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Posts posted by Elegant

  1. Digital cameras are great, you will probably find that you take a whole lot of pictures with yours. Per shot, it's a lot less expensive than film photography.

    Right... I had two analog cameras and I know that they can be a bit pesky: the developping process takes some time, the film is quite expensive and you can't see the pics you took before they're developped. Oh, and the film can contain up to 36 photos and you should replace it in a dark place, too... And now that I've got a digital camera, all I have to worry about is recharging my accus before the power runs out :smile:.

    kneehighs- thanks for your compliment, I hope I'll turn up at the heelmeet someday too. I just have to find some time to spare, and cash for a plane ticket.

  2. is that an old raycal radio on the floor there? Nigel.

    It's not a radio, but yes, it's some quite old vacuum tube equipment: an audio voltmeter and an oscilloscope. As you may know, I'm keen on electronics and building tube amps in particular.

    BTW, the oxfords have 7cm heels (approx. 2.7"), and the boots- 9.5cm (3.5")

  3. Several days ago my new camera arrived. It's a second-hand HP Photosmart 720 (well, I won it off an online auction) and I took some pics yesterday. Sorry about their low quality, but I had to use either "mirror technique" or self-trigger. So here they are:


  4. But "something happened" and men generally stopped wearing what they used to. Talk about fur coats (a whole lot of guys wore them before the war), knee-high boots (ditto) and so on- I wonder why... For me, it's just a sign of cowardice for guys to abandon some styles, fashions etc. just because women wear that too- instead of defending the style.

  5. Actually it's what we call trouser tyranny. Women want it all and want men to have nothing except a uniform.

    I don't think that it's because of what women want. I think that's because (macho) men oppress themselves as a whole, they think that they don't have to care about their attractivity because it's a "female thing", and the old "boys don't [cry/ play with dolls/ etc., choose fairly anything]" kicks in. It's just plain indoctrination.

  6. I've got two bags that were technically made for women, but they're perfectly unisex in appearance. One of them looks like a small briefcase, and the second one is more like a messenger bag. I've tried to wear bags with "vertical" belt (it was on the same side that the bag was, most women prefer this style), but I found it uncomfortable as the bag tends to fall down. Any hints not to let that happen? "Diagonal" belt (like the postmen use) proved more comfortable, but it's harder to unbutton my blazer/ coat etc., and I've got to put the belt over my neck everytime I want to take the bag off.

  7. Well, I already can call myself a street-heeler and I always look at other people's shoes. As for men who are into heels on women but not on themselves, I think that these guys may be: 1) conservative and thinking that heels should belong to female gender, 2) actually wanting to wear heels in the street, but still too shy to come out with their interests... They may or may not be fetishists, CD/TV/TS, or just (still hidden) fashion freestylers... but I think that such pigeon-holing is no good because everyone is different, has different motives, views, sexuality etc.

  8. I've hot 2.75" (7cm) Ca'D'Oro blade heel oxfords and 3.5" (9cm) Essence block heel ankle boots. The oxfords are waiting for a heel swap as I like the tapered heels much more, they're easier to walk in. BTW, Jkrenzer, you've got some great pumps in your avatar!

  9. Well, I get your point. Although I don't wear any male unbifurcated garments, I'll agree that a skirt would be better for guys to wear everyday because of male anatomy and physiology. Well, men started wearing pants here because of horse riding, and now they can go back into skirts (but pants would be better for cycling, motorbike riding etc.).

  10. If your religious beliefs etc. indicate that it's wrong to be interested in heels, and you don't accept your passion (nor you want to accept it), then you may seek psychologist's or sexologist's advice. But I'd strongly recommend accepting yourself as the person you are. Believe me, repressing yourself and feeling guilty because you don't meet the social expectations is no good.

    BTW, have you visited http://www.passionsforfootwear.com ? I'm sure you'll find some answers there, too.

  11. Well, that's definitely some interesting material there. I liked the catalog (of course I downloaded it) and the blog. Many people's attitudes are conservative, but who the heck cares? Let's crush that "macho pressure" once and for all!

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