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Posts posted by JNR

  1. That's too bad, Jim. Sorry it came to that. However, the possibility was always there. it's also to bad you aren't able to pinpoint the exact reason for the complaint. They, you'd have a solid platform for a discrimination lawsuit. But, like you said, just have to roll with the deck and manage to remain upright.

  2. it's not the waste of time, the difficulty or even the fact that business desire to conduct business with people that don't speak engilish. It is the principle of the idea that in the language in the USA is english and if someone speaks another language, they should be the one to "push 1."

  3. All winter long, I've been following the auction of a special pair of Nine West Boots. It appeared early on that the seller had several pair of these boots in their stock. Each time the end of the auction approached, and I was the highest bidder at less than the "by now price," at the last minute someone would outbid me for them. Then, a couple of days after the auction was ended, I would see, what I assumed were, the same pair relisted for auction again. After this happened on three occasions, I got the idea that the party outbidding me was the seller -- effectively taking them out of play because they hadn't received the price they wanted. Now, I wonder if this is even possible? (I stopped bidding on any items placed for sale by these people because I never could win an auction at the lowest price I offered.)

  4. kneehighs wrote: "but after the smoke clears away and the dust settles down, what will they have left and what do they plan to do with it?" The objective of moslem radicals is complete annihilation of all humanity except "true believers." And, those "true believers" living under the oppressive yoke of Imams and other moslem clerics in strict compliance with the Koran and Ismalic Law. Which means, in fact, life will return to the 7th or 8th century.

  5. Big difference! Sky Diving is accepted as a sport by the general public and people that participate aren't thought of as being "deviant." Deranged maybe but not deviant. Men in heels isn't accepted by the general subject or classified as a sport and is thought by a large number of people to be "deviant" sexual behavior.

  6. "articulate" Just a mild warning to all. Be very careful of whom you indicate as being "articulate." One candidate for President of the USA was recently complimented as being "articulate" without the speaker realizaing that that word has particularly harmful stereotype connotatons to a specific ethnic group. However, after much discussion amongst learned members of this offended group, it appears that there is no compliment that anyone could pay to any member of this group about their superior intellect that wouldn't be derogatory. Implication here is that "this person is intelligent and all of others of his race are not." So, rule of thumb. Any adjative describing any individual belonging to this particular ethnic population should be avoided at all times lest the sensitivities of the whole group be vitiated. That would be against all covenents applied to postings on hhplace. And, we all know how diligently and harshly our "moderators" apply their craft.

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