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Posts posted by Elegant

  1. There were some nice frosts in Poland last year... the temperature reached -20°C (or less!) and there was a lot of snow. Now it's snowy too, but the temperature is unfortunately zero (I wish it was -5 so the snow wouldn't melt). This year I bought a faux fur and knee high cowboy boots, and the weather is right- at last! Imagine that there was NO SNOW AT ALL in whole December and most od January!

  2. Oh, it's not MY face. It's a Jitrois campaign pic... I found this one really gorgeous and chose it as my avatar. Oh yeah, I wish I was that model :wink:. BTW. Don't you have anti-discrimination laws in Constitution etc.? I think that if someone insults/ attacks you (touch wood!), you sue them and the court proves that was a sign of homophobia or other prejudice, people may become more disciplined with regards to their intolerance.

  3. Just one remark: those guys are no examples for the "machos" here. They are, I'm completely sure, gay.

    Bisexual, gay or straight- who cares? But don't assume the sexual orientation only judging by the look! You're starting to use that old stereotypes that are IMHO worth a bucketload of crap. I'm really skeptical towards the "gaydar" phenomenon unless I clearly see that a bloke is sexually interested in another men (yet they can be bisexual and be turned on by women too).
  4. I used to put my momma's 2" chunky heel sz. 40 (I'm 42/43/44 and needed "socks" made of slippery plastic bags to put them on) ankle boots on several years ago... I was as young as 14 or 15 and it was my big fetish, it turned me on a bucketload. One day I broke the zipper, and my mom took the boot to a cobbler some months later, when the winter begun. She never got to know that I was in her shoes :wink:.

  5. My avatar is not me, but is "wannabe me". It shows a J. C. Jitrois model you can find at www.jitrois.com->Collections->Preceding collections->Autumn/ winter 2003-2004->Campaign. Such a leather tuxedo is "the outfit of my dreams", it's very classy and sophisticated in my humble opinion. Although the shoes look a bit too feminine for me (I'd like to see 4" or 5" patent black leather oxfords there...), I like the pic very much.

  6. Hey! I perfectly know what you wrote about. Yesterday I had my first day out when I was wearing a faux fur jacket and a quite manly looking purse. Before I came out, I felt a wave of confidence. Leaving my house, I felt somewhat shy and nervous, but after some time I regained my confidence through self-suggestion. I thought: "I'm young, classy, attractive and confident, I don't care what others say or think, and I'm both a man and a woman at the same time- I'm liberated!"- and believed in this. Positive thinking is *crucial*.

  7. Hey!

    I also live in Poland and know about the problems you have to overcome in order to wear heels. I wear big 42/ 43/ 44 (the shoe size varies a lot...) and usually buy some nice shoes off Allegro. I prefer block heels and thicker spikes, and I'm a very big fan of HH oxfords. They are so... gender-bending, as it's a style associated with males, yet the high heel is the feminine part. I also post at http://forum.obcasy.net in the "men in HH" thread, and at http://trixi.mojeforum.net . How did you find your way here?

    Pozdro 666 :wink:

  8. That's definitely some good news. I wonder what some more progressive designers who "believe in" androgyny will offer. I hope they're gonna push the envelope *a little bit further* :wink:. Oh, and this is my 200th post. Wanna join me up on a virtual beer? :D

  9. In case of my family it's a classic Freudian BS. I'm the younger kid, and I've got a brother who's thirteen years older, and he's 34 now. He was always (from what I remember) closer to my dad and other males, whereas I was always closer to my mom. My bro's appearance is overtly male, judging by my standards :wink: and he was sometimes aggressive, and I'm more androgynous both in appearance and in psychology. He tried to impose that so-called "normality" on me, but he always failed, and I am who I am now. I don't try to fit in and pose as a heteric, a stereotypical "real man" (well, guys- you usually ought to have balls in order to wear heels, so you ARE real men!) or someone like that.

  10. Since I buy virtually everything in thrift stores, I've got rather many garments, so matching outfits is no problem. I don't buy things without thinking though- I've GOT to check if a particular thing goes well with the rest (well, it's not a problem as I wear black leather all the time :wink:), is in a good condition and fits me well. The size is sometimes less important (i.e. when I buy pants I'm only gonna wear tucked into boots), but usually matters very much. I love snug-fitting or tight garments and if something is too loose, I just ain't gonna purchase it. As far as shoes are concerned, if I see the right size, I must think what they will go well with. Then, the "price check" comes. I'm hardly ever disappointed. It happens that I change my style after several years though, but I try not to do any purges.

  11. I'm not up-to-date at all, and know nothing about the newest titles- I prefer oldies but goldies. I'm a BIG fan of Fallout 1 and 2 (I also played Tactics, but I like FO1&2 more). I also like C&C Red Alert 1 and 2 and Yuri's Revenge, and Half-Life 1 (with many mods). I usually prefer single-player HL mods, and playing RA2 online. Oh, and I love some oldschool arcade games too- i.e. Commander Keen etc :wink:. I started playing around 1990, I used my brother's IBM (yeah, true IBM :D) PC XT with- AFAIK- Intel 80286. There were two 5.25" floppies and no HDD. A: was a system disk (yeah, it was DOS 3.xx, no Windows and simmilar inventions!) and B: was an application' game disk. The monitor was AFAIR 14", monochrome with amber light. Good old times...

  12. I think the list ain't complete, but here are some: 1) Electricity and electronics, and general DIY. Currently I tamper a lot with old tube amps, but I also make some new ones. I can also repair transistor audio equipment and tube radios. I also like collecting and using vintage audio equipment, and listening to music using vinyls and reel-to-reel tape rather than CDs or MP3. 2) Fashion, with Gothic and alternative tendencies. This includes leather and heels too. I ain't keen on mainstream fashions at all. 3) A bit of computer science, but I can't label myself as a computer geek. 4) Chemistry- I loved it since primary school. Now I study it at Technical University of Lodz. 5) I also loved reading books, but unfortunately I wound down a lot. Well, perhaps I should register at a library? 6) Maybe it's not an interest per se, but I've been always good in English. I passed my CAE examinations.

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