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Posts posted by Elegant

  1. OOH! She's drop dead gorgeous! The outfit could be made of thick, tight rubber though, and the corset could use some steel bones. As for the leather lady- it was a long time since I've seen such a sexy sight! While leather minis don't work for me, long skirts/ dresses/ gowns get me to a cloud nine... instantly! I had some fantasies about one girl I know, hobbled in a leather mermaid outfit... There must be something to it :smile:.

  2. You need a direct link to the file, not a page where it's placed. If the link ends with .jpg, .gif or any extension of a picture, it's OK. Your links will be all right after removing the "?v=0" - I did a little test and it's OK. Place the link between and tags.

  3. ...which was useful in old times when people used to send telegrams, or communicate via ham radio. Abbreviations are still useful for "quick" internet communication, e. g. chats, IM. Usenet, discussion forums or e-mails allow for more "delay" so it's much easier to think about what you write and how you do it.

  4. :sad: Wow! by far the best pics I've seen on this site. You look fabulous in that outfit. The boots are magic too. I am not usually into boots (pardon the pun) but they are great. Show me more.

    You should put them on the Gallery. Go on do it.

    Yuo look as if you are "on top of the world"


    You made a small mistake by thinking that was me and my outfit- but, like I said, these pics had a great influence on me.

  5. Antonio M. G. from Hot Boots website [well, I know it's above all a gay site, but who cares?]:

    Posted Image

    Posted Image

    Posted Image

    Boots: A. F. Vandeborst, Italy, 3" heels. After a short googling, I got a clue that there may be a mistake: the designer could be A. F. Vandevorst, and his site: http://www.afvandevorst.be . Visit the "Fetish" section for women. Frankly, I don't know why it was called "Fetish" as all shoes are vanilla to me, and yeah- they're mostly very stylish. Men's shoes aren't worth paying a visit IMHO- regular boring vanilla stuff. [Oh, and what are bras doing in the men's Nightfall section? ;)]

    These pics are very important to me, because they made me discover the whole "men in high heels" movement and seek lots of info about it. Who knows if I'd find HHMP, and of course get into heels later, if I didn't look at these photos? Very convincing look IMO.

  6. We have a tendency to internalize apparent criticism when we know we have made an out-of-the-mainstream choice.

    That's quite right in my case, and- UNFORTUNATELY- depends on my subconscious mind instead of the conscious one. It usually is a real pain in the butt!

    BTW, HighBoots - I love your cowboys, they look beautiful to me.

  7. New outing: This was a rather short, but definitely the most pleasant one. I didn't have much time, but I managed to put my 3" oxfords on and go to a thrift store in the downtown. I glued the Party Feet cushions to the shoes, so there is no way they can move. I wore a purple shirt, leather pants & blazer and a bag simmilar to a suitcase, but smaller. I decided to wear my shoes barefoot, no socks- it was a very good decision IMHO, and the cushions proved really effective. The only downside were sweating feet. I felt really confident and sexy, there was a moment of REALLY slight nervousness in the beginning, but it passed, and the feeling was great! I noticed that I got a tad better in walking, so I could manage my heels quite effectively. It's a pity that I'm going away for two weeks with my mom and without my heels [well... cycling or rowing in high heels? seems really strange, even for a woman ;)], but I hope I won't get worse in walking again. BTW, I had a haircut on Thursday, so I look much better. I also shaved my legs, chest and arms [shaved, not depilated/ epilated- I know that the hair will be back], and my world virtually changed :smile:. All is so sensual now... I'm also going to an eye doctor on Jul 31st, it's time for getting a new, beautiful pair of glasses. I'm also considering contact lenses, but I'd have to talk with a person who owns these about their pros and cons.

  8. BlkKhb1 I'm really glad to hear that and I hope that you'll have great time. When I started reading your post, especially the words "thinking I could trust her...", I was thinking "another unaccepting girlfriend", but... ha ha! surprise! That was great...

  9. Coincidence then that she now hates my shoes and our sex life took a nose dive with comments like "other than having children, sex is dirty and perverted, its all you think about".

    I won't even mention the comments about my heels.

    Sorry to read that. She must have passed some instant indoctrination... Perhaps you should try to talk with her about the authorities she finds important, and where she took these sexist ideas from?
  10. Neither can I. For me, the "gender apartheid" [and I mean exactly THAT] is a toxic remnant of Victorian era, nothing more and nothing less than a prejudice. "Conservative" people will try to rationalise it somehow, create an ideology to live in an illusion of doing right. Just like racism, ageism, xenophobia, homophopia, prejudice against left-handed or disabled people...

  11. Second outing: 1. No reactions, apart from some looks and some sweetie girls' giggling. 2. The Party Feet cushions turned out to be helpful, but they weren't sticky and moved around in the shoes, so they weren't as effective as I expected. I'm gonna glue them to the shoes. Anyway, the pain in the balls of the feet was reduced a bucketload. 3. Initially, I felt very nervous- even before I actually went outside. After keeping myself busy with other things, I felt much better, but still a bit shy sometimes. 4. Later on, it seemed to me that my walk was better than initially.

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