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Posts posted by JNR

  1. Soon, I'll be sending out a mass bulletin promoting a new editorial from Germany, featuring men in heels, which hasn't even been posted here yet.

    Stay tuned for details.

    Can't wait to read this editorial. I bet it will please Joak and Micha without end!

  2. To me, the most public wearable of the shoes you show are the black wedge heels and the open back clogs. Both pair can be worn with jeans and any type of shirt or jacket. If the length of the trousers fall on the instep of your shoes, they will be long enough to camouflage, or cover, just enough of your shoes to make them unnoticeable to anyone other than to someone that is looking directly at your feet. Good for public wearing and you shouldn't receive any adverse reaction. Why not try it? Take them for a test spin and I'm sure you will find that I am correct. :smile:

  3. I wasn't being critical of your effort. In fact, your letter was very good and I'm glad you sent it. No quarrel with me, mate. I was just being realistic. :smile:

  4. Huge question for the manufacturer: does the market to men that wear heels warrant the investment needed in making the number of pairs in larger sizes needed to carry the investment? Personally, I don't think so.

  5. Wearing heels on the beach, in loose, deep sand, is like wearing heels in water or mud - in my opinion, strictly a fetish thing. Anyone that has spent any time walking on/in sand will tell you how diffcult it is to wear high heels.

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