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Posts posted by Elegant

  1. No wander women have been labled as worse drivers than men.

    I think that's just because of these guys who get frustrated about women's emancipation and try to tell the world that males are generally better at doing something than females. Sexists.

  2. I also hate summer because I'd boil in my leathers [and other black garments]... and I want to keep them on and on, and this damn sun shines and heats everything up. So I sometimes have to abandon aesthetics in the name of comfort. That's why I prefer temperatures below 23 deg. Celsius and overcast/ cloudy weather. Eternal darkness shall prevail!

  3. I'm all for many kinks and fetishes UNLESS the activities involved are harmful to someone or non-consensual [e.g. rape, sexual harassment, paedophilia, zoophilia, necrophilia or stealing objects to gain pleasure]. I'd also be very cautious concerning sexual activities that are a potential health threat, like sex with a possibly STD-infected person without proper safety measures, more extreme and risky BDSM activities or coprophilia.

  4. Elegant Wow! I like it.

    A little bit too much leather for my taste, but still nicely coordinated.

    Thanks. My love for leather started as a fetish, but after buying some garments and going out, it became everyday fashion and lifestyle choice. I wear at least leather pants on daily basis, provided it isn't too hot. Right now I rarely street-heel in public, but I think it's gonna change in the fall.
  5. Some of my pics [winter mode :)]:

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    BTW, I wish I had a red lipstick for the "red shirt" session, and a black or red one for the earlier "black shirt" session. Some nice nail polish [rsp. dark red and black] would also be a nice addition for the "ungloved" pics. If I had a corset, I'd definitely wear one.

    Oh, and I guess that dyeing my hair black or very dark red would help a lot :smile:.

  6. thanx 4 all yr kind remarks!! I know i'm v lucky to have a soulmate so close, u wont believe how close we are, we say the same things at the same time ,we like exactly the same food, even stupid things, viz today i said i hate cauliflower except as cauliflower cheese. Soulmate said she is exactly the same. Now i know it seems a daft likeness but it happens all the time. Soulmate gets fashion mags and looks first, then i look and turn the page corners over where there's things i like 4 her or me and we always choose exactly the same stuff! Its amazin! When we're gonna go out for a meal etc we decide who's gonna wear what (colours, smart/ scruffy / accessories). We can read each others minds like a book and even if we have a disagreement we know who's givin in by sayin 2 particular v rude words and we collapse in laughter = game over. We both have had shit lives before and cant believe our luck ( i could say a lot more but wont!)

    Seems like a match made in heaven. I'm glad you found a perfect S/O!
  7. I tried to but didn't catch the bug. But I loved Half-Life and many mods made for it really much! I still had no contact with HL2, but I'm sure I'll play it someday. Now I'm playing C&C Red Alert 2 (the game is 7 to 8 years old, but it's still as addictive as hell- like many games from late 90's/ early 2000's, e.g. Fallout 1 & 2, HL...)

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