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Posts posted by Elegant

  1. I don't work yet, but I wear leather [at least pants, but I prefer head to toe] almost 24/7/365, with a break in the summer when it's too hot. At home I wear old leather jeans, but whenever I go out, I don suit-style lambskin pants with some nice shirt. Sometimes a lambskin blazer and waistcoat too. When it's cold, I wear a dress leather jacket or a mid-calf coat [i just love long leather coats!]. Oh, and my gloves are really soft and unlined, they were marketed towards women- I couldn't just find nice "male" gloves as all of them were chunky and ugly.

    My avatar isn't me, but it depicts my style very well, besides the heels, because I prefer thicker ones, not stillettos- and I wear boots or oxfords instead of pumps.

  2. As for my modified Essences, they're simmilar too 8). They're here: http://elegant.fotosik.pl/albumy/219242.html - along with my oxfords.

    Me wearing them:

    Posted Image

    I know that my hair was in terrible state, and the glasses were ugly as hell :unsure:. Now, I've got better ones and I had a haircut recently.

    The next one:

    Posted Image

    One of the sexier [iMHO] pics in my gallery. I wore this artificial fur out in the winter with knee-high low-heeled boots, and got some compliments, too.

  3. Yep! You both are very slim. Apart from the hair colour and the platform shoes he could be you or kneehighs 8) But he has earned a slightly better nourishing (*g*)

    Who- me? Well, if you saw me, you'd say I'm not that slim- 82kg @ 180cm [w/o heels, of course :)]. Wearing a corset would help, though- the only pain is that they're so expensive that I don't see a way to get my hands on one of them anytime soon!
  4. Yesterday my wife and I went looking for shoes. I had some heels in mind from Payless, and since they were having the "buy one, get one half off" promotion she figured I could get a pair too. I had my eye on these:

    Posted Image

    A major no-no for me. In my opinion, there's way too much toe cleavage and the strap makes the toebox look too heavy. So, I dislike them [but, of course, some of you may find them nice].
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