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Posts posted by JNR

  1. if you're that determined to wear high heels, you'd best get a pair of your own that fit properly. Even if your mother's shoes are a bit small for you, your wearing them will stretch them to fit your foot and she'll soon notice that they don't fit her as well as they did before you began wearing them. Besides, chances are that she will become suspecious and start asking question in an effort to learn what's going on.....and what else of her's is being worn by someone else in the when she's not at home.

  2. blackslide wrote toward the end of his last post:

    My marriage is important to me. But so is being who I am. It is a delicate balancing act.

    An "age old" dilemma we’ve all faced at various points in our lives because, for everyone on earth, life is a series of compromises. Some days you forego your desire to eat Chinese takeout for lunch in favor of eating at McDonalds in the company of a good friend. Other days, you tell that same friend that you would rather go somewhere else because you really don't like fast food.

    While that analogy might really be simplistic in the extreme, I would wager that at least 85% of the heel wearing male members of this forum will tell you that they have tried, at several points in the past, to repress their desire to wear heels and how miserable they became in the process. The desire, while briefly out of mind, will never go away. They'll never stop wanting to wear heels.....the psychological attraction is that strong.

    blackslide's dilemma is to conclusively settle, once and for all, which aspect of his life is more important -- his love for woman's shoes or his wife? And, if he chooses his wife, to try to repress his desire for heels as best he can or, at least, to live up to her expectations. If he chooses heels, then he must tell his wife that if she can't accept him in woman's shoes, and is unable to find a suitable compromise, to file for separation because he can never be completely himself.

    His wife has the right to ask him to stop. He has the right not to quit. She has the right to walk away from the relationship if she can't reconcile her feelings with his desire. Likewise, he has the right to walk away from the relationship should she not be able to accept him in heels.

    What neither one has, however, is the right to "demand" that one or the other change their views "or else".......

    If, after blackslide and his wife have very carefully weighed all aspects of their lives together, are still unable to arrive at an arrangement they can both live with, then it's in their best interests to dissolve their relationship. Because neither party will ever be "happy" with the status quo.

    It's that simple....and that complicated.

  3. Although I won't be able to attend the February heelmeet in London this year, I happened to run across an advertisement for an extraordinary airfair sale by British Airways with travel dates to London bracketing the dates of hhplace's 2008 heelmeet. $169 each way to London from 19 different cities across the USA if you book a flight before Nov. 19. Offer even included two free nights at 3 and 4 star hotels. For more information see:http://airfare.travelzoo.com/european-airfare/339259?ptl=done

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