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Posts posted by JNR

  1. To date, the most i've paid for a pair of high heels for myself is $300.00. Lately, however, I've been considering buying a pair of Christian Louboutin "Clichy" pumps (I really like the light blue). The thing that stops me is the price. No matter how much I like them (I certainly can afford them) I just can't get over the thinking that the price ($900 to $1200) is way to much for a man to pay for a pair of high heels for himself.

  2. Just goes to show that deep down we are not all that different. We all have basic human desires -- a little bit of dignity, some love and respect, our basic needs (shelter, food, etc.) and sometimes something interesting to spice up our lives.

    That's precisely what I've found in my travels around the world.

  3. I second what jmc says. I, too, have purchased more than one pair of shoes/boots from BobandAngie and it's been my experience that product and service has always been first class. There's the old saying "buyer beware." That said, I agree with Angie that people don't take the time to digest descriptions posted in ebay offerings. Consequently, some buyers aren't happy. And that, my friends, isn't the fault of the seller. Buyers do have choices, you know. In hnb71's case, he could always resell them on ebay himself and recope his mistake. Otherwise he should quit "nitpicking," scratch his mad place and get over it.

  4. A couple of years ago, this film was featured late at night (after 11 p.m.) two or three night a week, for three or four months straight on a local cable TV channel. And, in the same timeframe, on the nights that it wasn't shown, the channel broadcast "The Rue Paul" Show. I managed to watch both programs often. :rocker:

  5. Be honest, but also be ready to make a choice, as some women may present you with an ultimatum, that either the heels go or they'll go. After 19 years, I'd recommend chucking the inconsequential pieces of leather, wood, and plastic, rather than the long-term loyal companion and mother of one's children.

    Straight to the Hart! Never have truer words been written! Once you tell her, especially if she doesn't react positively, your entire relationship will be forever changed. She will neve look at you in the same light again.

  6. "it should have been made known to your wife 19 years ago when she had a 'reasonable' opportunity to make a very 'personal' decision about what she wanted in 'her' life. She has been denied a significant portion of that opportunity." WheW!! Tough words that I'm sure no one here really wants to hear. But, no truer words have ever been written. (what I was trying to say in my post of Oct. 28th). While it might be too late for most of our members to take this advice, those heel wearing male members that aren't married yet should follow it.

  7. Once, a long time ago (10 years?), I saw a news report on CBS 60 Minutes television news program about a town in Indiana (USA) where everyone was dressed opposit from their birth sex. Every woman in town was a man dressed as a woman. Every man, a woman dressed as a man. I don't remember the name of the community or exactly where it was in Indiana. But, it sure got my attention as all the "men" were handsome and women exceptionally good looking. Notworthy in the report was the fact that everyone carried on their normal routine, work and social interaction with each other and with the tourists that came to town to witness the unusual life style. I know we've some members that live in Indiana. Perhaps one of them might know something about this place.

  8. Great synopsis. Concisely put: -- Always tell your girl friend about your heels when it appears the relationship is going to advance beyond the "just friends" stage. -- Give her the opportunity to evaluate your character based on your total personality. -- Never give her the opportunit to evaluate your faithfulness - especially to the point of questioning "what else is he hiding from me?" -- Never promise to quit wearing your heels. You won't be able to. Ever. Some men have negotiated a solution that satisfies both parties -- like him (you) never wearing their heels in front of her. -- Since she's your (prospective) life mate, you know her better than anyone else. Analyze what you believe her reaction will be and then decide weather to tell her or not. 8 out of 10 women will react negatively to any character trait that might indicate her "man" is anything less than totally "male." Some, after careful thought, will reach the conclusion that your obsession is harmless. Others, will never accept it. And, keep in mind that such a revelation has driven more than one woman to see a divorce. -- In the final analyse, it's your decision. Only you have the knowledge of how she is likely to react. Above all, be totally honest with yourself. Don't let the idea that "if you tell her, she will accept it," just because you want her to, cause you to do something foolish. The best course, in my opinion, is to always tell any prospective mate before making a commitment. Give her the opportunity to say no before it is too late and both parties -- pluse any children that might come along -- are harmed beyond relief.

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