similar situation.)

  2. When someone mentions they are with their "Date," my impression is that they are in the company of someone that, although the person isn't a complete stranger, they do not have the strength of relationship that a "financee', wife or even a "significant other" would have. Therefore, while her opinion might be honestly given, it -- in my opinion -- wouldn't have the same sway as that having come from a person more familiar (or closer).

  3. Johnieheel, don't be ridiculous! As a non-smoker -- as in never smoked in my entire life (as I posted somewhat earlier in thie very thread) - I don't need to be preached to by the likes of you. As I stated in my post. I was just being curioius. So before you touch the smoldering wick to the powder keg....read my post before having a hissy fit.

  4. Do not take cash....Travelers checks...always travelers checks. And, as I am sure you already know, keep a extra record of their numbers for safety. (I recently had my wallet stolen in Paris and was saved from a big hassle because all of my important documents were in the hotel safe, along with a list of numbers for the travelers checks.) (Additionally, I believe I would check the exchange rates at one of the local banks in your city.....Perhaps you might be able to get a better rate there than at your hotel in London.)

  5. Why would anyone want to use a picture in an avatar that is obviously deceptive? (Especially a widely circulated and readily recognizable picture that is the property of one of our better known members) Big mistake that probably will always dilute the credibility of the poster. (Reminds me of the recent poster that used Jane's pictures claiming they were of themself.)

  6. One question I've always thought about is how do you enforce a law against something that isn't illegal in the first place? The practice of smoking isn't illegal. The sale of tobacco isn't illegal. And, it appears to me these laws are arbitrary in the first place. So, why hasn't anyone bothered to take these laws to the U.S. Supreme Court to determine if they are actually enforceable? Quite frankly, I really don't understand how any government operating under the provisions of the United State's Constitution can dictate what anyone can and can't do in their own homes or businesses.

  7. Forgive me, Dr1819, but I totally disagree with you. I believe you're intillectually "over thinking" this entire subject. I, too, am saddened to learn of your plight. However, there must be a lot more to the situation than that of you, or your wife refusing to accept "no" for an answer. Some cases of "no" can be negotiated (would you like onions in your potato salad? No.) And some shouldn't ever be brought up again once asked and refused. ( Would you allow me to engage in some deviant sexual behavior? No!) And, if an attempt to negotiate the "no" that caused alarm was repeated, then the issue becomes powerful stimulation for total disintegration of any relationship that might have been built on trust.

  8. That does it! I'm putting my foot down here and now, before I end up in a sling from laughing so hard. ROFL Then I'm going to bed to boot - er to sleep. I'll see shoes later.

    Gosh! Imagin laughing so hard you wound up with sling backs.

  9. ...a guy may be "intelligent"...a guy may be inquisitive"...but few guys have both intelligence and inquisitiveness...

    ..which is why most men (in general) have not reached the "tipping point" that permits them the self-expression to explore the "other part of themselves" and look at us with "shock and awe" (tongue in cheek) when they see someone like we...(and because if they did consider expressing themselves they'd be on this forum..LOL)



    Not all men really want to explore "their other side." Some (greater percentage?) are quite content to be exactly what they are.....well adjusted male members of the species (not to say that we aren't "well adjusted").

  10. First of all, I'm not a smoker so it doesn't matter to me what, where or when politicans declair smoking illegal. However, I've often wondered why, if smoking is so harmful to a person's health, the US Government -FDA- hasn't declared tobacco an illegal substance like cocaine? Perhaps it has something to do with the huge number of dollars ($) local, state and federal governments collect in taxes each year from selling tobacco?

  11. My date sugested that perhaps I should go by myself to the New Year's singles dance, "so I could show off the new boots, and holiday manicure."

    When I go out with her, she likes to suggest I wear "manly flat shoes"

    Sounds to me like she really doesn't approve -- and, indicates there might be a problem somewhere down the road.

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