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Posts posted by Elegant

  1. The first pair have a square toe yet a 4 inch blade heel (1,2) .

    Hey, they ain't girly for me at all! 8)

    The second pair are very "girly", pointed toe knee high stiletto boots (1,2)). I haven't worn them a lot in public since I wear them for more special occasions but I love them the most. Again, I don't really attempt to hide the heel since no one cares anyway.

    Although the heel itself is a bit too feminine for me, the rest is just about *perfect*. I'd definitely wear them if they had block/ cowboy heels, or thick spikes.

  2. Non-consensual picture taking can be quite a pain in the ass, but I don't care either. I aint paranoid about keeping my heels, or leather, or anything in the closet. I'm out loud and proud, and roaming about! 8). And if someone tries to stalk me or take photos in a very annoying manner- then sorry guys! I ain't gonna get to know ya- vaffanculo! [that was about paparazzi, not you of course :D]

  3. I don't plan to polish my toenails anytime soon- not because I'm afraid of what others say etc., but because it just isn't my thing. I'm gonna polish my fingernails though- black or dark red, it depends on the colour of my other clothes and makeup. Red polish will go well with red shirt, tie and lipstick, and black polish will suit virtually anything. But I don't think that sporting make-up will be an everyday thing for me- right now, I just plan to do it for parties, esp. gothic ones.

  4. Hey, I like the look. And the profile's background- yes, it's FUGLY! First, I thought "hey, the profile is fine, so WTH do they complain about?", but when the background was loaded, I ran away as fast as I could! BTW. Over 1100 friends in only 3 weeks? It's a world record! If I register at Myspace [which I don't plan right now, because I'm already really addicted to the net], you'll definitely be on my list!

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